Chapter 318 The assessment period is up, what the Qin State civil servants and generals look forward to! [First update, please customize]

On the day the two negotiated, Ying Zheng once brought the little girl to the place where the road was built. The three once met. I’m afraid that at that time, I was caught unconsciously.

Thinking of this, Bai Hua couldn’t help regretting that he was really dazzled that day and forgot about it. Looking at the little girl named Shuiqing, there was a smile on her face. Bai Huagan was a little uneasy, and his hand holding the ledger was a little trembling.

Shui Qing urged him to look at the ledger quickly. Bai Huagan shivered and opened his hands. After reading the dense numbers on it, he almost fainted: “His Royal Highness, this” he now feels that he is dumb. Eating Huanglian, I can’t tell, because Yingzheng actually counted 30% of the road construction money on the Bai family.

This was calculated by Shuiqing deliberately. The Prince’s money can be printed, but the Bai family’s money cannot. This 30% is just half of the Bai family’s net worth. The grasp is just right, it will definitely not make the Bai family go bankrupt, but it is also enough for him to shed blood.

The win this time was indeed costly, but it was also very profitable. It would be more comfortable to have the Bai family help him share the money. Although Bai Huagan was helpless, he could only accept it silently. In the morning, I took a lot of orders happily, and half of my net worth was gone in a blink of an eye.

Time passed quickly, and in an instant the assessment date was approaching. King Chang and King Changping got together to chat. King Chang said: “It’s not just how the Prince Prince is now. There should be no doubt about this assessment-it can be passed.

“This is a bad remark, I think this test, the Holy Prince may not be able to pass?

“What about this? His Royal Highness is now doing the remediation of Wuyang County. The grand occasion there and the city of Xianyang are almost on the same level. Those who don’t know think Wuyang County is the capital of Daqin.

“That being said, has anyone ever calculated how much money he spent? Get this today and do that tomorrow. All these things are expensive and expensive at every turn. Just the road that was just built in the past two days, Even he himself has to print money to fix it. Tell me what it is.”

“Do you mean that the current Saint Prince has already spent the money?”

“For this reason, the Saint Prince’s heart is too big and he wants to swallow the sky in one bite. There are too many and too complicated things to do. There is only one consequence of this.”

Monarch Chang nodded his head and understood. If his political achievements are not improved, I am afraid that the biggest problem with the Prince is now. It seems that this assessment is indeed worrying.

On the day of the formal assessment, the court was above the court and the officials were listed below. Many scholar-bureaucrats are in a very good mood today. They all feel that today they will definitely see the Prince’s ugly appearance. They have long been uncomfortable with the appearance that has been going smoothly, and they want to see the appearance of the victory and the fall.

They felt that the weather today was exceptionally bright, and they kept looking at the door, waiting for today’s protagonist’s figure. However, the winning government did not appear, and it was the Mongolian police who appeared first.

The power of the Lao Qin people, in order to prevent Huayang Jun Mi Rong’s power from becoming too strong, one side dominates. Deliberately let Meng Yu rush back from the battlefield.

As soon as Meng Gao came in, everyone felt a bloody smell on his body, as well as the bitter cold that belonged solely to the border. It was contaminated by Meng Yu’s body after a long battle, and was different from this group of scholar-officials who only focused on eating, drinking, and having fun. Although this kind of breath was a bit annoying, it was what a real man should have.

He now ranks first among the military ministers. After entering the court hall, he naturally stood at the forefront. A group of people respectfully stepped back to make room for him.

In today’s assessment, all forces are gathered together and are preparing to stage a good show. Here, the Chu people have a line of power, and Changping and Changguo first spoke: “The court, civil and military officials are all here, why the holy prince is not returning.”

Hearing this, Meng Yu felt that this group of people was really fine to look for trouble, and now he must be holding onto the Prince’s late arrival to speak out. Some people arrive late because there are more important things, and some people arrive early because they are full and have nothing to do, so they arrive early. It doesn’t matter if they come early or late.

Changping Jun continued: “Could it be that Xinzhi’s imperial examination failed, and he will face up to face to face? Don’t even dare to fulfill the promise to Huayang Jun?”

Meng Yu sneered in his heart, as expected, he was talking about such boring things. There were a series of rhetorical questions, and I didn’t know who was asking. Ask His Royal Highness the Prince? He is not here. Ask the king? Are they qualified to question the king?

0……Look for flowers…

Ying Zichu sat in the upper position, looking down at Changping Jun and Chang Guojun coldly, with a warm expression: “The Holy Prince has already told the widow that he needs to enter the court later, and the widow has already granted permission. Is it possible that you still have opinion?”

The king’s words have revealed the wrath of the emperor, and he is not polite. The shocked King Changping and King Chang quickly knelt down and begged the king to calm down his anger. They wanted to use this point to make use of the topic to make the king somewhat prejudiced against the Saint Prince, but they turned out to be self-defeating.

Ying Zichu looked at them, and still couldn’t get better: “What else can you two do besides sharp teeth? Every day is not enough to fail, so you can live with your three-inch tongue. Next time you dare to talk nonsense. Badao, the widow cut off your tongue, leaving you speechless for the rest of your life.”

The two men were scared into a cold sweat, and the scholar-officials on the side also faintly felt a little bad. Now the two men were reprimanded by the king just like this for just saying a few words. They were still waiting to see the Prince’s defeat and make a fool of himself.

At that time, I am afraid that even if the Saint Prince loses, the king will cover him in every possible way. The scholar-bureaucrats were a little discouraged, and the king was too partial.

Meng Gao ridiculed them: “Instead of making irresponsible remarks here, it is better to do something practical. As a military commander, I am not as good as you can talk, but I also know that on the battlefield, the more you talk, the more you die. The sooner.” Meng Yu glared at the two men fiercely, as if they were about to eat people, extremely terrifying.

He didn’t mean to stop, and continued: “Even though I was on the battlefield, I heard a lot about the Prince on the way back, and I heard that I also built a new road. This is a thing that benefits all people. Now this If the person who can benefit is not there, this group of assholes said in the back. Is it the injustice of heaven, or is it that the two kings of Chang Guo and Chang Ping don’t expect the people at all, okay?


Meng Yu’s words were so serious that even Ying Zichu frowned. Chang Ping Jun and Chang Guo Jun thought that they were scolded by the king this time and that was the end, but they didn’t expect this Mongolian to get in and push them to the side of life and death. factory,

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