Chapter 303 You earn 200 million, what happened to me collecting your 60 million tax? [First update, please customize]

Li Si finally stopped reading more additional clauses of this policy. His words were finished, but the businessmen were still in shock and did not come back to their senses. They had come to the Prince in sorrow to solve the problem of vegetable out-of-stock. Later, they happily thought that they had discovered a new sweater business opportunity, and they were about to start making a fortune, they heard about this new policy.

Life is really ups and downs. The merchants were completely speechless.

Someone asked: “His Royal Highness, what is the meaning of this tax?” I originally thought it was a small profit like tolls, and it wouldn’t be a big problem for the Saint Prince to share it with him. I didn’t expect it to be so cruel!

This is related to their interests. A group of businessmen all became anxious and could not sit still. They stood up and asked about this new policy, trying to find a loophole in it to make a fool of themselves.

Winning politics asked Li Si and Han Fei to explain to them that both of them belonged to the Legalists, and they all explained the law in one set.

Li Si said: “In the future, Wuyang County will act in accordance with the decree of His Royal Highness Prince Sheng. The amount paid by each merchant will be supervised by a special person in Daqin Bank. If it is out of Daqin, it will be fine.” Speaking of which, Li Si After a pause, he glanced at the merchants with stern eyes: “However, as long as you are in Daqin, you must follow Shengtai

His Royal Highness’s law ordered to go. ”

Han Fei added: “Otherwise! All will be punished according to treason!” These words were so majestic that the merchants couldn’t help but tremble.

They are businessmen of the rich side, but so what, in their own territory, the money they have allows them to live proudly and decently in front of the poor. But in front of Yingzheng, they were just humble ants. Every step he took, as long as they dared to stand in front of him, they would be crushed to death by Yingzheng.

No one dared to disobey, even if the new law was announced after winning the government after the business was negotiated with them, this is a bit rogue, but they can only accept it helplessly.

Han Fei smiled and said to the group of businessmen: “I know that you are all dissatisfied with the decree made by His Royal Highness Prince, but you must also understand that it is impossible for His Royal Highness to give you these dyed woolen sweaters in vain. Ordinary sweaters are at least Double the profit, high-grade sweaters at least 20 times the profit, how much do you make? Daqin will vigorously promote the clothing industry in the future.

Our taxes will never be too much. In contrast, the money you make from selling is the real aibd. ”

As soon as these words came out, the businessmen began to calculate again. They were surprised by the benefits before, and now they have to make a discount under the tax, but it is still profitable.

Merchants can make a profit as long as they have a profit. Although it is not as much as before, but if they work hard and put out a three-inch tongue and raise the price a little bit, they may be able to make up for the tax. loss.

Winning the government doesn’t care. They have the right to accept this tax policy when they buy sweaters. They have only two choices. One is to accept and sell them with sweaters. Although they earn a little less, they are definitely not at a loss. Sale. The second is to refuse. First, skip whether they can refuse or not. As long as they refuse, it means giving up all cooperation with the winning government.

Only sweaters, as well as fruits and vegetables, including everything in Wuyang County, they will not make a dime.

In this contrast, the businessmen thought for a while, and felt a little balanced in their hearts.

Han Fei continued: “Da Qin protects you, and Da Qin protects you. If Da Qin is destroyed, your foundation in Da Qin will also be destroyed. Therefore, every money you pay is not only for His Royal Highness, but also for Da Qin. The dawn of the common people is for the immortality of my Da Qin in the future!”

The words are sharp, but there is nothing unreasonable. Combined with the knowledge of the Legalist school, these businessmen can’t help but stop and refute it without reason.

Yingzheng saw that there were a few people who were eager to refute, and said one step in advance: “It’s okay to refute. It’s just that you don’t need to do this business. You don’t make this money. Someone wants to make it by breaking their heads.”

After saying this, those merchants who had just won the supply of goods without bidding began to look forward to it, hoping that a fool could refute it at this time, then they could divide up his supply, and the lack of a competitor would really kill two birds with one stone.

For a while, businessmen began to intrigue. These people are old and cunning. They naturally know that now they are sitting here peacefully, but when they are in the market, they are all competing opponents. Only interest is the most practical. of.

There are still unwilling people who took the risk and said in a low voice: “His Royal Highness, we can understand that this is a policy of wealth, but this tax rate can be lowered a bit.”

Yingzheng asked him: “How many goods did you quote when you just bid?”

The person saw that Yingzheng didn’t talk about taxes, but had a bad feeling when he mentioned that he had just taken a deal. However, the Prince did not dare not answer the question: “Ten thousand.”

“Well, 10,000 pieces. Seeing that your net worth can report this number, it seems that you have lost money. I am afraid that I will point to this business to make money. I will help you calculate it. The purchase price is 1,000 Qin notes. A piece of twenty times the profit will earn 20,000 Qin notes, and 10,000 pieces will earn 200 million Qin notes. The maximum tax is 30%, which means that you will take away 60 million Qin notes and you will still have 100 million. Four

Ten million Qin notes.

The businessman nodded repeatedly and said yes, he had been dazzled by the 200 million yuan, so when he thought that the 60 million Qin banknotes would be taken away, he was really distressed.

“But now, you can’t get the one hundred and forty million.” Ying Zheng looked at the man when he heard these words, his face suddenly turned pale, then trembling all over, knelt down and begged for mercy.

He has already said that anyone who dares to disagree will never cooperate with him again. The end of this man is already obvious. Unlike his miserable situation, other businessmen even began to cover their mouths and laugh. Everyone is waiting for his 10,000 goods to be divided up later. Those are all things that can be turned into money, don’t do it for nothing.

This is deliberate, and he will have more new laws in the future, which will not allow others to question. He asked the others in the room, who had any objections? All was silent.

Yingzheng smiled with satisfaction: “In this case, I will treat it as your approval.”

He doesn’t need these people who live on profit to understand his world’s heart, and he doesn’t need them to resolve what Daqin wants to do. They just need to listen to him obediently. Winning politics benefits them, they bring him money and coexist for mutual benefit, there is not much to say.

The businessmen looked at the victory in the seat, they were young, and the emperor’s air was already revealed between the eyebrows.When the two words Da Qin were uttered from his mouth, everyone could feel his determination to seek the world. In fact, now Da Qin has indeed become stronger thanks to his many deeds.

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