Chapter 281 Queen’s birthday! Prince presents gifts! [First update, please customize]

King Qin ordered:

God bless Daqin, the weather will be smooth, and the whole country will be peaceful.

After that, she is the mother of a country, virtuous and virtuous, and can be a form of the sky!

On the birthday of the queen, amnesty the world!

It seems that the whole Xianyang is immersed in a kind of joy, with small red lanterns everywhere, and many red cloth strips are also decorated in the front rooms of each house.

The time for the Spring Festival is not far away, and today is the Queen’s birthday again.

The people don’t know much about the queen, but their respect is from the heart.

Who is the queen?

Saint Prince’s mother!

Apart from other things, just giving birth to such a son is worthy of the people’s sincere respect!

Qin’s change, which is not-closely related to the Holy Prince?

From poor peasants, to poor scholars, to soldiers from all over the country, and the immigrants from the six countries.

But everyone who belongs to the Qin Kingdom, everyone is grateful for the kindness of the Holy Prince!

Nowadays, the birth of the mother of the Saint Prince, the people of Daqin have spontaneously started to wish birthdays and blessings among the people.

The atmosphere in the palace of the King of Qin was of course stronger, with lights and festoons, and beaming with joy.

Even Zi Chu pays special attention to it!

In order to make up for the guilt of those years, he disregarded the opposition of the officials of courtesy, and expanded the birthday rituals time and time again; amnesty the world, and made countless people appreciate the kindness of the queen.

The maids and servants in the palace also received a lot of rewards.

Zi Chu has no reservations about everything he can do.

Fame, honor, all kinds of luxurious and luxurious items, what Zhao Ji wants, Zi Chu will do his best to satisfy.

Spoiled the sky!

As a woman, Zhao Ji should have nothing to be dissatisfied with, but she was still somewhat dissatisfied.

Just because her most precious son is not around~

Many female relatives were welcomed in the inner hall. They were the families of courtiers and powerful clan relatives. The wives of each family and the daughters of the protagonists surrounded Zhao Ji’s side to show their courtesy.

All kinds of gifts are piled up like a mountain, uncountable.

On the other side, Zi Chu and the civil and military officials gathered together.

Even if he is the king of Qin, Zi Chu is not convenient to have too much contact with the family members of his courtiers, and he still needs to be cautious about his relationship protection.

“Queen’s birthday, the whole country is jubilant! The old ministers only use this wine to wish the king and queen eternal peace and prosperity!” Meng Yu raised his glass and respectfully respected Zi Chu and the side hall.

“Haha! The old general Daqin’s brachii must also take good care of his body!” Zichu responded with a smile.

“Majesty, today is the birthday of the queen, why didn’t you see His Royal Highness? Could it be that he was busy with Baoyang’s political affairs and has not yet returned?” Mr. Changping asked.

“The widows don’t even know! Someone has been specially notified a while ago, but I still haven’t returned at this time!” Zi Chu shook his head slightly, his expression on his face looked a little helpless.

“His Royal Highness has nothing to blame for the country! But today is the birthday of the queen, no matter how complicated political affairs are, you have to spare time to come back! Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a loss for filial piety?” Chang Wenjun said. Be extremely cautious and cautious.

“Now that Baoxian Road is convenient, you can return to Xianyang overnight! Your Royal Highness! As the so-called self-cultivation, Qi family, and governance of the country, His Royal Highness is a talented person, but such a step-by-step process is indispensable!” The old fellow of the Qing clan also spoke very implicitly.

That means everyone can hear it!

I don’t care about my mother’s birthday, and I don’t care about family affairs.How can such a person shoulder the heavy responsibility of governing the country?

As a clan relative of the royal family, Jun Changping is of the same generation as Zi Chu. It is better to say some words from his mouth. This is also discussed in advance.

I saw that his face became serious, and he said solemnly:

“Majesty, if the prince can even be absent from the birthday of the queen, in any case, this is a loss of filial piety! Lambs kneeling on their breasts and crows feeding back, these are all virtues praised by the world! My Daqin royal family should do it for the people of the world. Show the example! Just like the prince, isn’t it criticized?”

After hearing this, Zi Chu’s brows suddenly wrinkled!

Celebrating the day of great joy, and still thinking about the disputes in the court at all times, these words are really disappointing!

At this moment, a plain but extremely clear sentence sounded at the door of the main hall:

“Don’t worry, Changping Jun! How can this prince forget the birthday of his mother?”

Words spread to everyone’s ears, and Ying Zheng also walked into the hall calmly.

0……Look for flowers……

The palace is a forbidden place for outsiders. For Yingzheng, it is one’s own home. Naturally, there is no need to report, and Zi Chu had already given instructions.

The people of the Chu family and the Qing clan saw that the prince came back from winning the government, so they shut up and stopped talking.

“Zheng’er, you came back too late! Today is your mother’s birthday, she already missed you very much, it’s okay for you? It’s been a long delay! Go and worship your mother’s birthday soon!” Zi Chu scolded. Push Yingzheng to Zhao Ji’s side.

The mother misses the son, but that can’t be delayed for a moment!

“I have seen my father!” Yingzheng stepped forward to give a salute, and then said, “I will go and pay my mother birthday! I have been away in Xianyang for a few months. I came back this time and prepared a gift for my father. , Let’s talk about Cunxin!”

As he spoke, a wooden box held by Ying Zhengjiang was presented.

“You child! Haha, you have a heart! Go ahead, don’t let your mother wait for a long time!” Zi Chu smiled and took the wooden box and sent the winning government to leave.

“Erchen retire!” Yingzheng passed through the side Zemen.

At his age, there are not so many taboos. I think in the Prince’s Mansion, he had been slept with so many powerful girls!

Yingzheng left the hall where Zi Chu and the ministers met, but the minds of the ministers became active.

The last time Zi Chu had a birthday, Baoyang Shi Dao shocked the audience!

It even directly led to the inspection of Baoyang, Zi Chu and many courtiers were personal experience.

This time it was the Queen’s birthday. Presumably, the birthday gift of His Royal Highness, shouldn’t it be that simple?

The prince is the only bone and blood of the queen, and also the protagonist of her birthday!

If you don’t come up with a decent gift, it won’t be justified by any means

Thinking of this, everyone’s eyes all looked at the wooden box in Zi Chu’s hand, looking forward to the moment he opened it!

Although this is for Zi Chu, there is another similar wooden box in Yingzheng’s hand, which must be given to the queen.

Based on this speculation, the two gifts should be the same!

Zi Chu didn’t know what gift was in the wooden box, and he was very looking forward to it, but after seeing the gazes of the officials, he didn’t look at it in a hurry, and enjoyed the banquet leisurely, but didn’t open the box~

Ministers: Factory.

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