Chapter 289 The exhibition has turned into a panic buying! Sweaters are also crazy! [Second more, please customize]

When the time has come, Zhao Gao re-boarded the three-foot-high platform, with a heavy and serious expression on his face.


“Dear guests, friends! All kinds of sweaters have been placed in front of you. However, now there is a problem that I have to explain.”

Although young, Xiao Zhao Gao is also a half-step innate master, with plenty of internal strength and a very loud voice.

The noisy exhibition hall gradually quieted down.

“The reason why the price is not marked is because the price is the same, each piece is 500 characters!”

As soon as this remark came out, the ladies and ladies who were listening attentively in the audience suddenly talked and became noisy again.

“Bought it! Pay now! Ten of each style!”

“Why didn’t you say it earlier? What counts as five hundred words? Such a beautiful sweater is not expensive at this price!”

“The king and the queen also wear sweaters, five hundred texts, a small meaning!”

“That’s right! We are all nobles, can we care if these five hundred characters are not made?”

The ladies are a little bit happy, but Xiao Zhaogao hasn’t finished speaking yet

“It’s true! Although this sweater can be mass-produced, but the output is limited! Various dyeing techniques, the supply of fine wool, these have great restrictions!”

“At present, we can only produce these on the market! Once they are all sold out, if you want to buy again, you may have to wait a long time!”

The meaning revealed in the words is very simple:

The quantity is limited, if you want to buy it as soon as possible!

The eyes of everyone in the audience began to turn red, and the same thoughts were in their hearts:

Snatch it first, so that you don’t have to buy it when you have money! If you miss such a beautiful dress, it will be a big loss!

Seeing that these ladies and ladies were about to do something, Xiao Zhao Gao shouted again:

“Let’s talk nonsense! Everyone has the love of beauty! The thoughts of your distinguished guests, my Royal Highness is also very clear! In order to prevent everyone from hurting their peace.”

“All sweaters, the one with the higher price, 々!”

The higher the price?

I wait for the rich and powerful, and the poor will have money left!

Fighting for financial resources, who is afraid of?


The inner restlessness could no longer be suppressed, and the lady lady rushed to all kinds of sweaters she liked.

At this time, hundreds of people dressed up in the accountant also appeared quietly in the venue, still holding paper and pen in their hands.

“What are you talking about? There are only ten pieces of this white one? Okay! My lady wants them all!”

“Sell me all ten pieces, one piece in six hundred texts!”

“Huh? I want all six hundred articles? One thousand articles! I only need two.”

“What is the fight for the small door? The price of two thousand wen, ten pieces, let my wife wrap the sweater!”

“Haha, I’m sorry! My lady said that there are many people in the mansion, and they all like this white one, so I can’t let it to you! Two thousand five hundred words, pack it!”

“This lady doesn’t care about the money! It’s just that she doesn’t carry so much on her body, so I first keep the account, and wait for this lady to buy the clothes, and then go back to the house with me to get the money.

The same scene was being staged everywhere in the entire sweater fair.

For woolen sweaters that cost less than ten wen, the base price is five hundred wen, and the transaction price can reach more than one or two gold!

The trade fair has become a panic buying event, and at the same time it has become a grand event for the wealthy and powerful to show off their wealth.

Lasted for more than a long time, the trade fair finally came to an end. All the sweaters were sold out, and countless money fell into the pockets of the winning government.

Fei Yan, Zhao Gao, and Yan Chuanyu, the three admire the way they win politics!

The handsome-looking boy, holding the IOU in his hand, respectfully followed Mrs. Ping’s mother and daughter to Changping Jun’s house.

“You wait here for a while, and then send someone to fetch you money! Come here~ hello!” Madam Ping gave an order, holding the little girl Lianyi towards the inner house.

A maid in the house came over to serve tea and pour water.

Mr. Changping’s work efficiency is still very fast, and the time is short. The old housekeeper in the mansion carries a heavy pocket and clears the money to the young man.

The boy checked it briefly, destroyed the IOU, and left.

For the rich and powerful when buying things, they will naturally not fall back on the bills, and even more dare not fall back on the bills in front of the prince!

Inside the house.

Both Mrs. Ping and Xiao Lianyi have changed into their newly bought sweaters in a hurry.

It just so happens that Lord Changping is also at home!

“Husband, take a look, how is it? Is it pretty?” Madam Ping turned slowly.

“Haha, not bad! Madam wears this sweater, it looks more beautiful than before!” Changping Jun praised.

“It’s a pity that only women wear sweaters, otherwise, I must buy some for my husband!” Madam Ping was proud and regretful.

“Look at our little Lianyi. Wearing this light pink sweater makes it even more beautiful!” Madam Ping held the little Lianyi girl in her arms and kissed her immediately.

Mrs. Ping’s appearance is extremely outstanding, a proper big beauty, and her biological daughter Xiao Lianyi also inherited this beauty. She is already a beauty at a young age.

Changping-jun looked at the two beauties, one big and the other, in a very good mood, with a smile on his face all the time.

*”Although the prince and the monarch have different political opinions, few of his fantastic ideas can really be compared. Wearing these sweaters really makes a woman’s figure more graceful. ”

“More than that! The sweater has a very good warmth retention effect. No wonder the queen has been wearing it that day! Oh, yes! Because there is no men’s sweater, His Royal Highness asked him to give a lot of hats to express his apology!” Mrs. Ping Suddenly remembered this.

“Hey! Emerald green, very thick! It is said that it was made by the textile masters of Baoyang County, it is a rare thing!” Mrs. Ping searched for it, and took out a hat woven with wool from the innermost.

“Put it on for you!” “Mrs. Ping personally buckled the emerald green hat on Changping-jun’s head and tongue.

When he stayed at home, Mr. Changping didn’t have his hair tied, and his head was flat.

“Don’t tell me, this hat is very warm! I gave it away?” Chang Ping Jun was very satisfied with this fashionable hat, and would not take it off after wearing it.

“What’s the gift or not? Our house is still short of that little money? Don’t talk about a hat, it’s this sweater. It costs hundreds of taels of gold, and it’s nothing!” Madam Ping said indifferently.


Changping Jun just drank a sip of tea in his mouth, and it was sprayed out directly by him.

“How much? Madam, did you spend a hundred taels of gold on these sweaters??” Chang Pingjun’s face turned green and his heart ached.

“What’s the matter, husband? Are these sweaters not beautiful?” Madam Ping’s pretty face looked very surprised. While talking, she turned around again, showing her graceful posture.

Tight-fitting buttocks~

“Pretty, beautiful! Just be happy if you are!

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