Chapter 301 Twenty times the profit? [Third more, please customize]

But before that, they still had a question: “Dare to ask His Royal Highness the Prince. Although this sweater is good, it is also very expensive. A single piece costs a high price of one or two gold. How much benefit can we earn from it?”

It’s true that businessmen take profit as the most fundamental thing. To put it bluntly, this sweater is considered a luxury item. Not only are there not many people who can afford it, but they can’t afford it either. Those who go back and forth are afraid that there is not much oil and water to fish in.

Yingzheng patiently said: “My sweater is graded. According to the different materials and workmanship, there are good and bad points.” After giving the maid a look, the maid gently leaned over and called the other two. Maid, they are also holding different sweaters in their hands.

The sweater in the hands of the first maid was bright and bright, and it was very well-made. The maid looked very soft and delicate in her hand. Yingzheng said: “This piece is top grade. I will give you a cost price of one thousand wen copper coins, which is one thousand yuan Qin note. You sell it at the price of 10 taels of gold, and you will earn at least 20 times more.

When the businessmen heard such a quotation, their breathing became quicker. They began to frantically make small calculations in their hearts, calculating how much they could profit from this business. However, with their empty heads, they couldn’t imagine that the cost of this sweater is actually only 30 cents. The person who really makes money in this business is actually the winner. And he simply

You don’t need to rush around like a businessman, basically just sitting and collecting money.

In the city of Xianyang, sweaters are already a tool used by the rich and powerful to show their status. Many nobles later competed to wear them and compete with each other. Not only limited to the practicality of sweaters, this is now the most popular clothing, their pursuit of quality and style has become crazy.

Such top-grade sweaters, if they are sold on the market, they will definitely be robbed by these competing powers and responsibilities. There is no need to worry about whether it can be sold.

Moreover, twenty times the profit, this is simply a robbery, no, it comes faster than robbery. Businessmen have been in business for almost a lifetime, and never thought that one day money would be blown by the wind like this.

And they can also sell to other six countries. They believe that those powerful and powerful in the six countries will not be left behind and rush to buy. In the business world, whoever has a good product has an absolute advantage. The merchants stared at the top-quality sweater with scorching eyes, as if they were going to stare through a hole in that sweater.

Fresh vegetables will wilt if they are shipped to the six countries, but sweaters are different. Comparing the two, the advantages are much greater. With less vegetable business and more sweater business, businessmen only feel that they are earning money.

Yingzheng reminded them: “Don’t be too obsessed with that top-grade one. Although you are all rich now, the top-grade ones may not be able to get in many. The one over there is a fine-quality one.

The sweater that the second maid held in her hand was gray in color. It was not as bright as the previous one, and it was much worse in quality. It looked so-so.

“I’ll give you the cost price of this fine-quality piece, one hundred yuan. You can sell it to the little nobles and commoners, work hard, and use the means you have been in business for many years, and they can buy it. You can sell it to Daqin. The people of China can also be sold to the people of the six countries. Although the price is not high, there are still some profits.”

After saying this, Winning seemed to have heard the atmosphere of weighing interests in the room again, pondering over and over again one by one. In fact, there is no need to count, they know that even if the quality of this sweater is not as good as the top grade, the cost is not high and the profit is not high.

But this sweater is very clearly sold to little nobles and civilians. The number of this group is very large. There are so many people in the world. The real power is a small group of people. It is this group of little nobles and common people who really account for the bulk.

The sweaters used to be very expensive, they simply don’t have the ability to enjoy them. But now it’s different. I don’t know what method the Saint Prince used to mass-produce the sweaters and make a large number of sweaters, and they are divided into grades.

With the opportunity to enjoy the sweater, they will not let it go easily. The so-called small profits but quick turnover is probably the case.

Bai Huagan, who sits among a group of businessmen, also had to admire winning politics. His goal was never to grab money from the rich. What he wanted was that all the wealth in the world belonged to him. He is the holy prince of Qin, and the money that the people of Qin spend on sweaters is ultimately used in Qin. But the money spent by the other six countries is different, and their wealth will gradually increase.

Turn to the State of Qin.

Even if these merchants are from six countries, they will exchange Qin banknotes for coins from other six countries for use. But this is not a problem at all. As long as people are in Qin, they are not afraid of not being able to squeeze oil and water from them. Qin will only become stronger and stronger, and then annex other countries.

Bai Huagan looked at the winning government sitting at the top. The next year is not very big, but like an old fox who has experienced many battles in the business war, it is really terrifying to shake the market of the seven countries with a small piece of clothing.

There was an uproar in the audience, and a group of businessmen kept discussing in low voices, all planning for their own business. Yingzheng watched them leisurely, letting them discuss, his sweaters still depend on this group of people to sell 407. I’m afraid they will not only sell at the price of one or two gold at that time.

This kind of thing was previously only owned by nobles. Now he allows civilians to wear sweaters. They will only use more extreme methods to show their identity. This is a good time for merchants to bid up prices. Once their noses smell the money The taste will be traced away. At that time, the price at which they can sell depends on their respective abilities.

It felt like it was almost done, and the winning policy called a halt: “Now that you all know how I did this business, let’s not say much. Although there are many sweaters, but you can’t help but buy, you can start bidding.”

The merchants keenly heard that it was actually obtained in the form of bidding, and they couldn’t help but start to care about it again. Wolf, I feel sorry for the money now, will you watch others earn it in the future?

The bidding is cruel. Only those with more quotations can buy it. The more scattered this kind of thing is, the harder it is to sell. Ying Zheng believed that this group of wealthy businessmen would not let him down, and he began to silently expect what crazy numbers this group of people would report.

“When you think about it, you can start.” Ying Zheng looked at the businessmen in the seat and said slowly. .

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