Chapter 295 Sensible! This prince will not lose his own person! [Fourth update, please customize]

If they only came with money, the merchants would almost give up their doubts. But most of these people also brought a lot of goods!

Now Baoyang is not inferior to big cities like Xianyang in purchasing power.

Various factories and roads, this is a long-term investment, and it is impossible to fully recover the cost in the short term.

Steel mills, cement plants, and weaving mills are not just for fun. If you want to build it, you have to spend real money.

Earlier investment was drawn from the national treasury.

Of course, the source is actually earned through sweet potatoes and paper~

Most of the huge amount of money has flowed into the hands of the people of Baoyang!

When it comes to the wealthy and wealthy at the top, Baoyang is not comparable to Xianyang; if the overall wealth is compared, the people of Baoyang County are really not much worse than Xianyang.

Such financial power, the purchasing power transformed into it, is very scary!

Silk, cloth, needle thread brain, horses, wood, minerals, wool, dyes

Baoyang needs a variety of raw materials and daily necessities, and the amount is huge.

Merchants will naturally not miss such a market with huge potential, and a large amount of materials are flocking to Baoyang!

407 sells these materials, it will not be done in a day.

However, Baoyang County now only uses Qin banknotes no matter how it is bought or sold!

Probably after a fragrant time, several representatives of merchants were still struggling.

“How are you thinking about it? It really doesn’t work. Take advantage of the money in hand, go back and buy some good land! You are really not suitable for business.” Ying Zheng said seriously.

“Uh, my lord, please forgive Xiaomin for courage!” Faced with the sarcasm of winning politics, the elderly merchant couldn’t help but want to explain:

“In fact, not only can I wait for the goods, but there are still a lot of goods in my hands that cannot be sold. This is really not something that can be solved in a day.”

Yingzheng raised his brows and glanced at him playfully:

“Oh, let’s put it this way, my people in Baoyang County use Qin banknotes to buy your goods. You still refuse to sell them, right? Then just don’t sell them, just pull them back the same way?”

“Don’t! Your Highness, Xiaomin didn’t mean that!” The elderly merchant suddenly panicked, and sweat broke out on his head.

The rest of the people were also very nervous, for fear that Yingzheng would really issue such an order.

As long as the prince releases a word, they will not dare to sell, and no one in Baoyang will dare to buy it!

“Oh!” Ying Zheng sighed and said helplessly:

“After all that, you still have many worries in your heart! It’s nothing more than worry that the prince will discard the Qin notes, right? I’m worried that the Qin notes you get will become waste paper, right?

The merchants dare not speak.

They did think so, but who would dare to admit it in front of the winning government?

Ying Zheng confirmed their thoughts from their expressions, and said calmly:

“This prince will not promise you anything! I know what you think very well, even if you make a promise, you can’t believe it.”

“In the eyes of your merchants, things like a promise of gold may only appear in the story!”

“It’s not absolutely impossible to abandon Qin Chao! For you, there is indeed a certain risk. I also admit this prince.”

“I can only say that your eyes are too short and the pattern is too small!”

When several merchants heard this, they felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

I was despised by the people of Baoyang for no reason, and I was still despised by His Royal Highness.

It’s just a little business, why is it so difficult?

Thinking of this in my heart, there was also a little bit on his face, but in the face of winning politics, I was daring not to speak.

“Why? Not convinced? Haha!” Ying Zheng saw it at a glance.

“If you don’t accept Qin Chao and don’t believe in this prince, these are all understandable, human nature! But, have you considered from the actual situation?”

“Baoyang County and merchants are actually a (aibd) mutually beneficial relationship!”

“For you, if you can sell the good things in Baoyang County, you will reap a lot of rewards.”

“Baoyang County can grow and produce all kinds of money-making things! But to turn these things into money is also inseparable from merchants!”

“If you discard the Qin Chao, you may get some extra coins in a short time, but the credibility of Baoyang and the prince will be destroyed! In the future, if you want merchants from all over the world to come, I am afraid it will not be so easy. NS!”

“This prince would do this kind of killing chickens to get eggs?”

“Let me reiterate one last time. Any transaction in Baoyang County can only use Qin Chao! The only currency in Baoyang County that is used for trading is Qin Chao! That’s all!”

Having said that, Yingzheng was no longer interested in waiting for the response of these merchants, and leisurely closed his eyes and raised his hand in a posture of seeing off the guests.

Xiao Zhao Gao immediately understood and said coldly:

“My big bosses, please!

The merchants had just suffered humiliation. The merchants wanted to leave, but they stayed because they didn’t dare to get angry and win the government. But now, after hearing the words of the victory, they don’t want to leave.

In an instant, they thought through all the questions.

His Royal Highness’s comments and teachings are really in place!

Relying on the various advantages of Qin banknotes, once it becomes popular, it will inevitably make the business of the entire Qin country more developed, and Baoyang will be the biggest beneficiary.

However, it is impossible to bypass merchants if you want to transform Baoyang’s various goods into tangible money!

Compared with the possible benefits of Baoyang County, the money of the merchants is almost insignificant and can be ignored~

His Royal Highness’s goal is to promote Qin Chao and make the entire Qin country more prosperous. How can he be greedy for a little money from merchants?

The dignified Saint Prince of the Great Qin, the top figure in the entire Great Qin, and even the whole world can call the wind and rain, how can such a figure seek the little money of the little merchant?

It’s so ridiculous!

As for Qin Chao

Use it with confidence, use it boldly, and use it for life!

Less than the helpless situation, His Royal Highness is absolutely impossible to abandon Qin Chao!

In the current state of Qin and the Six Nations, can anyone else push the Saint Prince to such a situation?

What a joke!

Several merchants looked at each other, and they all saw each other’s intentions, and there was no hesitation.

Bang bang bang!

Kneeling down in front of Yingzheng one after another:

“His Royal Highness, please forgive me for the ignorance of the merchant Xiaomin! I am obliged to wait for the implementation of Qin Chao! I also hope that Your Highness can give us a chance to make up for our merits!”

Until this time, Ying Zheng finally opened his eyes, and a smile of approval appeared on his face:

“Hehe, sensible! Doing things for this prince will definitely not lose you!

A simple sentence laid the embryonic shape of the future Daqin Chamber of Commerce

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