Chapter 302 Crazy buying, the eyes of the merchants are red! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

“I’ll buy a hundred pieces!” The first voice appeared. This number was still very conservative, and was soon overwhelmed by the second voice.

“I bought a thousand pieces!” It directly increased tenfold.

“I’ll buy 10,000 pieces!” It has doubled ten times. This figure is basically reported without hesitation. It seems that it is inevitable, and it is cruel.

Other businessmen are regretting why they didn’t report the numbers faster, and at the same time, they are thinking, if you report one hundred thousand and one thing, will it be a bit shameful? But their financial resources, one hundred thousand is already the highest number. , I’m afraid I’ll have to borrow money to buy it.

While other merchants were hesitating, a voice said: “I will buy one hundred thousand pieces!”

The person who shouted this sentence was a vain drawing.His number of reports directly exceeded the previous person by ten times.This number caused the other businessmen present to take a breath. This is definitely a ruthless person, one hundred thousand? Don’t die.

Ying Zheng looked at Bai Hua’s seriousness and knew that he was not joking. Now that the number of one hundred thousand has been given, the one hundred thousand pieces are all owned by Baihua, and other merchants can only divide up the rest.

The businessmen could only sigh again and again that the big head was taken away, and completed the subsequent bidding, and divided up all the sweaters. Some have bought a lot and are very happy. They seem to have seen how refreshing they are when making money. Some did not compete for it, none of them were obtained, and the desire to die is all there, so I quickly inquired about other people’s willingness to divide some sources of goods or get them from their hands.

Buy some.

Of course, those businessmen who have won the profit are refreshed, with smiles on their faces flattering to Yingzheng, thanking Yingzheng for giving them such a good opportunity to make a fortune, and they will be rewarded in the future.

Yingzheng looked at the group of businessmen with a smile: “Everyone, there will be a policy that will be promulgated next, I hope you will all abide by it, 々.” I hope they can remember what they just said after hearing this policy. Those words that have passed, still look respectful to him.

The businessmen faintly felt a bit bad when they heard it. They have all forgotten that the person doing business with them is not a businessman in the business field, but the saint prince of Daqin. This person holds it in his hands, how can he be regarded as a businessman doing business together?

People look at it.

If he wants to make any excessive terms, they will not be able to make any money, and they will probably go bankrupt. It has just been bidding, and now it’s too late to regret. If you get the money back, you may still be convicted.

Everyone unanimously glanced at it for nothing. There was no change on the other side’s face. He knew that winning politics was not the kind of person who crossed the river and demolished bridges, and listened calmly to what he said after winning politics.

Li Si and Han Fei walked out slowly through the back door, and the merchants hurriedly saluted when they saw them. These two people are here. It seems that the Prince is not joking, and this policy is not in effect in Wuyang County, where the Prince is the Prince. Li Si and Han Fei are sitting here, and I am afraid it was implemented in accordance with the Daqin Law.

The businessmen can only listen respectfully to the two of them announcing the new policy: “From now on, Wuyang County will pay commercial taxes, and all merchants in Daqin will have to pay their fees. You need to register a commercial bank in Wuyang County.

After listening to the businessmen, they only think that Prince Prince is really addicted to collecting taxes. Before, he had to charge for all the roads, but now he also collects taxes when doing business. It is really difficult for businessmen to do business. However, if the tax rate is not high and acceptable, they are still willing to continue to cooperate.

A businessman asked boldly: “Then I don’t know what the tax rate is?” Yingzheng couldn’t help laughing in his heart. What he wants to collect is national tax. Of course, this tax rate will not be low. This group of people is still holding illusory hope in their hearts. It is really true. Innocent. Winning politics is not stupid. He will not let the wealth flow to the business people. Only making the country rich is hard power.

Li Si went on to say: “It is levied at a fourteen-level full progressive tax rate, with a minimum tax rate of 5% and a maximum rate of 30%.

The merchants caught the biggest number with sharp ears: 30%? This is too terrible. It means they earn one hundred and have to pay 30 taxes? This figure makes them really unacceptable. But this is the biggest tax. They dare not speak out against it, and can only silently look forward to the lowest 5% of their tax.

Their profits must be more than five million Qin pounds per year, so they have to pay at least five percent of their profits? A tax of 250,000 Qin pounds, for those who value money, this kind of tax is nothing more than from Their flesh is cut alive.

Ying Zheng listened to them discussing in a low voice below, gesticulating with their fingers, and uttering numbers one after another. When Ying Zheng heard them say words like 5 percent and 250,000 Qin pounds, he couldn’t help but laughed.

**” Hahaha, you are so naive. “Ying Zheng smiled and waved his hand: “It’s not five percent. Five million Qin banknotes will receive at least 10 percent or more of you, that is, half a million Qin pounds. ”

This number made the businessmen take a breath. This is simply a big mouth from the lion. It is not that they want to take the flesh from them, but they are directly swallowed and peeled without leaving any bones.

After hearing this, Bai Huagan frowned. He didn’t expect that he would be so cruel to win the government. Although he knows that he is not a kind person, he is an emperor. The emperor has been ruthless since ancient times, but the victory is actually ruthless. Never stop there. Such heavy taxes will not give businessmen a way to survive.

He is not developing commerce, but using merchants to earn more money for Daqin, truly reaching the point of becoming a prosperous country and a strong soldier.

However, Li Si’s words are not over yet: “Furthermore, according to the needs of Daqin’s economic construction, the production of some products and the operation of certain businesses will receive more refunds and less supplements.”

As soon as this remark came out, the businessmen present were stunned. Not only do you have to collect taxes, but there are also these messy additional clauses, which is too much!

Some of the commodities here are important commodities regulated by the country without even thinking about it, such as weapons, which are the lifeblood of the military. There is also salt, and it is impossible for Qin State to relax his hands firmly rubbing these things tightly. Pong,

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