Chapter 288 Buy! Pack! All you want! [First update, please customize]

Xianyang City is the political and economic center of the Qin State.

The vast majority of Qin’s nobles lived in Xianyang. Even if some officials and generals stationed in other places, their families would stay here.

The nobility is also divided into ranks, the royal clan, the general family, and the Qing clan are different.

No matter how to divide, there will always be a group of people on the top!

As the eldest son of the current King of Chu, the cousin of the current King of Qin, and the core figure of the Chu family, Lord Changping is one of the top dignitaries.

His wife and daughter also came to the sweater fair.

“I can’t believe my eyes! These sweaters are so beautiful!” Mrs. Changping Jun, who is in her twenties, muttered to herself.

“Mother, this white dress is so beautiful, can I touch it?” The speaker was a little girl who was elegantly carved with pink eyes, staring at the white sweater in front of her.

“Xiao Lianyi, these are clothes for adults, you can’t wear them for the time being!” Mrs. Ping said to the four or five-year-old child.

“My dear madam, if you want to buy a sweater for the young lady, there is a kindergarten version inside. It is available in various sizes and styles, and it is suitable for the young lady to wear!”

The talking guy is not too old, only ten, twenty, eight, and looks very clean.

“Oh? There are sweaters for children? Haha! Are you familiar with these sweaters?” Madam Ping’s eyes lit up.

“Mrs. Hui, the little one is from Baoyang County, and His Royal Highness has specially asked someone to teach the little one! The color, style, size, and characteristics of the sweater are all familiar to the little ones.” The young man said respectfully.

Mrs. Changpingjun turned her head and glanced around, and found that many of these teenage boys seemed to be a group of people specially brought by the Prince.

“Children’s sweaters don’t rush! Just follow me, and introduce all kinds of sweaters to me!” Mrs. Ping took out a few coins and rewarded the boy.

“Let’s talk about it, besides being good-looking, what are the advantages of woolen clothes?” She asked with interest.

“The common characteristics of sweaters are mainly good thermal performance! In addition, sweaters are elastic, extensible, drape and breathability are also excellent.”

At this moment, I suddenly heard a young girl’s voice rang:

“Who is in charge? The sweaters here, each of the pink styles, this lady wants ten pieces! I want it now! Hurry up, come here in charge! Don’t worry about the money, this lady will definitely buy it even if you sell iron!”

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

With such a shout, the rest of the ladies and girls also yelled.

“Is His Royal Highness here? I want twenty pieces of each color for this long body!”

“Where to pay? This lady wants all the sweaters on this shelf!”

“Hey!” Madam Ping sighed, “These people are just spending money indiscriminately! No matter how good the sweater is, it will be worth whoever wears it. Someone is suitable, and some is not suitable!”

The boy hurriedly echoed one sentence:

“Madam Mingjian! Each style of sweater can actually set off a different temperament, and it is in line with its own temperament, that is really suitable.”

“Hehe, depending on your age, you still have some knowledge! Tell me, what’s the meaning of this style?” Madam Ping picked up an orange sweater.

“What about this style, His Royal Highness called it a slim-fit sweater with hips! It can best bring out the noble and delicate characteristics, and will leave a very elegant impression. It is very suitable for the lady!” The young man introduced.

Mrs. Ping secretly broke in her heart: The prince is obviously a kid, so he came up with this kind of vocabulary.

Bag hip slim type, Ka!

Apart from the name, Mrs. Ping was satisfied with the introduction of the young man.

Noble, elegant, well, it’s really suitable!

“Huh? This one looks so strange! The sleeves are fat and the neckline is empty?” Mrs. Ping took a fancy to a beige sweater, which is very beautiful, but the neckline is too exposed!

“This is called a bat shirt! Madam’s age, if you wear a bat shirt, you can be more majestic and more mature! It is most suitable for setting off your hostess’s identity!

Bat shirt? Strange shape and strange name!

“What about this one?”

“What about the red one?”

“What’s the short name?”

“Cardigan? Wear it directly outside?”

Mrs. Ping took the little jumpsuit and the boy, strolling all the way and asking questions.

The little guy introduced extremely detailed, the advantages and characteristics of each style, everything is comprehensive!

The only thing in common is that any one is extremely suitable for Mrs. Ping!

Mrs. Ping herself thinks so too.

Every sweater is tailor-made for her!

“Bought! These sweaters are good! Especially for this kind of buttocks. Give me 20 of each color! How much? How can I sell it?” Mrs. Ping asked excitedly.

“Madam is really good-minded! What kind of cardigan? It’s also suitable for you!” the young man suggested.

“Well, cardigans are also very good! Ten pieces of each color!”

“Bat shirt makes you look more temperamental! Don’t you think about it?”

“Ten pieces of each color!”

“On this shelf, there are long woolen sweaters, which go well with your wife!”

“Come on! The woolen sweaters for the entire shelf, all inclusive!”

Inside the sweater fair, there are similar scenes everywhere.

The ladies and girls originally came for 400 coats of wool, and with the introduction of those young men, the desire to buy is constantly increasing and expanding.

The comparison between each other makes this demand for purchase more intense.

Every lady has red eyes and wants to buy a lot of beautiful sweaters immediately!

But throughout the fair, a sweater was not sold, and the ladies took out gold and silver, and there was no place to pay~

Robbery is impossible. These people cherish fame more than one, and no one can do that kind of thing.

Fei Yan’s big eyes blinked and blinked, and she felt the weirdness of the scene, and she was very puzzled about the arrangements for winning the government.

“My son, you specially trained those young guys in Baoyang, and you found a large number of people who know how to settle accounts. Why didn’t you sell these sweaters? Did you change your mind?” Xiao Nizi asked suspiciously.

“Change your mind? Of course not! Sweaters must be sold, but they have to be sold at a good price! They will not mind if they can buy such exquisite sweaters and spend a little more money! !” Ying Zheng had an extremely confident expression on his face.

Spend more money?

That’s nothing, just mark the price clearly.

The things that King Qin and the Queen personally wore were sold more expensive, what’s incomprehensible?

The point is that there is no price at all!.

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