Chapter 287 Sweater fair! Red-eyed ladies! [Fourth update, please customize]

Two or three days will be the traditional New Year’s Eve and Spring Festival.

For the people of Xianyang, this year is a fat year.

Agriculture has been harvested year after year and commerce has been prosperous. The people’s pockets are bulging and their confidence is strong. They dare to buy all kinds of things in the shops.

Especially in Xianyang this winter, even fresh vegetables can be sold! Ordinary people have already prepared enough goods for the New Year, nesting at home waiting for the New Year.

However, when ordinary people do not go out, the powerful and rich in Xianyang flock to the business district.

There is only one reason:

Today is the woolen sweater fair, the day it started!

Xiao Zhao Gao appeared as a host.

A temporarily rented venue, a temporary three-foot high platform, and a huge curtain made temporarily. Xiao Zhaogao stood calmly on the high platform, facing the hundreds of noble ladies and ladies under the stage, there was no timidity for the “four zero zero” field.

“Guests, distinguished guests, welcome to this sweater fair! The sweaters for this fair are only available in women’s and children’s versions, and men’s sweaters are still in production.

“Please forgive me for your troubles!” Xiao Zhaogao bowed to the audience.

Because of taking a sufficient amount of Tiger Wolf Pill, Xiao Zhao Gao has no feminine aura on his body, and his appearance is also very outstanding, and he is still a person around Yingzheng, and no one will underestimate him.

But the attention of the guests from the stage was not on Zhao Gao.

In the first row among the crowd, there is a girl in white there!

“That Feiyan? Weiyan from the Yin Yang family, why is she here?” A group of noble girls gathered together and whispered.

“Look, she is wearing a sweater! It looks like the Queen’s Qingluan sweater!”

“It’s really similar. The queen’s piece is creamy white embroidered with blue luan, and the red smoke is pure white embroidered with three-legged golden crow! It’s so beautiful, and it’s not inferior to the queen!”

“No! Something is different! This one is longer and wraps the back in! It also looks tighter, with the hem and waist and abdomen more conspicuous!”

“Cut! Are the people of the Yin and Yang family so shameless? Wearing this kind of sweater is not just seduce a man?”

“Hehe, I think you are jealous, right? People’s figure looks much better than you!

“Isn’t it the effect of that sweater? If this lady wears that sweater, she must be more beautiful than her, believe it or not? Maybe, His Royal Highness will come close to me!”

Not only these girls are paying attention to Feiyan, but most of the people present are like that.

Needless to say, Feiyan’s figure should be convex and curled, and the sweater showed her good figure vividly, and presented it most intuitively in front of the women.

The pure white sweater and the cool temperament of Feiyan also match, highlighting her purity and nobility.

“This sweater should be on sale too? Be sure to buy one!”

“Must buy! If my old lady wears this sweater, all the little fairies in the house have to flash aside for me!”

The ladies and ladies, the eyes are extremely hot, and the anticipation of the sweater fair has doubled!

At this time, Xiao Zhao Gao also finished politely, no more nonsense.

“Everyone! This sweater is most suitable for girls to wear! It is fresh and beautiful, and it is more wine and lively!” Xiao Zhao Gao picked out a tender green sweater from the curtain behind the high platform.

The sweater has a hanger inside, which is picked up in the air by a bamboo hook. The overall shape is displayed, and everyone can see it clearly.

“What a pure color! Such fresh dyeing, even the most famous dyeing family can never do it!” A very knowledgeable aristocratic girl was shocked.

“Yes! I have never seen clothes of this color before! Moreover, not only is the color beautiful, but the style is not comparable to ordinary clothes! The waist, spray~”

“This sweater, this lady is determined to win! Must buy one!”

After showing it for a while, Xiao Zhaogao picked out a pure white sweater.

“White symbolizes purity and loyalty. This sweater is completely white, whiter than Baixue.


The ladies below immediately boiled.

Isn’t this the one that Feiyan wears?

It really has to be sold!

Except for the different patterns on the front, the other colors and styles are the same!

The atmosphere at the scene was directly driven up and quickly heated up.

Ying Zheng stayed behind the curtain, quietly feeling the commotion of the ladies, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

After thinking about it a little, he transmitted a voice to Zhao Gaodao through the curtain:

“Xiao Gao, it’s okay! No need to continue to introduce one by one, the gimmick is enough!”

Zhao Gao knew immediately, and Ying Zheng explained in advance what he should do.

“Dear guests, there are hundreds of sweaters in this sweater fair. Please taste them yourself for the specific colors and styles!

While speaking, Xiao Zhao Gao raised the edge of the curtain and raised his hand!


Behind the curtain is a wider space, colorful sweaters of various styles, neatly hung on the shelves, appearing in front of everyone.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, sweaters of every color are available, and the styles are endless, dazzling.

The noble ladies were strongly stimulated, as if they were in a state of madness, and rushed towards them with red eyes!

“This feels great! It turns out that it is not only bright colors and fashionable styles, but it must be extremely comfortable to wear!”

“Huh? The elasticity is so big? This kind, my old lady can wear it too!”

“Pink, there are pink ones! It’s amazing! The pink sweater with bright red flowers is so beautiful!

“God! Purple, gold! These two are the most noble! Even the fabrics rarely appear in these two colors, and the output is extremely limited!”

The scene once entered a state of incomparable chaos.

Women from rich and wealthy families have all seen the world! But when facing these 1.3 beautiful costumes in front of them, they can’t calm down at all.

The grace of the lady and the reservedness of the girl are all put aside!

Women are still women after all, whether ancient or later, as if they have a deep-rooted persistence and fanaticism for beautiful clothes.

Yingzheng was hidden in the deepest part of the room and did not show up.

“Those guys you sent are all fine, right? If you collect the money wrongly, it will be a big loss!” Ying Zheng asked with a smile.

“Your Highness can rest assured! They are all carefully selected, and it is absolutely no problem to settle the accounts and collect the money!” Yan Chuanyu next to him respectfully replied.

Fei Yan also returned to Yingzheng for the first time, and did not continue to stay in front of others.

She is about the same as Zhao Ji.

The tight-fitting sweater is too showy, which makes her a little uncomfortable. .

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