Chapter 312 A magical house, a magical small building! [Third more, please customize]

What happened? Ying Zheng looked behind him curiously. There were indeed a lot of people, a little bit more than he thought. Winning did not blame him, just let him continue to do what he ordered yesterday.

This is what he expected from the beginning of the victory. He just hopes that there will be a lot of people to watch, the more the better! The bigger the trouble, the more attention and the more people know, just like advertising for free. the same. This man is young and vigorous, and he is sure to slip his mouth. The city of Xianyang is so big and there are many people, not to mention the people coming and going in the hot pot restaurant, many of whom are high-ranking officials.

Exactly the effect he wanted.

Winning the government makes everyone not have to be polite. They are going to build a house here today. Since everyone is here, let’s watch together.

It is said to be building a house, but most people have only lived in a house and never know how the house was built. They craned their necks curiously and looked inside.

The giant Sanmo commanded people to build bricks and lay tiles. Those who come here are all skilled craftsmen in this field, and they all have a way to do it. The group of people who watched kept exclaiming in admiration.

On the ground are iron wires, bricks, wood, stones, sand, water, steel bars, doors and windows, wires, casings, paint, concrete, etc. These craftsmen took these materials, like flowers in their hands, and 413 used them as a part of the house.

A group of people watched here for a long time. Everyone noticed what magical things were happening here. There was another wave of transmissions. Many people put down their work and rushed to see it.

But soon after they heard the news, the Prince Prince just built a house, nothing good to see. Those who had just walked on the road suddenly didn’t want to go.

Compared with your own work, watching and building a house seems to be more important to work honestly. Those who can’t go away see everyone walking back and forth one after another, and can’t help laughing at them for making fun of them.

It is said that the Prince’s work is extraordinary every time, so why build a house this time, everyone is puzzled.

In this way, a piece of wind blew, and after a few days, those who came from Xianyang couldn’t sit still a bit. What are they doing? Are they being tricked? The Saint Prince really just wanted to build this time. Playing with the house, are they wrong?

Everyone’s doubts were vented on the young man, constantly (aibd) asking him what the details were, and then constantly speculating.

Time passed, everyone’s doubts gradually subsided, but Yingzheng didn’t care at all, and asked Shuiqing to accompany him to take a look.

After arriving at the place, now only a few passers-by are still looking curiously. Seeing that the prince came, everyone stopped their work and prepared their luggage. Yingzheng dealt with it casually and let them work hard.

Now the house has basically taken shape. This depends on the construction team working overtime every day, day and night. At last it was in the progress he estimated.

Yingzheng knew that soon this house would cause an uproar in Daqin. It’s just that it’s not the time yet. It has been two and a half months since the last time a group of people went to see the house, everyone really felt that this time it seemed that they really couldn’t make any waves. There were rumors spreading, and the ridicule of the Saint Prince was all over. This time it was just a child playing foolishly.

Those who were a little dissatisfied with the Saint Prince in the past also joined the gossip in the market, among women and children. Finally gave them a chance to make irresponsible remarks.

It’s a pity that their good situation was broken in less than half a month. When they were talking all kinds of bad things that day, they heard someone shouting in the street that the Prince’s house was changed! Go and see.

After those people heard it, they continued to say a little bit unconvinced: “What’s so strange about it after it’s built, isn’t it just an ordinary house, I haven’t seen it in the world.”

No matter how much they gossiping, they can’t stop people’s enthusiasm. Just like the scene three months ago, another group of mighty people rushed to Wuyang County, just like last time, to see the house.

When they saw it, they felt that their eyeballs were about to fall off. Three months ago, it was obviously a pile of scattered materials, but now they have turned into brand-new small buildings. It is not the one they imagined, but a connected house, with three-story small buildings and two-story structure. Each one is very beautiful.

They couldn’t help their curiosity, they all spread out and went into the house they were interested in. It was just completed and many places were not perfect, but they already felt that this house was definitely much better than the one they live in now. .

The young ladies from the rich have already pulled their father’s sleeves to act like a baby, and they have to buy a house here to live. Not only is it comfortable, but it is also close to the Holy Prince, which can kill two birds with one stone.

The father, of course, was not as naive as his own daughter. He explained patiently to her: “The Prince Prince built this house, but it may not necessarily be sold. Maybe it is for someone who lives in it. I don’t know who it is.”

After finishing speaking, I couldn’t help but sigh: “Such a beautiful house, I have never seen such a beautiful house in my life!”

The people in Wuyang have also been curious about the format and structure of this two-story building, which is unheard of. The Saint Prince not only figured it out, but also covered him.

The common people now live in ordinary houses on the first floor, and the difference between money and money is nothing more than a difference in area and materials. No one lives on this second floor yet. Before they had seen it, they thought the second floor would fall down. It was not until a bold young man ran up that they realized the stability of the house was unexpected.

Even as it is now, many people are coming in and out looking at the house, and there is no sign of falling down.

When people were excited and curious about the house, they said, “The Prince is here.”

Woke up their heads that had been dizzy.

When they saw the victory, they began to worry that the house was built by the prince, although he did not show any concern when he came to watch last time. Now that the new house was first built, a group of people went straight into the house and looked and touched. I don’t know if he will offend the prince.

But Ying Zheng looked at the group of people who fell on their knees and asked: “How is it? My house is well built.

Everyone hurriedly applauded and praised the house from the bottom of their hearts.

Yingzheng proudly continued to ask: “Then how much money are you going to use to buy it?”

People knew that when the words were outstanding, it turned out that the Prince had really come to sell so many houses. The businessmen kneeling in the crowd were as excited as they were beaten with blood. Another business related to the Saint Prince is here!

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