Chapter 286 Xiao Feiyan has grown up! [Third update, please customize]

Why would Win Jung forget about Feiyan? That is a Tsundere but also tender woman~

Although the side task of conquering Feiyan is still not completed, Yingzheng’s feelings for Feiyan are far from being as simple as completing the task.

Acquaintance, acquaintance, to life and death, never leave, they have experienced a lot together, they have already merged into each other and cannot be separated.

This time, Ying Zheng not only prepared gifts for Zi Chu and Zhao Ji, but Feiyan also had one.

Mother and son reunited and talked for a long time. It’s getting late, and I won the political affiliation-self-sent Zhao Ji back to the bedroom.

Returning to the Prince’s Mansion again, with a faint smile on Ying Zheng’s face, he lifted a simple wooden box, and left the residence alone.

The first stop is the small courtyard where he and Zhao Ji once lived!

“It’s been four years, haha!” Yingzheng sighed with emotion.

The appearance of the small courtyard has not changed much. It is neat and delicate. He lived here on the first night when he returned to Xianyang from Handan.

The first encounter with Feiyan was also that night.

“It was here, this wall!” Ying Zheng muttered to herself, with a little force under her feet, she jumped.

It’s been a long time since I saw Feiyan, and he missed the government very much. He decided to follow the trajectory of the year and relive the process of acquaintance. It just so happened that today’s moon rose very early, just like it did in the past.

The inside of the palace is very clean. There is no winter snow on the bluestone floor. The cold moonlight makes it softer and quieter.

Yingzheng wandered around carrying the wooden box, thinking about his thoughts.

“Xiao Nizi should also like this woolen sweater? After all, so many ladies and girls in the palace like it, which proves that the style and material of the sweater have been recognized.”

“I’m fifteen years old! I don’t know how Xiao Nizi has developed during this time? If it doesn’t fit, it won’t be perfect~”

Thinking in a mess in his mind, without knowing it, Ying Zheng went to an extremely empty place.

Suddenly, a very familiar vitality fluctuation appeared in the induction of winning the government!

Looking up, I saw a fifteen or sixteen-year-old young girl holding a black and white artifact in her hand, but her eyes were staring at the Yuehua Xinghui in the winter night, as if she was predicting something.

“Haiyan!” said with surprise to win the government.

I was really distracted just now, and relaxed my sense of surroundings.

The girl is the red smoke!

She originally planned to meet Yingzheng on Zhao Ji’s birthday, but there was no suitable gift by her side, so she gave up this idea after thinking about it for a long time.

In addition, Xiao Nizi still has a little bit of resentment about winning politics.

I haven’t come to visit this girl for a long time, why should I run to you as soon as you come back?


In spite of anger, it is impossible for her to let go of winning politics, especially knowing that winning politics is at the Prince’s House at the moment.

Thinking, hesitating, in the end still can’t let go of reservedness~

A heart can’t be suppressed but missed!

Xiao Nizi also chose to come to the place where she first met with Yingzheng, recalling memories

“Huiyan, you are out of the customs? Third grade innate, ah! That’s amazing!” Ying Zheng slowly walked over with a smile brighter than moonlight.

“The son!

Suddenly, the person in mind who was thinking about it suddenly appeared, Fei Yan threw his little resentment and anger out of the clouds in an instant, the words were full of tenderness, and the eyes were full of honey.

“Yeah! In one year, I feel like you have grown up a lot!” Ying Zheng pretended to be surprised.

Most girls develop early, and the figure of Feiyan is no different from that of adult women.

“Yeah!” Fei Yan’s pretty face blushed, “The son has grown up a lot too!”

“Hehe, fortunately, your son had already prepared! Otherwise, this gift will be in vain!” Ying Zheng laughed and teased, and then handed the wooden box over.

“Young Master”

Fei Yan was a little bit shy, but this feeling was so familiar! The intimacy he had once recovered immediately.

Meet, in a few words, all barriers, all disappear!

“Is this a gift for Feiyan? What?

“Open it and take a look, don’t you know? It’s specially prepared for you!”

“Ah! Furry, so soft, so beautiful!”

The moonlight was very bright, enough smoke to see through the woolen sweater.

In order to avoid unfitting, the sweater that Yingzheng gave to Feiyan is a hip-length sweater with a long hem. A pure white high-collar wool coat, embroidered with an expensive three-legged golden crow on the front.

“My son, is this really for Feiyan? I thought I thought the son had forgotten Feiyan.” Feiyan hugged his woolen clothes tightly in his arms, with his little head drooping.

0……Look for flowers…

“How is it possible! Even if your son forgets himself, he will not forget Weiyan!” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

The relationship between the two of them is indeed much closer than Tian Yan and Tian Mi, and Fei Yan’s shy appearance is extremely cute, Ying Zheng especially likes to tease her.

“The son…” Xiao Nizi couldn’t help but teasing, like an ostrich, buried her head in the sweater.

The kind of lofty and frosty in front of outsiders, all disappeared here in the win

“I was thinking about going to your yin and yang residence to find you, but I ran into it here, ha ha! Are you still satisfied with the gift?”

“Yeah! The young man gave it to me, I’m all satisfied with the smoke!”

“Okay! I will stay in the Prince’s Mansion for a while when I come back this time, and I can come and find me at any time! There are still delicious foods in the Prince’s Mansion, waiting for you!”

Win Zheng is totally coaxing Fei Yan as a little girl~

“Yeah! Then, Feiyan will go back first!

As he spoke, Fei Yan suddenly lifted his little head from the sweater, and kissed Ying Zheng’s cheeks with a pair of warm lips, like a dragonfly.

Then, Xiao Nizi quickly moved away as if running away.

“Sure enough, I’ve grown up a lot!” Ying Zheng murmured as he touched the cheek that had been forcibly kissed.

Yan Chuanyu temporarily rented a spacious and luxurious shop in the most prosperous commercial area of ​​Xianyang City.

A few days later, the first batch of woolen sweaters produced in Baoyang County were delivered here.

Ying Zheng and Fei Yan checked the quality of the woolen sweater together, and Xiao Zhao Gao hurried in.

“My son, the invitation has been arranged for someone to send it! All the rich and powerful on the list have accepted the invitation.” Xiao Zhao said respectfully.

“Well, very good! The first time the woolen clothes exhibition is going to be a sensation in Xianyang, right? Hehe! Go to Yan Chuanyu and make him prepare. There must be sufficient manpower to settle accounts and collect money, as well as servants!”

After all, Yingzheng turned his head to the Feiyan Road:

“By the way, Feiyan, the day after tomorrow’s trade fair, you will come here wearing this woolen sweater! Those noble girls will see your woolen sweater, they will definitely go crazy! Haha!” Factory.

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