Chapter 305 Woolen sweater, the new trend [Fourth update, please customize]

After the businessman left, Ying Zheng only took a brief look at the operation of the Daqin clothing market, everything was in order, and he left with peace of mind. When they left, everyone was behind them, including the girl named Xiaoying, who leaned over to salute, unconsciously looking at the back of Yingzheng’s departure, the twilight was about to attack, and the girl’s heart was also dimmed.

At sunset, the afterglow wine was on Li Si’s jacket. He looked at the sunset in the distance and said to Han Fei beside him: “Senior brother’s talent is really ten times better than me. The previous remarks, even the younger brother, I, too. Aroused a passionate heart.” His tone was full of admiration.

Han Fei smiled at this: “It’s all because His Royal Highness the Prince has made out those woolen sweaters first, and then I have my own ideas. It’s just a mechanical copy, and it’s not worth mentioning.’

Li Si was a little surprised to hear that Han Fei was so polite. It is unclear whether he is too modest, or really should be attributed to His Royal Highness the Prince.

Han Fei sighed and laughed: “Don’t say it’s you, brother, even after hearing His Royal Highness speak for the first time as a brother, I deeply feel that my knowledge is far inferior, and there is no limit to learning, and the ancients honestly don’t deceive me. ”

The two of them chatted without a word. At this moment, Yingzheng 08 had already left Daqin Garment Factory. Seeing them watching the sunset so leisurely, they walked over and stood side by side with them.

Although it was the scene of the setting sun, Ying Zheng was very happy. He laughed and said, “Guess, how much can we make in this wave?,

Neither can say that there are too many unknown factors in the process. If those merchants sell well, they will naturally make more money. But if it cannot be sold, not only will it not make a profit, but it will also lose money. The idea of ​​winning politics is always bizarre. The two of them don’t dare to speculate on their own. Only the winning government knows how much this benefit will be.

Seeing the two people with embarrassed expressions, Yingzheng did not have the intention to tease them, and directly said: “We can expand the business of the bank.” That’s right, this is his next plan, and continuous making money is the most practical. . In the future, the bank will be the richest place after the treasury.

No matter how much the woolen clothes business makes, it is only a pavement for the money house. “At this stage, it is in Yangwu County, and then Daqin will be in the future, and in the future, there will be the Six Kingdoms!

Hearing what Yingzheng really said, the two people next to him were shocked. In their natural way, the Saint Prince has always been determined to seek the world, but at this moment, when he said such words, it made the two of them feel that the victory has stood in the supreme place in the world, and is giving orders to everything underneath.

Nowadays, there is no tolerance in the king, but it is fully revealed in the body of the holy prince. The setting sun shrouded the three of them, Han Fei and Li Si were separated by Yingzheng, looking like his right-hand man.

A short time after the merchants got the goods, the dyed woolen clothes flowed into Xianyang City. Suddenly, a large number of woolen sweaters burst out on the market, and no one can think about why this hard-to-find thing has increased for a while, just sharpened their heads and rushed wildly. Those nobles crowded in the clothing store still look decent and generous in the past, headless like a colony of flies

Crowded thoughtlessly.

The businessmen were very satisfied when they saw this scene. They happily touched their beards, enjoying the pleasure that money brought them, while listening to the shop guys sweating profusely saying that this product is not enough, that product is again Not enough.

They also knew that this transaction was in short supply, but they still swollen face to fill up the fat man, shouting dude: “Then what are you doing here? If you neglect these adults, can you afford it? Hurry up and put it in the warehouse. Bring your sweater in another cart!”

Those nobles who came to buy sweaters heard that there was a lot more to be transported, so they let go of their irritability a little. The businessman said with a smile on his face: “Please don’t worry, you guys, there are as many as you need for this woolen sweater, and I will never neglect you.”

He said this with a guilty conscience and was only a stopgap measure. He knew that the goods he owned would soon be sold out, and he had already planned in his heart what to do after the purchase. It is definitely impossible to buy from other merchants. Now the sales are so good, people in the business are very treacherous, and no one can do such stupid things.

At that time, I am afraid that I can only continue to find the Saint Prince’s Palace to ask for some goods.This is the case in the business field. Winning government has the technology to produce high-quality things, and he controls the fundamentals of the entire business chain. It’s no use knowing how to do business. It’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

The businessman was thinking about it when he saw the group of nobles suddenly start to jump with excitement. As soon as the car heard the door, before it had time to unload and carry in, the group of nobles swarmed up, seeing so many different styles of clothes, vowing to pick the best one from it.

The merchants had no choice but to hurriedly go to the round market to keep the scene from getting out of control. Of course, the clothes can only be sold on the shelves. But these people didn’t listen to him at all.

A gorgeously dressed lady was supported by two maids by her side. At this moment, she was also mixed in with the crowds of people coming to buy clothes, drowning in the colorful flowers. There were many people in the shop, and the makeup on her face was rubbed up, but she still ignored her and put down the figure of the lady who had kept her 410 for most of her life. Not only did she go into battle to rob her, she also called her maid to help her.

Her goal was the purple dyed woolen sweater. She stretched out her hand to take it. She didn’t know who was hooked on her wrist, and there was a tingling pain, but she didn’t care, she just pulled the dress out of the crowd and rubbed it firmly in her hand. .

She was ready to take a closer look, but found that the other corner of the dress was in someone else’s hands. It was a lady with a strong man as a guard. At this moment, Miss Li’s pearl hairpins are scattered, and she seems to have been pushed in the crowd just now. Although her guards are strong, they are also difficult to protect before such a battle.

The lady saw her deliberately scrambled, and tried to pull the clothes over with a violent tug. She was also quick-eyed and quick-handed.

The lady became angry and shouted in a sharp and thin voice: “What do you old woman do? This dress is what I saw first, and I have it in my hand. Why are you still stealing it from someone?”

“You, who do you say is an old woman?” She humiliated people like this because of her young age. She was not bullied, she just tore her up, waited for her to get the clothes in her hands, no matter how sharp her teeth were. It’s no use. .

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