Chapter 300 Sign up] Please order!

This Huashan also needs to record his own name, if this is to write his own name.

Who doesn’t know that Emperor Shi is himself?

So after much deliberation, Yingzheng still wrote another name-Zhao Zheng.

Don’t ask why Yingzheng thought about writing this name, but if you ask, you don’t know.

The main reason is that this name is easier to remember, and most importantly, this name can be regarded as another name for winning politics.

This Qin Zhao was originally a family.

“Your name is Zhao Zheng?” The man holding bamboo slips looked at Ying Zheng and asked.

“Exactly, is there any problem?” Ying Zheng was a little strange. Could someone know the name of Zhao Zheng?

This shouldn’t be.

At this moment, the man shook his head and said, “No, just to confirm. Okay, you have signed up now. This is your room number plate.”

“There will be my disciple from Ting Yu Pavilion who will take you to the wing room you want to live in. Although I Ting Yu Pavilion is not a small school, there are not many wing rooms.”

“This can only be a little wronged at night,” the man said.

740 heard the man’s words, and Ying Zheng also said cheerfully: “You are polite, Zhao Zheng is already very happy to be taken care of by Ting Yuge, so he dare to ask for anything else.

“Anyway, I will stay for one night and leave without delay or delay.” Ying Zheng happily walked towards the disciple who received the lead.

“This guy is pretty self-aware.” The man looked at Ying Zheng and shook his head and said.

In this way, Yingzheng walked to the lead disciple, and then took out his number plate.

Then Ying Zheng followed to lead the disciples and walked towards his wing.

After walking for about ten minutes, then the leading disciple pointed to one of the wing rooms and said, “This is the wing room you live in today.”

“You must remember to take this number plate with you. If the number plate is lost, you have to come to us to make it up for you, do you know?” The female disciple said softly.

“I know, thank you girl, I don’t know the girl’s surname.” Ying Zheng said, looking at the female disciple cheerfully.

“You will naturally know my name in the future. What you have to do now is to take a good rest, so as not to lose energy tomorrow, do you know?” The woman smiled and left after speaking.

It was the first time that Yingzheng felt that Yuge’s disciple was a bit interesting.

Leaving aside other things, at least there is nothing wrong with being polite.

And it’s very caring, and cares about whether the tourists going up the mountain are tired.

But these are not the key points. The most important thing is that even now I won’t know where to pay the money.

There is no money for accommodation, no money for anything, and a free dinner is provided. This Ting Yuge is simply a model of the world’s martial art.

Yingzheng couldn’t help but want to go back to Xianyang, and directly undertook an imperial decree to directly pacify this Tingyuge as the first righteous school of Daqin.

A Daqin government endorsed this Tingyu Pavilion, and within a few years, this Tingyu Pavilion will naturally become the No. 1 school of Daqin.

Thinking of this, Yingzheng also walked into the wing where he was happily.

As soon as he entered the wing, Ying Zheng was shocked by the scene in front of the eye (aibd).

I f*ck, although the whole wing room is not small, it is not that big. At this time, there are seven people in the wing room looking at themselves with big eyes and small eyes.

And Ying Zheng also looked at them dumbfounded.

“This Xiongtai, are you here to listen to Yuge too?” One of them said to Yingzheng after a brief silence.

“This, it seems that I must have come to listen to Yuge. If it weren’t for Yuge, then I’m afraid I won’t meet you.” Ying Zheng said helplessly.

Do you still need to ask questions like this? Isn’t it because I am here to listen to Yuge?

This also needs to be asked specifically, it is simply invincible.

Thinking of winning politics here, I followed in and sat on the side of everyone.

I saw the person just handed over to Ying Zheng and said: “There is a Jia in Xia Lu, I don’t know the name of this Xiongtai Gao.”

“Under Zhao Zheng.” Ying Zheng replied.

“When you look at Xiongtai, you know that the bones are amazing and they are talented. This time at Tingyu Pavilion’s apprentice reception meeting, Xiongtai will definitely be able to successfully enter the Tingyu Pavilion rest spell.” Lu Youjia said.

Hearing Lu Youjia’s words, Ying Zheng also said with a dazed expression: “What kind of apprenticeship meeting? I’m here to travel in Huashan.

“Xiongtai has traveled all the way to Mount Hua, isn’t it just to listen to Yuge’s apprenticeship meeting once every ten years?” another man asked.

“I don’t know what apprenticeship gathering is. I just came to Huashan to see. I have always heard that the scenery of Huashan is good. I came to see it.” Yingfeng was stunned.

“And I’m not a thousand miles away. I live in Xianyang. I go down the Weishui waterway all the way and I can directly reach Huashan. It’s only an hour and a half before and after.” Yingzheng said cheerfully.

Hearing the words of Yingzheng, the man who talked was immediately stunned. .

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