Chapter 311 The Prince is going to sell the house! [Second update, please customize]

Yingzheng asked Zhao Gao to call the young man who opened a hot pot restaurant in Xianyang. Now in order to sell the house, Yingzheng needs this person.

One day later, the young man arrived in front of Yingzheng. It seemed that he had come all the way in a hurry, and he hurriedly cleaned up and came over to meet him. The young man’s eyes were shining when he looked at Yingzheng. Ting’s Yingzheng felt a little unnatural. Although he did be kind to him, it didn’t have to be the case.

“His Royal Highness the Prince does not know that the current hot pot restaurants in Xianyang are really hot. Not only the people love it, but the high-ranking officials of Daqin also like it very much. They often come here in groups. The business is so good. “The young man was very excited to report the status of the hot pot restaurant to Prince Sheng, hoping that Prince Sheng would not regret the decision he once let himself manage.


Yingzheng smiled slightly: “You did a good job. But I am not here for the hot pot restaurant this time.” Although Yingzheng is in Wuyang, he has already expected that hot pot restaurant will be hot. , It is not worth mentioning “I have a better thing now.”

The young man hurriedly bowed when he heard it: “His Royal Highness, please do not hesitate to give orders.”

Ying Zheng took the young man and the Sanmo giant into a clearing. He asked the young man in a mysterious way: “What do you see here?”

The young man looked around: “Nothing.”

Ying Zheng, who was amused by this simple remark, said: “From tomorrow, there will be a new house of this type. I will let everyone see it, and you must buy it.”

This sudden situation made the young man a little confused. There is one more new house, and His Royal Highness the Prince wants to build a house? This is a big project, why did he suddenly think of building a house? And he has to buy it himself.

Yingzheng continued: “You won’t regret it, so feel free to buy it.”

The young man knelt down and replied: “His Royal Highness, what are you talking about? It is a great kindness for you to let me manage the hot pot restaurant. Every dollar I earn now is your kindness, Your Royal Highness, this house. Don’t worry, I will buy it without blinking my eyes, 々.”

This young man has always remembered the holy prince’s kindness, waiting for any chance to repay him, now let him buy a house, his opportunity to make money is given by the holy prince, which means that without the holy prince, there will be no money. It was nothing for him to spend some money to buy a house. Although the money was spent, he left a house and repayed the holy prince’s kindness. He’s willing to do this

I’m willing to do it.

“His Royal Highness must have your intention to do this. I believe you will never harm me.” The young man said solemnly.

The giant Sanmo looked at the young man kneeling on the ground: “Boy, you are right. His Royal Highness will never treat you badly. Tomorrow you will wait for some fun.”

Winning politics made him no longer need to kneel. He became the owner of a hot pot restaurant, and he was still like a hairy boy.

The young man stood up, recalling the words of the three Mo giants in his heart, and couldn’t help but look forward to it, saying that not only did he not lose this time, but he even made a profit? What kind of thing is it, and how much it can earn, is now unknown. . However, there will be meat to eat with the Saint Prince, and I am not afraid of anything.

Now that the matter has been accounted for, it is still early, and there are other things to be dealt with. Winning the government will let the young man leave.

Looking at the young man’s back when he left, the giant Sanmomu already understood His Royal Highness’s plan.

Yingzheng said to the giant Sanmo: “Then do it as soon as possible, don’t delay things.

The giants of Sanmo took their orders one after another: “I can’t wait a long time!”

After the former lover left, he rushed back to the hot pot restaurant. Now he is guarding the hot pot restaurant. This is his big treasure, and he can’t leave it. After he went back, he kept thinking about buying a house in his heart. When a guy came to talk to him, he was still in a daze.

Looking at the boss, the dude also looked abnormal and didn’t dare to bother anymore. But as soon as he turned around, he spread the matter out, no matter what useful news he heard, but he must have the three words Saint Prince. Now as long as he can talk about the news with the Prince Prince, it is a shocking news.

It was spread from ten to ten, and the streets and alleys in Xianyang city began to spread. There was a holy prince or something in the hot pot restaurant, and they were not sure about the specifics. Some people say that the Prince Saint took the beauty to the hot pot restaurant for dinner. It is also said that the Prince Sheng fell down after eating hot pot. Others said that the Prince Prince seemed to be buying something. Everyone is spreading it, and no one knows what it is. Place

Everyone went to the hot pot restaurant to inquire.

The young man suddenly panicked when he saw that there were so many guests and many people weren’t here to eat. After questioning his subordinates, I realized that it turned out that I had missed the word. I couldn’t help but took a mouthful of myself, why I owe it so much, I can tell this, what if I miss the important matter of the Prince Prince.

He is not beyond mortal courage, hot pot restaurants are crowded with people, many of whom are high-ranking officials, which he cannot afford to provoke. Under the constant questioning of this group of curious people, the young man finally said the whole thing.

Now not only Wuyang County, but Xianyang City, and even the surrounding counties and towns know: “”The Prince is going to sell the house!”

People talked a lot about how this holy prince remembered this incident. The current state of Qin can be considered peaceful and happy. The people rarely live without houses, and everyone settles down. It’s the same thing whether there is anyone to buy a house or not.

Although thinking about it this way. They still followed the young man the next day. They want to see how the house built by the Saint Prince (does it well) is different from other people’s.

In this way, some people are curious, some are ghosts, and many rich ladies want to see the true face of the Prince. There was only one young man. Now it has become a mighty team, marching from Xianyang to Wuyang County.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of carriages and horses, many people were disturbed along the way. They all knew in their hearts that this was going to “see the house.”

When Yingzheng arrived, what I saw was a scene of a group of people surrounding the open space. Now the ground is not as empty as it was yesterday, and all the materials needed for the construction have been moved to Yanan.

When everyone saw the Saint Prince coming, they calmed down and gave salutes. The young man hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down again with a plop: “It’s my fault, that’s my fault, that created this scene.”

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