Chapter 283 The most beautiful and happiest woman in the world! [Third update, please customize]

The red sweater embroidered with the fire phoenix is ​​more festive and compelling. It is suitable for wearing on festivals or birthdays; the creamy-white green-curved sweater is more casual, containing nobility and beauty, but not particularly eye-catching.

Obviously, Zhao Ji liked the latter one more and couldn’t put it down.

“This woolen sweater is soft to the touch and very fluffy! It’s not as stiff as cloth, nor is it too smooth like silk. It’s a good material!” Zhao Ji held the sweater and gestured constantly over her body. , Thinking secretly whether it fits.

“Don’t worry, this woolen sweater is tailored to your size! Moreover, the sweater is very flexible and a little error will not affect the wearing at all.” Ying Zheng explained with a smile.

All the ladies saw Zhao Ji’s gestures back and forth, and their hearts were itchy.

The styles of the two woolen sweaters are so beautiful! No woman can resist this temptation!

“Sister Queen, you might as well put on this woolen sweater directly. The bright red style is very suitable for today’s good day, and it is also the wish of the prince!” Meng Wu’s wife suggested.

Zhao Ji’s eyes rolled, and he took a closer look at the two sweaters, and said happily:

08 “My sister is right! Let’s change it to see the effect!”

After that, Zhao Ji picked up two sweaters and turned back to the apse.

Taking advantage of this time, the noble ladies and those powerful girls finally got the chance to win the government~

“Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness actually knows how to weave! It’s admirable!” Madam Meng began to talk to Ying Zheng.

“Madam laughed! This prince also wanted to make the mother happy. It happened that Baoyang developed the craft of making woolen sweaters, and only then did he use two sweaters as birthday gifts!” Ying Zhengqian said.

Subsequently, the rest of the women and girls also spoke up one after another.

“It can be seen that the queen is very happy! In addition to carrying out the imperial examinations in Baoyang County, His Royal Highness can also carefully prepare birthday gifts. This filial piety is really an example of the world.”

“This woolen sweater is so beautiful! When the queen puts it on, we will be feasting our eyes!”

“The queen was so beautiful that I waited for women to be ashamed. If I put on a woolen sweater, it will definitely be even more beautiful! Looking back when I first met in the Prince’s Mansion a few years ago, the queen has not changed at all from that time!”

“His Royal Highness is twelve years old this year? Counting time, it really flies! When I was in the Prince’s Mansion, the little girl used to play with His Highness…”

“His Royal Highness still remember me? I was there at the time! I was lucky enough to spend the night in the Prince’s Mansion!”

While talking, the older ladies closed their mouths, and the girls became the main force!

When King Zhaoxiang was alive, Yingzheng obtained the title of Dingtianjun through the battle of hunting beasts. An Guojun held a feast at the Prince’s Mansion, and many dignitaries were present.

Daughters and granddaughters of various families have also gone a lot, many of them want to contact Yingzheng for marriage contracts.

On the night of the banquet, Yingzheng was pulled into the room by many little girls, and was slept once~

Now, three years have passed, and the little girls have grown up a little bit, and once again saw the winning government, and winning the government is even more handsome than before!

When Zhao Ji was there, she was the queen after all. These junior girls didn’t dare to talk much; how could they hold back when Zhao Ji left?

The girls regained their nature, chatted, talked non-stop, and constantly talked about their thoughts with Yingzheng, and occasionally brought out some feelings of resentment…

It seemed that someone had abandoned them all the time!

At this time, the winning politics is big!

His memory is very good. Most of the female relatives present have ever met, and the girls who slept with him are also clearly remembered.

The female big eighteen has changed, but the outline of her face is still faint, it is easy to distinguish!

In the past, there was no chance to meet, but now people come to find the back account, how can I do this?

It is even more dangerous than the Battle of Hangu Pass!

There is no way, to win the government can only be the Tang Sai with the left and the right.

Just as he was in a state of desperation, Zhao Ji finally changed his sweater and returned to the palace.

Almost in an instant, the girls’ siege of Yingzheng collapsed!

No one cares about talking with Yingzheng anymore, and everyone’s eyes are on Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji seems to have changed her person!

The lower body is a red dress made of silk, and the upper body is a graceful red sweater. The golden fire phoenix in front of him is more vivid, especially highlighting the majesty of the queen.

The mother yi world!

The biggest difference between woolen clothes and ordinary clothes is the style.

Traditional women’s clothing is loose, fat and fat, especially in winter, both men and women will wear bloated and heavy clothing.

The woolen sweater is completely different!

If you wear it indoors, a sweater is enough to keep out the cold, avoiding the troubles of the left three layers and the right three layers.

In terms of design, the woolen sweater is completely attached to the body, the waist is tight, and the upward is much looser.

This perfectly shows the woman’s figure!

Zhao Ji is even more of a natural beauty, her appearance and body are all top-notch, she is as beautiful as a fairy in the sky when she wears a woolen sweater!

Men are crazy about it, women are jealous!

Except for winning politics, every woman present, regardless of age, had extremely hot eyes.

I wish I could take the sweater off 397 immediately and put it on my body!

Just because that person is Queen Zhao Ji, everyone has to suppress this idea, otherwise, I am afraid that they have already gone up to do it now.

“Zheng’er, this sweater, as you said, is very warm! With such a sweater, many winter clothes don’t need to be worn in it!” Zhao Ji said shyly.

She is a little uncomfortable.

The sweater is very comfortable to wear, beautiful and very beautiful, but this kind of clothing that fits completely on the body can be seen by others at a glance, which is very embarrassing!

Yingzheng saw that Zhao Ji was a little twitchy, but he didn’t care about it.

Woolen sweaters are bound to be windy, sooner or later! Moreover, most women will not mind this kind of clothing that completely outlines a good figure.

“The queen is still satisfied with Zheng’er’s birthday gift!” Ying Zheng bowed slightly and said jokingly.

“Huh! Brat! You passed the level!” Zhao Ji finally burst into a smile.

With the ceremony of winning the government, the female family members present gradually sobered up, and put on an extremely respectful look again, and said in unison:

“Congratulations to the queen, thousands of years of peace and prosperity, and eternal youth!”

Zhao Ji’s eyes were bent into crescent moons, and her smiling shield was like a flower, and she was incredibly beautiful.

Today, she is the most beautiful and happiest woman in the world!.

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