Chapter 296 The implementation of Qin Chao is unstoppable! [First update, please customize]

Being able to be a representative of a large group of merchants must also have some ability. At the very least, they are very good at grasping fleeting opportunities.

There is such an opportunity right now!

That is to fully assist the Saint Prince to implement Qin Chao.

Not only is there no risk, but the benefits are not ~ imaginable!

When things are done, it is impossible for His Royal Highness to treat them badly.

As insiders among merchants, what these representatives said was even more convincing than winning politics. Moreover, the merchants do not have so many scruples in their communication, and they can say anything.

I broke it apart and crumpled it, and said it transparently and brightly!

In less than three to five days, the merchants from outside Baoyang County were completely integrated into the currency system of Qin Chao.

The Daqin Banks opened in Xianyang have successively started business.

It may not be a business, after all, there is only one type of business for the money house for the time being:

The exchange of copper coins and Qin notes in equal amounts!

If it does not generate profits, of course it cannot be called a business.

Those who conduct this kind of business are naturally some merchants in Xianyang.

Who would be willing to rush to Baoyang with carts of copper coins in Xianyang to exchange cumbersome copper coins for light Qin notes?

Isn’t there something wrong with that!

In this way, the Daqin Bank in Xianyang has gradually expanded its business and gradually attracted more and more people’s attention.

For this reason, Yingzheng made a special trip back to Xianyang to meet with King Qin Yingzichu.

Zhao Ji’s bedroom.

A family of three sat round and round, with a creaking iron plate in the middle.

“Eating hot pot every day, there will be times when you get tired of it! Father, mother, how about? This barbecue is good, isn’t it?” Yingzheng said proudly.

“Hehe, my housekeeper, I know how to eat it!” Zhao Ji picked up a piece of roasted lamb, dipped it with some dry ingredients, and ate it greasy.

“By the way, Zheng’er, you really have a lot of research on eating, how did you come up with it? Aren’t you still thinking about opening a barbecue restaurant, right?” Zi Chu quipped.

“The people take food as the heaven, and the food is not tired of fineness. This is all knowledge! The children naturally know, hehe! But, the barbecue restaurant, let’s talk about it when the time comes, and I don’t want to think about these little things.” .

“Mother, Gee! This spicy chili is fine, it won’t be so spicy when it’s cooked, and it tastes good!” With the words, Ying Zheng picked the roasted chili to Zhao Ji.

“Well, that’s good! It’s delicious!” Zhao Ji took a bite and nodded with a smile.

“Zheng’er, I came back suddenly, isn’t it as simple as eating a meal?” Zi Chu asked with a smile.

Ying Zheng kept eating meat in his mouth, stretched out his hand and took out an account book from his arms and handed it to Zi Chu:

“Father is the one who understands the children! This is a copy of the bank account book, please take a look at it!”

Zi Chu knew exactly what Yingzheng was doing. His face was solemn, his chopsticks were placed on the table, and he studied the account books wholeheartedly.

“The implementation of Qin banknotes went smoothly. At present, the whole area of ​​Baoyang County is using Qin banknotes, and half and two coins have been out of daily life. The permanent population, foreign merchants, and all transactions are using Qin banknotes.”

“Recently, many merchants have directly exchanged Qin banknotes in Xianyang, and within the merchant group, Qin banknotes have been recognized. Even in Xianyang, merchants will trade Qin banknotes.”

Ying Zheng introduced casually, and Zi Chu on the other side also turned the account book to the last page.

“Millions of money? Zheng’er, are you sure that this number is not mistaken? Is this account book from a bank or the general ledger of all banks?” Zi Chu asked in surprise.

“Naturally belongs to one family! The half and two dollars in each bank are more than one million dollars! Many half and two dollars circulated in the six countries have now been recycled a lot!” Yingzheng took it for granted.

Hearing Ying Zheng’s answer, Zi Chu was too shocked to eat barbecue.

A money house, millions of dollars, what is the concept?

Adding up the copper coins of all the banks, I am afraid it is more than the copper coins in the Great Qin Treasury!

“Your bank needs to be optimistic, don’t let people steal it!” Zi Chu was a little worried.

“Father, don’t make trouble! Who dares to get the idea of ​​a child minister? Who has the ability? The net, the black ice platform, and the tiger roar army all kill the Qianzhuang Town. There is nothing wrong with it!” Yingzheng said boldly.

“My housekeeping is the best!” Zhao Ji didn’t understand what the father and son were talking about, but she supported her without hesitation.

This is indeed the truth, Zi Chu feels a little relieved, but he still has not let go of his worries about Qin Chao:

“So, what do you mean by coming back this time? Is there anything else you want to tell the father?”

0………Look for flowers…

Yingzheng touched his nose, a little embarrassed, it seemed that he was taking the cheap father too seriously!

Sanctified reply:

“Uh, father Wang Yingming! Hey! Erchen means that copper coins and Qin notes are exchanged in equal amounts! How many copper coins are in the bank, and how many Qin notes are issued, no one can be wrong!”

“The copper coins in the bank have enough reserves, and I don’t have to worry about the issue of exchange! In other words, the implementation of Qin banknotes has been extremely safe!

“Nowadays, the trend of using Qin banknotes in Xianyang City is gradually rising. It’s good for my father to have a good idea.”

The son is too good, which is also a problem!

Laozi has no sense of existence!

“Oh!” Zi Chu sighed lightly, and said: “Qin Chao’s matter, the father and king can only ask! Remember one thing, keep it steady! Don’t make trouble, no one step!”


“Father, rest assured, everything is under the control of his ministers!” Ying Zheng said very solemnly.

Stayed with his mother Zhao Ji in the palace for one night, and the next day, Ying Zheng returned to Baoyang directly.

He did not intend to vigorously implement the Qin Chao in Xianyang for the time being. After all, it is the heart of Da Qin. There are too many things involved. Deliberately doing it can easily backfire.

Naturally, it will be enough.

In Baoyang County, there is a rare guest in Yingzheng’s study–

Si Kou Han Fei.

Master Han has been very busy recently!

Li Si presides over the laws related to the Mint in Heibing County, while Han Fei stays in Baoyang to coordinate the promotion policies of Qin banknotes, which is not easy~

Winning politics is not about doing everything by himself, he knows how to delegate power and how to use his talents!

Since Han Fei can think of issuing banknotes, he is a very suitable candidate to be responsible for the implementation of Qin banknotes.

At this moment, Han Fei seemed to have encountered some problems, with a bitter expression on his face.

“His Royal Highness, this season’s vegetables have begun to finish, and the output is completely out of supply. Without the influence of fresh vegetables, the subordinates thought that those merchants would most likely replace a large amount of Qin banknotes with copper coins again!” Han Fei worried.

“That’s it? I thought something big would happen! It doesn’t matter, this prince has his own way!” Ying Zheng replied lightly. factory.

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