Chapter 291 Shocked! The world’s money comes from Qin! [Fourth update, please customize]

The imperial examination system in Baoyang changed the fate of many people, including Li Si, Han Fei, and Fang Ping.

Especially Liz!

Both are Confucian disciples and also study Legalist thought. Li Si and Han Fei are both brothers and competitors for mutual proof of knowledge.

But there are big differences in their personalities and ideas, and their achievements and evaluations are also different.

Han Fei has a detached personality, and he often has novel and unconstrained creativity; Li Si is more pragmatic and pays attention to the application of knowledge in practice.

During the time when they served as the left and right squad in Baoyang County, both of them had their own understanding of the “fa” in their hearts and made great progress.

For Li Si, he is more confident!

The combination of learning and reality proves that his pragmatic actions and ideas are better. At least, he believes that his knowledge is definitely not under his brother Han Fei.

After a night of chariots, Li Si came to Heibing County from Baoyang.

Inside the Daqin Mint.

“His Royal Highness summons students to come, I don’t know what kind of law is to be formulated? So urgent?” Li Si asked.

“I can’t talk about it urgently, it’s just the time! Moreover, with you, an expert of the Legalist school, when do you have to wait at this time?” Ying Zheng laughed-and quipped.

“His Royal Highness is absurd, students can’t afford it!” Li Siqian resigned.

“Hehe, no hurry! Let me take you around!” After that, he won the government and beckoned: “The sun, the chaos, the Xuan Jian, this is the Lord Si Kou Li from Baoyang County, you know!”

The four of them bowed their hands to each other and said hello.

“Take Master Li to go through the various processes of the Mint, and see me again in the afternoon!” Ying Zheng ordered.

Baoyang’s carriage was very stable and closed. There was a brazier in the carriage. He slept all night and came over.

Therefore, Li Si’s mental state is not bad.

In one morning, he watched the entire coinage process, from paper making to printing and forming, very carefully.

The shock in my heart is getting stronger and stronger!

Heibing County, the residence of the winning government.

“The Mint, your Highness meant that you want to replace copper coins with this kind of paper?” Li Si asked tentatively.

Yingzheng nodded approvingly and chuckled:

“Haha! This kind of paper is not a simple thing! After a special process, the paper has a waterproof function, the texture is also particularly tough, and it is not easy to damage. The printed pigments are more special and cannot be worn off at all. Will exist forever!

The other three people were also in the room, Xuan Jian held a Qin note in his hand, and said in doubt:

“His Royal Highness, what’s the use of this thing? How can it be substituted for copper coins? Just rely on the thousand words printed on it? Rice paper is not so expensive anymore!”

The cover of the sun is also extremely puzzled. A large part of the Tigers’ force is stationed here, which means that it is overkill. Can’t help but ask:

“His Royal Highness, in the previous Black Ice Publishing House, we have arranged very strict guards, and there has never been anything wrong! Now that it has become the Daqin Mint, is it more important than before? Because of this kind of paper?”

Luan Shen didn’t speak, but he was obviously expecting an answer.

“Li Si, let’s talk about it!” Ying Zheng laughed.

Li Si bowed his hand and arranged the various Qin banknotes that he brought with him on the case table.

“One essay, ten essays, fifty essays, one hundred essays, five hundred essays, one thousand essays! Your Highness’s meaning is obvious, that is, to use these papers to replace copper coins!”

“This kind of substitution has many benefits! Weight is reduced, easy to store, and easy to carry! Compared with traditional copper coins, gold and silver, the advantages of Qin banknotes are too obvious!”

“As for the feasibility of replacing copper coins, among the Seven Kingdoms, Qin has strict laws and has the best reputation in the court! Moreover, the name of the crown prince needs to be added with the word’sage’. It is not difficult to be recognized!”

Xuan Jian scratched his head and said in a naive way:

“So, paper becomes money? Simply printing a variety of characters can represent different amounts of copper coins? It’s too easy, right? If you print 10,000 or 100,000, the money will not be more. Why do you need these ten essays?”

Li Si shook his head and explained:

“This is not a simple matter! Special papers, special printing pigments, and a rigorous process. Every step cannot be wrong, let alone spread out! It is necessary to ensure that the Qin banknotes circulating outside are all made from the mint. That’s it!

“Once a counterfeit Qin banknote appears, the consequences will be disastrous! Your Highness asks the students to come over, is to formulate a set of laws related to coinage?”

The look on Ying Zheng’s face is even more appreciated:

“Master Si Kou’s mind is rare in the world! Without waiting for the prince to explain, I have figured out everything, awesome! Ha ha! Presumably, if you have a set of corresponding laws to supervise, you shouldn’t be troubled by it?”

0……Look for flowers…

“His Royal Highness is too acclaimed! In fact, Li Si did not directly think of His Highness’s intentions, but made assumptions in this area before. Ashamed, Brother Han Fei mentioned the idea of ​​using paper coins.” Li Stan said. .

“That’s it! It’s rare that Han Fei’s thinking can jump to this level!” Ying Zheng sighed.

At the beginning, he was still wondering. Li Si understood the purpose of replacing copper coins the moment he saw Qin Chao. This ability to understand is really too strong.

Actually thought of it in advance!

“The student still has a question, or it is a speculation. Why didn’t Yin Xia order the Qin banknotes to be made with the words Daqin Mint printed on it? Could it be that” Li Si couldn’t believe this idea.


“That’s what Han Fei thought of? Haha, yes! This prince meant to let Qin Chao go through the world and replace all copper, gold and silver! This is the ultimate goal!” Ying Zheng said boldly.

After receiving a personal response from Yingzheng, Li Si’s heart was completely shaken!

Unified currency!

Your Highness’s goal is indeed a unified currency!

When Han Fei proposed the idea of ​​replacing copper coins with paper, the two brothers discussed with each other for a long time and found many problems.

The final conclusion is: it is difficult to achieve!

The problem of the production process cannot be solved, and it is almost impossible to avoid counterfeit banknotes.

But this is not the end of the discussion!

The two have extended this absurd idea:

If the problem of the production process is solved, the circulation of banknotes will have too many benefits! Can such a kind of banknotes be completely circulated?

Conclusion, still can’t!

Unless it rules the world!

Or, if someone like the Saint Prince wins the government and implements it personally, there may be a trace of possibility!

Nowadays, the assumption of the two brothers has passed for a long time, and the development of Baoyang County has also gone up countless steps.

With the economic strength and status of Baoyang County, coupled with the prestige factory of His Royal Highness.

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