Chapter 304 Return with a load, wait to collect the money! [Second update, please customize]

Businessmen calculated their benefits after paying taxes, and they were indeed discounted, but it was not a small amount. It was indeed that they made more. Quandang dumb ate half-bitter yellow lotus, chew it and forget it.

After thinking about this, the merchants reached a consensus after careful discussion: “If you don’t do it, you can only do it honestly.

Worried that their hesitation before offended His Royal Highness Prince Saint, they stood up together, neatly and respectfully said: “I am waiting to pay business tax.”

Seeing their reaction like this, Ying Zheng smiled lightly: “Very good. Those who know the current affairs are outstanding. I am very pleased that you can understand my strategy of governing the country. I’ll give it to you.”

The businessmen were so happy, 10,000 pieces were evenly distributed to everyone, at least there were hundreds of them. Not only that, Ying Zheng also said: “Of course you still have to pay the money. As punishment for defying the law.”

This time it was tantamount to letting that person go bankrupt, and the other merchants who obeyed him directly picked up the supply of goods in vain. And what the doctor said was the crime of disobeying the law, this crime was bigger than the sky, enough to beheaded and killed, and now it just caused him to ruin his family.

The man knelt on the ground and trembled and couldn’t say a word. Hearing the cold voice of winning the government proclaimed his fate, there were other people cheering in ecstasy, just feeling like being in an ice cellar. All the wealth he accumulated during his business life has been dissipated by him today.

Yingzheng did not care about him anymore. This is just killing a chicken and being a monkey. In the future, if these people dare to have any objection to his taxation, take it as an example.

Take the merchants out and leave that person behind and never care about it. He wants to take them to Daqin Garment Factory to see the riches that make them think about it~babies.

Because of the arrival of the victory, the garment factory stopped working and waited respectfully for the Prince’s instructions. Those businessmen have always seemed to have never seen the world since they came in. They are very curious about Daqin Garment Factory. They look at tools they have never seen here, and there are beautiful female workers. Hand light on the fabric

Caressing, fine stitch by stitch.

Pieces of ready-made garments are taken out and folded, all of them are of extraordinary quality. This is like a dream to them. If they own such a factory, the money will be stuffed into the quilt even when they are lying down.

Seeing that the group of businessmen were drooling, the female workers in the garment factory covered their lips with their hands and chuckled. While smiling, he kept peeking at winning politics. Except for the men who do rough jobs in this factory, it is the group of grotesque businessmen today. Their focus has always been on winning politics.

Prince Daqin, the female workers were all excited when he came in. They have very few chances to meet the Saint Prince. Although they work here, they have a much better life than ordinary people. These are all based on winning politics. In addition to gratitude, there is admiration in their hearts.

Although the Prince Prince is a little younger, these girls are not very old, and they can’t stop them from secretly agreeing. They knew that their identities were very different, and it would be very disrespectful to even look at the Saint Prince directly, so they could only take a few glances.

There is one of them the best-looking, with a clever head, called Xiaoying. Like a representative, they encouraged her to approach the Prince. If she could get a little favor from the Prince, it would be an honor for all their female workers.

After the victory was settled, and wanted to call someone to give instructions, the group of female workers pushed Xiao Ying over. Xiaoying walked over timidly, and asked in a low voice, “What is your command, His Royal Highness?”

“Go find someone to move out all the sweaters we made before.” The little girl in Ying Zhengjian looked a little timid, afraid that she could not hear her words, so she moved a little closer.

Unexpectedly, such a move made Xiao Ying at a loss for a moment, and found that the Saint Prince had finished the order before stammering: “Yes, yes, let’s go.”

Of course, the other female workers also noticed the movement of the Prince Sheng’s body just leaning slightly. In their eyes, this movement was just like Xiaoying. So when those hundreds of woolen sweaters were moved out by the workers in batches, they picked the best looking one and asked Xiaoying to take it and present it.

Xiaoying was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the sisters, she couldn’t help but flushed and walked forward with a shy face. However, Yingzheng didn’t know it. He watched Xiaoying walk over and said directly: “You don’t need to show it to me, just show it to the businessmen.”

0……Look for flowers…

Hearing this sentence, Xiaoying felt very wronged in her heart. It seemed that she had been thinking about it before. Indeed, how could a noble person like the Prince Sheng like her. The other female workers were also very disappointed. After all, the prayers in their hearts failed.

Yingzheng came to the garment factory this time to distribute these newly produced sweaters to the merchants. He had no other purpose. What’s more, so many girls in this world admire him, how can he take care of it.

The businessmen looked at these sweaters, their eyes lit up. Each of these sweaters has very distinctive features whether it is style or style. The design of each piece is very eye-catching, which makes businessmen feel novel.

Among them, the gold and purple dyed woolen sweaters are all rushing. This is the color that represents the nobility, gold is magnificent, purple is noble and elegant. These two colors are also the favorite colors of the powerful.

They are worthy of being merchants, they have a very unique vision, and they know what the buyer likes. And these two colors of dyes are very difficult to obtain, especially purple, the cost of dyeing is a bit higher than other colors. Only Yingzheng is so generous to sell them at a price.

In addition to these two, the next most popular is the remaining dyed woolen clothes. If you can’t get the gold and purple, you have to go back to second place. Most people like bright and bright colors, and the more complicated the work, the more valuable it is, and the better it can be sold at a good price.

This is the time to test these merchants. Only those with quick eyesight can get the goods they want. Hands are fast, but hands are slow.

After finishing the dyeing, we ended up with ordinary woolen clothes. Compared with other top grades, it is indeed much ordinary, but in terms of quality alone, it is much better than other clothing nowadays. Although the merchants’ enthusiasm for looting has been reduced a lot, they are still greedy with insatiable greed.

In the end, the sweaters were all sorted out. Many businessmen filled the truck with a truck. At dusk, they all left with high spirits. The wheels of the carriage were creaked, and deep ruts were left on the road. They took the goods far away, and soon they would take the coins to Qin. factory,

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