Chapter 294 If you don’t want to use Qin Chao, just go home and farm! [third update, please customize]

Yingzheng hadn’t spoken yet, and there was no expression on his face. The merchants had already become public in seconds, and the vigor of Xingshi’s questioning of crimes instantly vanished.

“My prince has limited time, let’s talk about it!” Ying Zheng said directly.

“This, that, ah, His Royal Highness, Xiaomin and others all respect His Royal Highness’s holy names, and come here to visit!”

“Yes, yes! I made a special trip to meet His Royal Highness the Prince!”

“Xiaomin’s admiration for His Highness is like a surging river.”

Ying Zheng chuckled and waved his hands, and said to stop:

“Stop! This prince is really busy, and time is limited, so it’s not a prevarication. You don’t need to talk about polite things anymore. If you have anything, just say it straight!”

The merchants were a little embarrassed and blushed, and the most proficient set of horse shooting scenes was also taken back, and they said cautiously:

“His Majesty Mingjian! Xiaomin and the others are indeed okay, otherwise they would not dare to disturb Your Highness. Xiaomin and others are merchants from all over the world. This time they brought a lot of copper coins to do business, but these copper coins can’t be spent!”

“Baoyang County only accepts Qin banknotes transactions. Xiaomin and others are all wandering merchants. If they leave Baoyang, these Qin banknotes can no longer be used. Please be considerate of your Highness!”

There was flattery in the words, and the attitude was very low.

In the face of winning politics, I really can’t stand up~

“What you mean is that the prince would allow you to use copper coins for trading, right?” Ying Zheng straightforwardly picked up the words, too lazy to make a roundabout.

“Xiaomin and others really meant this, and they dare not hide it.” By now, the merchants can only admit that they originally came with this purpose.

Yingzheng nodded, noncommittal, and randomly flung out a few Qin banknotes around him, lightly falling into the hands of a group of merchants.

“In the final analysis, you just don’t understand or believe in Qin Chao!” Yingzheng glanced over the merchants’ faces. “This prince might as well tell you directly that from now on, I want to do business in Baoyang County. , Can only use Qin Chao, 々!”

When everyone heard the words, their expressions changed instantly! Looking at the Qin Chao in his hand, they felt bitter in their hearts.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, this prince can explain it to you personally!” Ying Zheng said lightly.

“There are specific words printed on the surface of Qin banknotes, which represent the same amount of copper coins. Is this understandable? The paper used to make Qin banknotes is indeed paper, but this kind of paper is very special! It is tough, waterproof, and does not fade. It’s light, easy to store and circulate.”

The merchants looked down at the Qin Chao in their hands and touched them unconsciously.

“You also said that when you came, you brought a cart of copper coins over. Don’t you think it is troublesome? Huh? A cart of copper coins should be hundreds of thousands? Disciple, the suffering in this, you know better than anyone else!”

“If you change into Qin notes, a carriage of copper coins can be brought over in your arms! Is it such a convenient thing that you don’t want to try?”

Very simple reason!

Very convenient Qin Chao!

Merchants are not only not stupid, but extremely shrewd. They can think clearly about the benefits of Qin Chao, and at the same time can guess some of the purposes of winning the government and promoting Qin Chao.

However, once the copper coin is replaced with Qin banknotes, it is just a pile of paper of uncertain value! Whether it is worth or not, whether it can be used or not is all in the grasp of the winning government!

This kind of risk is too great for them, and it makes them panic and hesitant.

Whether it is a peasant or a merchant, money is always not easy to obtain.

The merchants shuttled between the seven countries, and on the surface they were doing business and being harmonious, but in reality?

The danger in it is not an exaggeration to describe the knife head licking blood, it is basically not making money on the belt!

If the wealth earned through hard work and desperation is replaced by a pile of waste paper, it would be better to kill them directly.

The merchants were lost in thought, and they couldn’t decide whether to gamble or not!

The profits of all kinds of novel products in Baoyang County are extremely impressive, especially for transporting these things to the six countries, which can be said to be very profitable!

Glass, fresh vegetables, stainless steel products, and woolen sweaters that have just appeared are all in short supply. There is no need to worry about making money.

The temptation and attraction of this kind of interest makes people unable to give up, it is difficult to refuse, and no one will easily give up!

Seeing that the merchants in front of him were in a state of uncertainty, Ying Zheng spoke again:

“The prince of Qin Chao’s convenience doesn’t need to be said any more. From your mind, you all understand the pros and cons. In fact, what you don’t understand is the bank!”

“The Daqin Bank was personally established by the prince, and there is also the prince’s autograph on the plaque! As long as it is within the business hours of the bank, you can go for the exchange business at any time!”

*” Copper coins can be exchanged for Qin banknotes, and Qin banknotes can also be exchanged for copper coins. The exchange is completely equal, and there is no conversion. It’s hard to understand, why are you so hesitant to even try?”

“Think about it, you brought copper coins here, just to sell all kinds of goods back. The copper coins were replaced by Qin notes, and Qin notes bought goods. The result is the same. You paid the money and got the goods!”

“If this prince is from your perspective, for the sake of safety, after changing the Qin notes, you can immediately turn all the Qin notes into goods and take them back! This process, one day is enough!”

“Limited to one day, part of the money, are you worried that if you change the Qin banknotes on the front foot, you will not be able to buy the goods on the back foot? If you can’t bear such risks, you can’t believe it if the prince guarantees

“The prince advises you to go home and farm! Stop being a businessman!”

What Yingzheng said was very truthful and straightforward, and normal people could understand it. Merchants also suddenly realized it, such as Meng Fang Xingqiao.

That’s right! I just thought that I couldn’t change the copper coins into paper, I thought that Qin notes could not be used outside

But this kind of paper is enough for Baoyang!

It is enough to be able to change into goods in Baoyang!

“I’m waiting for dullness, don’t worry about your Royal Highness!” The older merchant representative said ashamed, and immediately asked:

“But I don’t know, in addition to Baoyang, the Daqin Bank opened by His Highness has a semicolon?”

“You are shrewd!” Ying Zheng sneered, “Why? Worried about something wrong with the bank in Baoyang?-If something goes wrong with the bank here, you can exchange it elsewhere, right?”

The elderly merchant was immediately exposed, and his complexion turned red.

Ying Zheng didn’t grasp this kind of cautious thinking, and said lightly:

“Xianyang and Baoyang have several bank branches. In the future, Daqin will have more branches! They can be exchanged anytime, anywhere!”.

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