Chapter 290 Issue Qin banknotes! The beginning of a unified currency! [Third update, ask for customization]

Shili is different, Baili is different!

Every ten miles, the people’s accent will be different; every hundred miles, the customs of the two places will be different.

The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were such a period.

Because of this, the currency of the Warring States Period is also difficult to achieve real circulation.

Countries or regions have relatively fixed trading media.

In the second year of King Qin Huiwen, half and two coins began to be issued.

The outer circle and the inner square are cast in bronze with the words “half” and “two”. This is the currency of the Qin State, commonly known as copper coins.

After the first emperor ruled the world, half and two coins were able to pass through the world, and this shape lasted for two thousand years.

Outside Xianyang city, Heibing County.

This is the fief where the Saint Prince wins the government, and it is also the location of the Black Ice Publishing House. At this moment, the Prince Wins the government and the King of Qin wins the Zi Chu.

“Hundreds of thousands of copies of “Agricultural Code” were made here? Movable type printing is amazing!” Zi Chu looked at some of the printing plates in front of him and exclaimed sincerely.

“Father, my son is not looking for you for movable type printing.” Ying Zheng chuckled, then took a special piece of “paper” and handed it to Zi Chu.

“What is this? Well, the material 403 is very special. It is very different from the previous white paper and rice paper! A thousand words? What do you mean?” Zi Chu rubbed it with his hands, and it was very creamy.

He is very interested in paper, but he is puzzled by the words on it.

“In fact, Erchen arrived in Xianyang a few days in advance. The reason why he didn’t enter the palace to visit the father and the queen and the mother was precisely for this kind of paper! Erchen called it Qin Chao!” Ying Zheng’s expression was extremely serious.

“Qin Chao? What’s the use?” Zi Chu frowned and asked.

“Daily, substitute, copper, money!” Yingzheng halted each word.

“Instead of copper coins? One thousand coins? Does this piece of paper represent one thousand coins?” Zi Chu’s expression became serious, thinking about the meaning.

Copper coins, that is, half and two coins, have been used for a hundred years!

Such things as gold and silver are not circulated. They are simply a royal reward and a symbol of status and honor. They can only be used in the circle of the dignitaries of various countries.

In Daqin’s interior, copper coins and cloth silks are widely recognized currencies!

“Bronze and cloth are only recognized if they have real use value; paper is also valuable. Xuan paper is also expensive (aibd), but why should this kind of fine paper replace copper coins?” Zichu had some thoughts. Chaos, I can’t think of too much at a time.

“With Daqin’s national strength! With the credibility of the court! With the prestige of his father and sons!” Yingzheng opened his mouth with a few relying on it, full of confidence.

“The widow still doesn’t understand!” Zi Chu shook his head, “Isn’t half and two dollars very good? Why do you need to make such a thing? Money is not a small matter, it is a big deal!”

“Father’s worries, the sons and ministers understand in their hearts. But the issuance of Qin banknotes is now a matter of course! Moreover, in terms of the current situation of my Daqin, it will not cause any major problems.” Yingzheng vowed.

“What you said is light!” Zi Chubai gave him a glance.

“Hehe, my father is relieved, Qin Chao can’t immediately replace copper coins, there will be a process. Like the imperial examination system, Erchen plans to try it out in Baoyang! If you find any problems, you can solve them as soon as possible.” Yingzheng said bluntly. .

“You are just telling the widows in advance, isn’t it? Smelly boy! Or, Father needs to think carefully when going back!” Zi Chu feigned angrily.

“Oh!” Ying Zheng sighed, “My father doesn’t know anything! My sons and ministers are almost annoying!”

“My Daqin’s business has begun to recover and prosper. The largest few transactions are sweet potatoes and paper. It is really inconvenient to do business with the six countries!”

“The coins of different countries are different, the texture is uneven, and there is a lot of trouble. In the two transactions, gold and silver were even used! The difference and loss are simply impossible to count!”

“Leave aside the transaction with the Six Nations, just talk about Xianyang. At the sweater fair yesterday, every sweater was fetched at a high price of more than one or two gold! Copper coins and cloth are not suitable for this level of transaction at all!”

“A large amount of Qin banknotes is imperative!”

In fact, Yingzheng has already had the idea of ​​a unified currency, but the time is not ripe.

Forcing the promotion of Qin Chao can only backfire!

After hearing such remarks from Yingzheng, Zi Chu also deeply agreed and nodded:

“Okay! You always try to do things afterwards, and be well prepared! Anyway, you are trying out in Baoyang. It’s up to you, and the father is waiting to see the result!”

“Father Wang Yingming!” Ying Zheng smiled and gave a flattery.

Since the construction of Baoxian Road, there has been a signature of Sichuan-Chongqing Hotpot Restaurant in Xianyang. Many businessmen like to trade between the two places.

A lot of tolls have been collected!

But the people in Baoyang County are more profitable.

Vegetables grown in glass greenhouses have a steady stream of buyers, so there is no need to be afraid of not being sold. Even if the winter is over, some off-season cereals and fruits can be planted.

The business of the Baoyang transportation team is also extremely hot!

The standard carriage shuttled on Baoxian Road, and a large number of materials were traded between the two places. Vegetables, glass, and all kinds of daily necessities are all very hot things.

This is still winter, and if the spring flowers bloom, more materials will be transported through Bao Xian Road.

Xianyang and Baoyang have formed a cross-regional business circle!

What Yingzheng was waiting for, and the time and opportunity to issue Qin banknotes all appeared at this time.

Black Ice Publishing House, transferred to Daqin Mint!

The Tigers who stayed in the guard post, under the leadership of a few people in the shelter, and in accordance with the instructions of the winning government, have begun to closely monitor the Mint.

For special paper and special printing pigments, Yingzheng has obtained the production method through the system.

He drew out some reliable personnel and craftsmen, and made countless attempts on the whole set of coinage technology.

With the current level of technology, there is absolutely no possibility that the Qin banknotes produced by the Mint will be copied!

Even the workers of the mint, if they left the mint and wanted to make Qin banknotes individually, that would be impossible.

The Six Nations is even more impossible.

Papermaking and printing are unique to Daqin, and the production process of special paper and special printing pigments is extremely cumbersome!

Who can imitate?

It can’t be done at all!

The workers of the mint have no idea what they are producing, but a large amount of “money” is constantly being made out of their hands.

The first small quantities of Qin banknotes are being produced one after another.

The remaining thing is to let these Qin banknotes circulate and gradually replace copper coins and become new currencies!,

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