Chapter 307 Collect business tax and move money from the bank! [Second update, please customize]

Feeling that the time was almost up, Yingzheng began to collect taxes. At this time, the businessmen woke up like a dream and quickly settled their accounts. Under the pressure of His Royal Highness the Prince, the tax was paid obediently.

A large amount of gold and silver flowed into Daqin Bank. Ying Zheng eats, drinks and drinks every day, and when he is idle, he will go to Daqin Bank to have a look. The scene of moving money in boxes and boxes is staged every day. These are just taxes collected by a sweater business. The ambition of Ying Zheng is much more than that. .

There is a girl in the bank who is responsible for the accounts, called Shuiqing. Although she is a little girl, she is very clever and smart. She is foolproof when doing the accounts. This is the way to be favored by the bank, and she received her as an apprentice in the counter. During this period of time It turned out to be more shrewd than the old gentlemen had calculated.

In the past two days, the President Ying Zheng ran to the bank and finally met with him. Shui Qing naturally knew that this was the famous Holy Prince. She once looked at it from a distance in the accountant, but she has never faced the Holy Prince like she is now. Lost God accidentally.

The old gentleman next to her reminded her to bow quickly, and she reacted.

Ying Zheng asked curiously, why there is a little girl in the bank. In the past, only these old gentlemen came to 410 to be responsible. The younger ones are all doing rough jobs. There are few such little girls.

The old man returned to the table respectfully and said: “This kid is called Shuiqing. Don’t look at her young age, she is very good at keeping accounts.”

Ying Zheng looked at Shui Qing with some curiosity. It should have extraordinary strength to be praised like this, but it doesn’t matter, just don’t miscalculate the account. He immediately retracted his gaze and continued to put it on the box of money, thinking all about his grand plan.

But Shui Qing suddenly became fidgety, and the gaze of His Royal Highness Prince Prince who just stopped on her made her feel that her heart was about to jump out. I should be obediently in the accounting room, so why didn’t I hold back running out. Shui Qing always likes to think wildly.

Li Si went to the bank to look for victory: “His Royal Highness, our woolen sweaters are too popular now. The wool needed by Daqin Garment Factory is simply not usable. Recently, even some newly grown lambs have been killed. Fetch wool. If this goes on, our sheep will not be enough. Merchants come to buy again, and we will have no woolen clothes to supply.”

This is expected by the winning government. Like fruits and vegetables, problems will soon arise due to the depletion of the supply of raw materials.

Li Si continued: “It’s okay to say this year, winter is about to pass, and acquisitions will be temporarily reduced, but next year? If we raise sheep, it will affect other industries.”

Yingzheng nodded, it is indeed like this. Now that woolen sweaters are so hot, there will be many people who will raise sheep to seek wealth next year. At that time, I don’t know if there are people who grow food. What to eat without food, eat mutton? This not realistic.

This question caused Ying Zheng to lower his head and ponder. Shui Qing stood aside and looked over quietly, just to see the profile of Ying Zheng. The two of them were similar in age, but Shui Qing had never seen anything like this in his peers. , That is the charm of the emperor alone. Shui Qing couldn’t help but redden her cheeks.

The old man speaks a little arrogantly, but now she is too small compared to the Saint Prince.

No wonder he will be called the Saint Prince, and only such a noble title is worthy of this person.

As if suddenly thinking of something, Ying Zheng said: “You are right. Since Wuyang County does not have enough wool, then build a concrete road leading to Yiqu Country for me!”

Li Si was shocked. This was what he was going to do: “The money needed to open up Yiqu Country is really too much. Although there are many benefits after the opening up, it is very time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Yingzheng chuckled lightly. Is the time-consuming and labor-consuming reason: “Are you afraid?” Cheng Daye people do not (aibd) keep small.

“I’m not afraid of it, I’m afraid that the material and money are not enough here.” In fact, Li Si’s consideration is very thoughtful, but he doesn’t know about winning the government but doesn’t care about it.

“It’s okay, now I lack everything, just don’t lack money, we print money!” Yingzheng said confidently.

As soon as this words came out, the entire bank was shocked. Even the guy who was working with the money stopped. The box in his hand slipped and made a loud noise, which shocked Shui Qing.

Shui Qing has been stunned. His Royal Highness said that he is nothing but a girl who is good at calculating. Maybe he will be honored to be by the side of the Prince.

But after being frightened by the sound, she suddenly realized that her focus seemed to be wrong. What did the Prince Prince tell you just now? He wants to print money?

Making coins is one of the most important rights of every country. Every penny used is specially made by the country. Produced elsewhere, regardless of any other factors, are considered counterfeit bills, and once this kind of thing is discovered, But it is a serious sin that afflicts the nine tribes.

Although the Saint Prince is the future leader of Great Qin, his status still cannot surpass King Qin. Now he wants to print banknotes by himself, isn’t he seeking his own way? If King Qin regards him as conspiracy, what can he do?

Shui Qing had been thinking about these causal events in his heart, but winning the government did not think about them. He directly asked Shui Qing: “This very good little girl, tell me how much tax you have received this time.”

Suddenly when asked, Shui Qing was still a little flustered, and hurriedly reported a number. This was something she had kept in her heart before, and she waited for the Saint Prince to ask. But I didn’t expect it to be such a sudden situation. After saying the numbers, Shuiqing said in a low voice: “His Royal Highness, I, my name is Shuiqing.” This is selfishness, and she hopes that this name can be remembered by the Prince.

The winning government on this side just nodded faintly, and then began to discuss with Li Si beside him about opening up the road to Yiqu Country.

Although Li Si is very worried about the many risks of Yingzheng doing so. But he also knew well that all the things he had done before winning politics were considered impossible by others, and even self-defeating practices were proved to be possible in the end, and even brought him a lot. the benefits of.

The so-called Son of Destiny probably means this, maybe as long as it is what he wants to do, it will become easy.

After explaining the matter, Li Si resigned. From the beginning to the end, Shui Qing stayed silently beside her. She did not hear any objection to organizing the Prince Prince to print banknotes. She thought in her heart: “I am too stupid. This person is the future lord of the world, no , Maybe it is already, printing money in a mere trivial way is nothing worthy of attention.”

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