Chapter 282 Huofengqingwan! The girls are shocked! [Second more, please customize]

In the inner hall where Zhao Ji was, the servants and maids brought exquisite copper hot pots one by one.

This is a special model made by Baoyang County for single or double use. Zhao Ji and Zi Chu often use this hot pot in the palace.

“Sisters and sisters, and little girls, don’t be restrained! Vegetables and meat are prepared!” Zhao Ji said with a smile.

She has always had no pretensions, is very easy-going, and always treats outsiders like this, and has not changed because of the change of identity.

“Sister Queen is not only exquisite in appearance, but also exquisite in her work! Haha!” The older lady complimented.

They were really restrained before, and they were not so familiar with Zhao Ji. They had always used various honorifics. But after a period of time, it was discovered that Queen Zhao Ji did get along well, and they naturally became sisters “Three Nine Three”.

“What can my elder sister say? The little hot pot was sent by the prince to use it for me and the king! My younger sister thought this kind of pot was good, so he asked him to get some more.” Zhao Ji’s face was slightly worried.

Another young lady interrupted:

“The queen and sister are so blessed! Not only is the king’s favor, but the prince is also so filial, and his highness is so outstanding!”

Speaking of filial piety, Zhao Ji’s flat mouth:

“Huh! That stinky boy! What’s the use of sending these things? I don’t know how to come back and see his mother! He is only twelve years old and he is so homeless, how will he get it in the future? I won’t see each other in a few years!”

A group of women and girls covered their mouths and laughed. Dare to call His Royal Highness the “Smelly Boy”, apart from the current king and queen, I am afraid that there is no one else.

“His Royal Highness is also working hard for the country, and he can still be considerate!” A young girl defended the victory.

“Forget it, don’t mention him! Angry!” Zhao Ji waved her hand gently.

No one answered, everyone was laughing.

No one believes that Zhao Ji will be really angry, just complaining.

It just so happened that Ying Zheng also walked into the inner hall at this time and heard Zhao Ji’s complaint.

“Zheng’er is a little late, don’t worry about the queen!” Ying Zheng carried the wooden box and Shi Shiran walked towards Zhao Ji.

“Huh?” Zhao Jizheng was boiling the cabbage, and suddenly heard the voice of winning the government, her eyes brightened!

Surprise inexplicable!

Immediately, the smile she had just bloomed returned again, her pretty face became stern, and she said in dissatisfaction:

“Do you still know to come back? Remember there was a queen?”

“Hey!” Winning the politics and chatting with a smiling face, showing no momentum~

I originally wanted to give my mother a surprise, but what I didn’t expect was that my mother’s resentment would be so great!

However, he still has killer copper!

It will definitely make Zhao Ji happy!

“Mother, Zheng’er has carefully prepared a birthday gift for you!” While speaking, Ying Zheng presented the wooden box with both hands.

Zhao Ji turned her beautiful eyes, the expression on her face did not change, she still pretended to be cold, and said:

“Shouli? Brat! If your gift doesn’t satisfy me, hum!”

“Your satisfaction is guaranteed!” Ying Zheng promised with his chest.

But Zhao Ji still didn’t open the wooden box, but picked up several other brocade boxes around him.

“Zheng’er, look, this is a colorful night pearl collected from Bohai! It is said that it was obtained from a thousand-year-old mussel, placed in the sleeping hall, and has the effect of calming the nerves and helping sleep! Ms. Meng gave it to her mother!”

“Look at this’Golden Branches and Jade Leaves’ again. It is the world’s top craftsman. He has selected the purest warm jade and the most beautiful red gold. It took half a year and was meticulously crafted!

“And this piece of mutton fat jade, a whole jade mine, just gave birth to such a jade spirit! Compared to the He’s Bi of the year, even if it is not as good as that, it is not much worse!”

“Your gift is more expensive than these?” Zhao Ji looked at her son provocatively.

Winning politics is also very helpless~

Who can guard against Zhao Ji playing tricks at this time?

Gold and silver jewelry, these things, there are so many things in the palace! Zhao Ji took these things out to express her little dissatisfaction.

She doesn’t care about gifts or the like!

“Zheng’er’s gift is definitely not inferior to these things! Mother knows at a glance, and you are satisfied!” Yingzheng is still confident and serious.

Seeing his son’s expression, Zhao Ji couldn’t help but smile, and couldn’t hold back anymore:

“Hehe, okay! The queen mother is also very curious, what kind of gift my Zhenger has prepared to make him so confident!”

A group of noble ladies and girls were also attracted by the dialogue between the mother and the son, staring at the quaint wooden box, imagining all kinds of rare treasures.

In the expectation of everyone, Zhao Ji lifted the lid very softly, but immediately showed a puzzled look on her face.

What is this? Fabric? Satin?

Curious, she stretched out her jade hand, took out the contents of the wooden box, and lifted it in the air.

“Wow! So beautiful!” The female family members exclaimed before Zhao Ji.

They saw a red dress all over the body, the material could not be judged, but the front of the dress was embroidered with a beautiful golden beast like a flame.

Is this a fire phoenix?

I saw that the fire phoenix’s wings spread out, the lines were graceful, and it seemed to be flying in the sky. The long tail feathers were used from the front to the back, vividly.

What Zhao Ji saw was the back, with only a few tail feathers.

Hearing the exclamation of the crowd, she also noticed the abnormality, and hurriedly turned her clothes around. The spiritual and majestic fire phoenix appeared in her vision.

“It’s beautiful!” Zhao Ji praised, and then asked: “Zheng’er, the material of this dress is also very special! What is it made of?”

“After returning to my mother, this kind of clothes is called a sweater. It is a special kind of clothes made in Baoyang County. It is most suitable for winter wear and has an outstanding thermal insulation effect! This one on my mother’s hand is different!”

“This sweater is made by selecting the warmest inner fleece among the wool. The warmth is far better than ordinary sweaters, and it has a softer touch and is extremely comfortable to wear 1.3.” Yingzheng explained briefly.

After hearing this explanation, everyone was even more surprised!

Wool? Fluff?

Can it be used to make clothes?

If according to His Royal Highness, the exquisite fire and phoenix patterns are just decorations, what is really special is the fluffy clothes themselves!

“Sweater?” Zhao Ji murmured, her expression on her face was very happy.

Gently putting the Huofeng sweater aside, she put her hands into the wooden box again.

There is one more in there!

In the same way as Gang オ, Zhao Ji lifted the sweater into the air again.

This time, she saw the front at a glance.

The milky white sweater is embroidered with a green luan, which is circling and dancing. It is spiritual and lively. It belongs to two styles that are completely different from the fire phoenix.

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