Chapter 306 Popular in Xianyang, a thousand taels of gold! [First update, please customize]

But the lady was still reluctant: “The style of this dress is really good-looking, you can see it to prove that you do have some taste, but ah.” The lady looked up and down the lady with exaggerated eyes: ” This person is old, and the years are not forgiving. It is really old-fashioned to wear on you. I think it’s better to let me.”

The lady was upset by what she said, knowing that she couldn’t talk about this little girl, so she could only grab it.

Not to be outdone, the noble lady directly let her strong guard get started, and the two girls here also got started. You pull me at five people at a time. When the businessman saw this scene, his soul was scared: “You two, stop it, this clothes will break if you pull it again.”

The two of them only regarded this as being deaf ears. The cargo of this car was robbed shortly after it arrived. They finally picked this one. If they can’t get it now, then this Zhao is not in vain. Neither side gives way to each other.

The merchant had no choice but to move out of the name of the Prince, saying that the clothes were from His Royal Highness. If anyone tore the clothes to pieces, it would be disrespectful to His Royal Highness.

As soon as these words came out, the two of them had no choice but to give up, and asked the shopkeeper reluctantly: “Who owns this dress, it is naturally mine if I get it first.”

The businessman saw that the two of them had calmed down, and he was finally relieved. Both of them are high-ranking people. Both of them cannot be offended in Qin. If you sell it, of course you will get the higher price.”

The implication is auction. These noble children who come to buy sweaters are all like this. They always buy things only for good or bad. As long as the match is matched, no matter the price, they will buy it. The price is low and I don’t think it’s not enough to show my identity. I feel that I have bought a cheap bargain, and the price is expensive.

Rong’s take out the money.

The two men are now at war, and Miss Noble said extraordinaryly: “One hundred taels of gold, 々.” After speaking, there was a cold snort, provoking his opponent.

The lady on the other side thinks that young people are innocent. Now the sweaters here are more than 100 taels of gold. She looks down on people too much at this price: “Two hundred taels of gold.” Directly doubled.

Purple and gold are both symbols of the royal family. These two identities must be members of the royal family. They have a solid family. They bid the price of a thousand taels of gold between them. In the end, the lady broke her silver teeth and had to give up.

The lady took the sweater, hurriedly placed it in her hand and looked at it carefully, stroking the soft fabric constantly, loving it. The royal family loves gold and purple sweaters from the bottom of their hearts. The more precious things are, the more worth buying at a high price. That makes sense. Although she is distressed to death, she does not regret it at all.

After returning home, the lady couldn’t wait to put it on. The result of putting on her body was a lot of style. This makes her very satisfied, as if to use every corner of her body to tell others that she is the most graceful and luxurious woman.

In Xianyang city, the sweater rush went on for three days and three nights, and every truck that transported sweaters was bought before the goods could be put on the shelves. The merchants also took a lot of goods to the surrounding counties to sell, it was also very popular, and the sweaters were sold out for a while.

Daqin Garment Factory produces clothes, not changing clothes. No matter how large-scale production, it can’t escape the complicated process. The production time is a hurdle. Those merchants are waiting for the goods to wait anxiously.

Out of stock is a torment for businessmen every second. They ended up getting along with a bad trick, which was to make their own sweaters and mix them up to sell them indiscriminately.

In fact, they did this, and the result was very straightforward.No one bought these shoddy sweaters at all. People who saw these things even criticized the merchants for dishonesty, and the money they used to make these sweaters was lost. .

Yingzheng’s dyeing technology is obtained from the system, which is far more advanced than the current dyeing technology, even if it is scrubbed hard, it will not fade. The quality is quite different from those of ordinary sweaters, and anyone with eyes can see the difference.

The merchants had no choice but to sell these self-made bitter fruits in high-quality sweaters. The top grade is no longer mixed, and I hope that civilians who don’t know the goods can buy it and give them back.

Yingzheng divided the sweaters into grades. Fine sweaters are also popular among ordinary people. For ordinary people in the Qin State, one hundred yuan is still available. Wearing woolen clothes, you feel warm all over, and you don’t have to be afraid of the ravages of the winter when you arrive at the door in winter.

Not only the civilians of the Qin Kingdom like it, but the civilians of the other six countries have also come to buy it, especially the country of Yan. Their country is geographically located in the remote north. It is the coldest in winter, and they are the most in need of sweaters. of.

The merchants made a lot of money, and he knew the value of woolen clothes. He often came to Wuyang County to buy dyed woolen clothes for the first time. In this cold winter, the pomp of woolen clothes has completely replaced the previous status of vegetables and fruits. It became the first export product in Wuyang County.

More than that, the market in Xianyang was saturated. When the merchants felt that the enthusiasm of selling sweaters in Xianyang had decreased, they were keenly aware that they should change their strategy. Nowadays, most people in Xianyang wear sweaters. The businessmen know that there is no benefit from working hard with those few people, so they directly turned their goals to other states and counties in Daqin.

Soon after winning the government, he heard the news. This was what he expected. Other (required) states and counties will soon sell out their woolen clothes like Xianyang City. Soon, the entire Daqin will become like this. Those businessmen will see each other one by one, and they will not give up the business opportunities of the other six countries because of the distance.

This is what Yingzheng wants to see most. What he wanted was not only to gather the wealth of Da Qin, he also wanted to gather the wealth of the other six countries to Qin. Yingzheng is looking forward to this group of businessmen selling more.

The business people nowadays have been dazzled by the wealth of their eyes. They are immersed in buying and selling to squeeze profits. They figured out how much money they made yesterday and today, and for a while they have forgotten the matter of the national tax mentioned by the Prince Sheng.

Yingzheng remained unmoved. They had already registered their respective information according to their own requirements. As long as these were there, they would not be afraid that they would run away, and all the taxes owed to him would be recovered. Volt,

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