Chapter 284 Magic sweater, shock of the officials! [First update, please customize]

Zi Chu was still having a banquet with the civil and military officials, but the wooden box beside him was motionless and did not intend to open it at all. It raised the appetites of the officials.

At this moment, the voices of the female family members blessing Zhao Ji in unison came vaguely, and they didn’t hear them very clearly.

He raised his hand and called a little eunuch, and Zi Chu sent him over to take a look.

“The queen’s side, it seems to be very lively! Haha!” Zi Chu smiled lightly.

“The minister and the king, today is just a foil, the queen is the protagonist! The female family members have a heavy responsibility!” Xiangguo Lu Buwei ridiculed.

“Haha! Not bad! The female family members have accompanied the queen, this is the most important thing!” Meng Yu agreed.

“Not at all! Isn’t His Royal Highness also with the Queen? The Queen must be extremely happy to see His Royal Highness rushing back to pray for birthdays. On the contrary, the female relatives will not be so important. Haha! If the Prince’s birthday gift is in line with the Queen’s Mind, it will be more secure!”

Changping Jun is still dreaming about starting from the aspect of filial piety, trying to find opportunities to attack Khan and win politics.

When time was short, the little eunuch returned to the front of the hall and whispered to Zi Chu.

“Oh? Sweater? The queen is satisfied with the birthday gift presented by the prince? Okay, that’s good! So, go and call the prince, and the widow will also ask about the sweater.” Zi Chu said.

The little eunuch took the order and left.

While drinking the wine, Zi Chu paid attention to the eyes of the ministers. At the same time, he pried the wooden box through a gap with one hand, and reached in with his palm.

Hmm! It should be about the same thing as the queen’s sweater!

He withdrew his palm calmly.

Want to know what a birthday gift is? Haha, I won’t tell you!

It is also very interesting to tease the civil and military ministers occasionally~

Ying Zheng is a bit stage fright on Zhao Ji’s side, for fear that those powerful girls will turn their fingers at him again!

When the little eunuch arrived, Ying Zheng explained to Zhao Ji and hurried to the palace where Zi Chu was located.

“Prince, I heard about your birthday gift, the queen is very satisfied, 々?” Zi Chu looked at the win government with a playful look.

Naturally, there was a position to win the government during the banquet, and there was not so much politeness between him and Zi Chu. They sat down, and then faintly replied:

“The birthday gift carefully prepared by the son, the queen naturally understands the heart of the son!”

“You are quite confident! Your mother’s temperament is gentle, and it is easy to be fooled by you! The father must personally check whether your gift is intentional or not!” Zi Chu said solemnly.

Win Zheng immediately rolled his eyes~

What happened to these two men today? They have such big opinions on me?

Isn’t it just that I haven’t been home for a few months!

“Father, the gift for you and the birthday gift for the queen are the same, don’t you know if you open the wooden box?” Yingzheng said indifferently.

The civil and military officials suddenly came to the spirit!

I have been waiting for this for a long time, and I have always wanted to know what the gift of the prince is, but the king just won’t open the box, which makes people helpless~

“Okay! If you can’t pass the father’s level, then you have to prepare a birthday gift again!” Zi Chu said proudly.

“You are satisfied!” Yingzheng still said the same.

“The anger is not small!” Zi Chu also gave a wink glance in vain.

Afterwards, he no longer had the appetite of the ministers anymore, and he himself wanted to see with his own eyes what the sweater was and whether there was really any magic!

Everyone’s eyes focused on the wooden box without blinking.

A black dress was taken out of the wooden box, Zi Chu stood up and unfolded the dress, lifting it in the air.

King Qin’s exclusive woolen sweater!

“This is the so-called sweater? It is made of wool? What are the advantages?” Zi Chu asked curiously.

He is still very satisfied with this sweater.

The high neckline, black underlay, embroidered with a mighty and domineering dark golden flying dragon.

The dragon head is embroidered on the left chest, and the dragon body is hovering in the whole sweater, connecting back and forth.

“It’s better to just wear it on your father, you can naturally feel the advantages of the sweater!” Yingzheng replied.

Without the female relatives present, Zi Chu didn’t need to hide anything. He immediately took off his coat and put the sweater on.

Holding it in your hand and wearing it on your body are completely different things!

When the ministers first saw the Golden Dragon sweater, they were not so shocked. A piece of clothing that did not slip away in the dark, what was shocking?

Not only was there no shock, but rather disappointed.

Just a piece of clothing, how does this compare with the last Baoyang Shidao?

It’s too ordinary!

But after Zi Chu put on the sweater, the disappointment disappeared immediately.

The men’s high-necked black sweater is very decent on Zi Chu’s body, giving a sense of calmness.

Unlike Zhao Ji’s women’s models, the waist and sleeves of the men’s sweaters are extremely loose. With the fluffy feel of the sweater, Zi Chu’s appearance is more tall and stiff.

Especially the hovering golden dragon, completely set off the dignity and majesty of King Qin.

In the eyes of the ministers, the image of Ying Zichu actually overlaps with King Zhaoxiang!

Zi Chu himself couldn’t see the external changes, he knew more about the actual feeling of wearing.

Warm! Comfortable!

He had serious sequelae due to his consumption of pill, and his body was extremely cold-tolerant, and the winter was the most difficult. But after wearing such a light sweater, it was unexpectedly warm!

“*”Good! Haha! Good gift! Zheng’er, your father is very satisfied with this gift!” Zi Chu clapped his hands and praised.

A happy smile appeared on Ying Zheng’s face. He was very aware of Zi Chu Tihan’s problem, and this sweater paid more attention to the effect of keeping warm.

The ministers also came to a sense of Zi Chu’s clapping and praise, extremely envy and yearning.

“Making clothes from wool, His Royal Highness is so wise and ingenious! I think this sweater of the king must be extremely warm!”

“This kind of work (hao Nuo Zhao) art, it is not too much to call it ingenious work! It can match the majesty of the king so much!”

“His Royal Highness presents such a thoughtful gift, filial piety is so obvious! Compared with gold and jade jewelry, it is more powerful than gold and jade jewelry!”

Zi Chu waved his hand, interrupted the compliments of the officials, and said with interest:

“Prince, this woolen sweater has a very good warmth retention effect! You didn’t spend countless manpower to make this kind of woolen sweater, do you? With few people’s understanding of you, can woolen sweaters be mass-produced?”

“Haha, father Mingjian!” Ying Zheng bowed his hand and complimented him.

“Erchen built a Daqin weaving factory in Baoyang, replacing a lot of manual labor with new spinning machines. At present, woolen sweaters can already be mass-produced!”

After a slight pause, Ying Zheng Xiao Mimi looked around the courtiers present:

“If you adults need it, it can be customized!”

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