Chapter 313 The most enjoyable house! [Fourth update, please customize]

The businessmen eagerly waited until the day when the Prince Prince convened. When the Prince Prince said to sell, some savvy people proposed to gather all the businessmen together to discuss the business of the house.

This news surprised all business people. They had made preparations for this a long time ago. What’s more, they had counted all their net worth and waited for big money to make more money.

When they stood in front of these houses, some of them they had never seen before showed very shocked expressions. Those businessmen who had met for a long time laughed that they had never seen the world, forgetting that they were like this before.

After the completion of the last time, the follow-up work on this house is still going on. The doors and windows were installed, and many places were repaired and cleaned. It looks better than last time and can be officially sold as a commodity.

Yingzheng told them: “This is the first phase of housing, with a total of about 500 households.”

Hearing this number, businessmen began to talk about it, five hundred households! With so many houses, they couldn’t wait to swallow their mouths open.

“These colors are very fresh and beautiful. They are the favorite colors of the dignitaries. Like what you see, these are more expensive.”

These houses are not only novel in style, but also ingeniously designed. There are transparent glass windows inside, so you can see the outside scenery at a glance. Moreover, the glass can transmit light, which can make the room very bright during the day. And there are curtains made of cloth on both sides, which can be stretched at will. It is much easier to use than the current old-fashioned windows.

Ying Zheng asked Zhao Gao to take the group of businessmen to visit. He said that these houses became villas. It is a few ~ grades higher than ordinary ordinary houses.

Zhao Gao introduced to these merchants: There is a foyer and a living room on the first floor. These, as the facade of the house, are decorated very magnificently. The area is also large, and it is the main space on the first floor. Hospitality here will never lose face-.

There are also specially designed compartments such as kitchen, dining room, bathroom, storage room, and horse garage, which have their own different functions. Different in size, every wealthy family needs these places. They have a lot of things and they need to be neatly arranged and put.

There is also a room for the elderly. Large families have many family members and need to be separated to live.

The second-floor villa also has a large hollow living room, which is much more luxurious than the one on the first floor. When sitting in the living room, you can see the elevated scenery outside through the window, which is very pleasant. The children’s room and children’s entertainment room are also located on the second floor.

On the third floor is the master bedroom. The space inside is very large and you can live very comfortably. It is connected to the study room and bathroom for convenience.

The second bedroom and chess room are also on the third floor, which is the main floor of life.

Zhao Gao kept talking about this room and that room. It made the businessmen dumbfounded. It was shocking.

They saw a house built like this for the first time. Each floor of the three-story building has its own function and the distribution is very reasonable. People are dazzled and confused.

They are also people with some money, and the house they live in is not bad, it is large and spacious, and they don’t feel that they are capable. Compared with this house now, the one in my own house is simply a pig nest.

They imagined that if they lived in this house, they could have a nice drink with their friends in the spacious living room, and they could also sleep in the big bed without having to go to the dark bathroom. There are also chess and card rooms to play, which is really bliss on earth.

Thinking of this, they secretly determined in their hearts that this time the house business must make a lot of money, and in the future, they can buy a house like this to live in and enjoy the blessings of the world.

A businessman asked: “I know that there are many advantages to building in this way, but there is still one problem. Now most people live in houses that are slightly rudimentary. Houses with different functions like this are generally only available in large mansions. The mansions occupy a large area, and the different rooms are separated for different functions to achieve such an effect. Why?

Does His Royal Highness the Prince use this form to gather them together?”

Yingzheng replied: “I designed this way, not only to reduce the area required for a house, but also to design the space more reasonably. Not everyone can live in a large mansion, but they are all decent people. I need so many small rooms, I just provide what they want.”

The businessman nodded clearly: “Usually, there are only one or two large houses like that in a county. Now that you save the required area, you can let more people live in, and the county will prosper as there are more people. Good strategy, admire and admire.

0………Look for flowers…

Yingzheng did have this intention, but he still did not understand: “I built these houses not just for individual wealthy people. In the future, everyone in Wuyang County can live in such houses.

Everyone? The businessmen kept asking what this meant. Not only because of their business opportunities, but also because of their own illusions that they can live in such a house. If it is all people, it must also include them.

“This is just the beginning, and there will be more in the future.” He said before that this is the first period, and there is the second period and the third period. Yingzheng will build more such houses until they are spread throughout Wuyang County.

At that time, Wuyang County will be built with its own city plan, and it will only be considered a start at that time.

Until Zhao Gao thought of winning the government, he sighed in his heart that this highness will definitely have some great deeds in the future.Now it is a small county, and will become the king of the Qin kingdom in the future, that is the entire Qin kingdom, and he dare not think about it anymore. , That’s something that a talented person is qualified to think about.

The businessmen asked: “Dare to ask His Royal Highness the Prince, how much does it cost to buy such a good house?”

This question was answered first by Zhao Gao: “One building has 500,000 Qin banknotes.

As soon as the price came out, the businessmen’s eyes dimmed again in an instant. They thought it was the same as a sweater. They bought it at a low price and sold it at a high price, and the intermediate profit was greater than the sky.

These 500,000 Qin notes are too difficult to behave. The businessmen began to talk, and the words frustrated were all over their faces. They thought to themselves: “I am afraid this business will not be completed this time.

“His Royal Highness, the current state of Qin is indeed much richer, stronger and prosperous than other countries, but only a very small number of people can buy these 500,000 Qin banknotes. This kind of business is obviously at a loss. This house fell into our hands.”

The businessman spread out his hands and made a helpless look. He tightened his brow exaggeratedly, as if he had already suffered bankruptcy. factory,

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