Chapter 285 Zheng’er, do you want to start chaos and finally abandon it? [Second update, ask for customization]

At the banquet, after Zi Chu put on the woolen sweater, his whole body was warm and comfortable, and he couldn’t bear to take it off again.

My body warmed up and my mood improved. I kept a smile on my face. I was cautious even when I was drinking, for fear of soiling the new clothes I just had on my upper body.

Everyone present saw this scene clearly, and they all moved their minds.

However, they still have concerns!

“His Royal Highness, the Daqin Weaving Factory in your opinion can already mass produce this kind of sweater? Can it be customized? This old official thinks something is wrong, right?” Lu Buwei was the first to speak.

Ying Zheng replied briskly:

“Hehe, Lord Xiangguo, this prince understands what you are worried about! In fact, the sweater itself does not have a special meaning, it is just a kind of clothing! It is the same as the court clothes worn by everyone, the material is the same, the various patterns and Patterns have symbolic meaning.”

“The warmth of the woolen sweater is indeed very good! If you adults want it, you can send someone to Baoyang County to make it. Of course, the pattern cannot have dragons and phoenixes.”

When everyone heard the words, they were relieved, and they were all overjoyed:

“His Royal Highness is worrying too much! The ministers will never dare to commit a crime below!” 397

Zi Chu also waved a big hand with great cooperation, and said with a smile on his face:

“The woolen sweater is good! The warmth is much more than ordinary clothes, Zhongqing should really buy a few pieces! By the way, Prince, here, one piece is not enough to wear!”


The whole room is echoing laughter.

On the other side, Zhao Ji always wore a bright red sweater and was beaming.

“Sister Queen, the woolen sweater your Royal Highness gave you is really beautiful! My sister is so beautiful!”

“This sweater is worn on the Queen’s sister, it is suitable for today’s birthday!

“His Royal Highness will have such whimsical ideas and filial piety. It is said that Baoyang County has just mastered the craftsmanship. I will make sweaters for you immediately~”

“It looks warm! Alas! I am waiting for a woman’s life. There are a few days every month. If there is something like a sweater to keep out the cold, it will definitely be better.

They were both women, and Zhao Ji didn’t have any airs. These noble ladies kept complimenting Zhao Ji, but they didn’t have much scruples when they spoke.

It doesn’t involve political affairs, and all other topics can be discussed.

Zhao Ji’s mind was very pure, and she was a little embarrassed to hear the ladies admiring and complaining:

“Since the prince said that this is Baoyang County’s craftsmanship, he can make two of them, then he must make more! Then he must make more and give it to you, everyone will be warm in winter!”

The ladies wanted to get a sweater to wear. Because of Zhao Ji and Yingzheng’s identity, they didn’t dare to say it directly, so Zhao Ji was tempted to tell it by herself.

“Sister Queen, I can’t do it! If His Royal Highness is willing to make some sweaters for me, he will definitely not let His Highness post money. We are willing to spend money to buy it, and will not let His Highness give it away for nothing!”

“Yes, yes, yes! As long as I buy something, I can still afford the price when I wait for my family! Don’t dare to let His Highness spend money!

“I just don’t know… His Royal Highness is willing to sell the sweater to me and wait.”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Ji raised his head triumphantly:

“This is easy to handle! Just call him over now and ask?”

The ladies and girls also wanted to take this opportunity to finalize the matter, but they pretended to dissuade them:

“Isn’t it right? I can’t afford to let the prince go back and forth, I can’t afford to wait, and I’m sorry!”

“It doesn’t matter! Today is the Queen’s birthday, the brat must listen to me!” Zhao Ji believes.

At the end of the birthday banquet, the minister of civil and military affairs and the female relatives all left the palace happily.

They got the promise of winning the government: the recent batches of woolen sweaters from Baoyang County will be shipped to Xianyang, and they will also be given priority to the rich and powerful for purchase.

Winning (aibd) politics is equally happy!

“Hehe! You must be slaughtered severely at that time!” he thought to himself.

Royal Palace, Prince’s Mansion.

There is little change in the mansion. Except for the influence of the season, everything else remains the same.

Wearing a bright red sweater and a fur coat, Zhao Ji came to the Prince’s Mansion alone.

“Zheng’er, how is your imperial examination system going? When can you go home?” Zhao Ji asked with concern, sitting by the fire.

“You Lao mother cares! For now, everything is going well! If nothing happens, Zheng’er will come back to Xianyang at the one-year appointment.” Yingzheng replied softly.

He could see that Zhao Ji missed him very much, but it was not convenient to talk over the birthday banquet.

“Hey! You are not in Xianyang, mother’s heart is always empty! Your father is always busy with political affairs, and mother doesn’t even have anyone to talk to!” Zhao Ji complained.

Winning the government has to accompany carefully and constantly comfort:

“It’s Zheng’er’s misconsideration! I will end the matter in Baoyang as soon as possible, lest my mother Gui Nian!”

“Forget it, mother also knows that all you do are big things, for the country and the people, it is impossible to keep you by your side! You are not too young, twelve years old! If there is a concubine, even if you She can speak with her mother if she is not in Xianyang!” Zhao Ji’s eyes flashed a little sly.

“Ah? Mother, I’m only twelve years old, so why am I not young? Is it a little earlier to mention the concubine now?” Yingzheng said helplessly.

“Is twelve years old still young? The formal wedding is a bit early, but engagement is normal! In other words, the little scarlet girl from the Yin Yang family is very suitable. When the first king was alive, she wanted to match you up!” Zhao Ji suddenly remembered Feiyan, and hadn’t seen her for a long time.

“Huiyan? Is it appropriate? Mother likes her very much?” Yingzheng asked tentatively.

“Huh? What do you mean? Stinky boy, do you want to get rid of other people’s little girls? No wonder you haven’t seen her for a long time!” Zhao Ji’s willow eyebrows were immediately controlled.

In her eyes, Feiyan and Yingzheng had been in the same position a long time ago, and they were all prospective daughter-in-laws!

“Mother, where did you think of it? Feiyan has been in retreat, right in the palace! She is a genius girl from the Yin and Yang family, and you are not allowed to cultivate?” Ying Zheng rolled his eyes.

Seeing that Zhao Ji still has to continue to focus on major marriage events, Ying Zheng hurriedly changed the topic:

“By the way, mother, turn around and give me a list of the birthday banquets, and I will ask Xiao Gao to pick it up! It may be useful in a few days!”

“List? Humph! What are you thinking about, brat? I’m too lazy to talk to you! The little girl in Feiyan is pretty good, you can’t forget her!” Zhao Ji exhorted again.

Winning government: ……

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