Chapter 280 Feiyan is out! Xia Ji’s birthday! [third update, please customize]

The progress of the Daqin Weaving Factory is fairly smooth. There are no technical problems in the whole process of making woolen garments, rinsing, dyeing, and finally hand-knitting patterns.

What is lacking is just running-in and proficiency.

A few days later, Tian Mi found her victory with a few woolen sweaters with patterns in her hand.

“Well, not bad! The appearance of these sweaters is quite good. It is rare that those little girls are young and can have such a craft!” Ying Zheng praised.

“My son, these items were selected by his subordinates, and the others are still not up to this level.” Tian Mi reported truthfully.

“For the time being, it’s enough! Take these patterns, let the craftsmanship speed up the production!” Ying Zheng took out several patterns that had been prepared, and even marked the size on them.

Tian Mi took the drawing, looked at it, and immediately understood its meaning.

These sweaters can’t be neglected in the slightest!

The Palace of Xianyang, the resident of the Yin Yang family.

Feiyan once again ended her retreat, and her cultivation level also reached an astonishing third-level congenital level.

In the hundreds of years of inheritance of the Yin Yang family, few can reach such a realm at the age of fifteen!

The title of a genius girl is worthy of the name.

“In such a short time, I actually broke through again, congratulations to sister Yan!” Ji Yanran smiled.

“Sister Yanran is absurdly praised!” 393 Feiyan gave a faint polite.

Compared with before, her temperament has changed a lot, and her temperament has become colder and colder.

It seems that with the improvement of the realm, the kind of nobility that is born with it has also been upgraded to a level.

Like an unattainable goddess!

Ji Yanran is a little older than Feiyan, and she knows her temperament better.As soon as her eyes rolled, she started to tease Weiyan, and said with a heavy face:

“Sister Yan, sister, I have bad news, do you want to hear it? About winning politics!”

“Young Master Zheng? What happened to Young Master? What happened?” Fei Yan was almost a conditioned reflex. Hearing the name of Ying Zheng, he immediately threw Gao Leng aside.

“Oh! Your princely son” Ji Yanran glanced at the smoky expression, and suppressed the smile in her heart.

“Sister, tell me! What’s wrong with him, son?” Fei Yan took Ji Yanran’s hand and swayed.

“He hasn’t come back in the last period of time! Hehe!” Ji Yanran couldn’t help it anymore, and finally laughed.

“Sister Yanran, you!” Fei Yan reacted in an instant, she was ordered!

But (aibd) thought of the reaction she had just made, and the little girl immediately flushed and was very ashamed.

“Okay, I won’t tease you! In a few days it will be the Queen’s birthday. You must come back to Xianyang as well, so don’t miss it!” Ji Yanran hurriedly delivered the real news, lest Feiyan would go away with anger. ~

The same is the palace, inside Zhao Ji’s bedroom.

“Madam, how are you preparing? For birthdays a few days later, at that time, the family members of the nobles and courtiers will enter the palace to worship. You have to dress up beautifully! Don’t be beaten by others!” Zi Chu teased.

“The king is making fun of me?” Zhao Ji was angry, her mouth pursed.

In recent days, she has been wondering what kind of clothing she should wear on her birthday to be more decent, but those gowns that conform to the ritual system are really ugly!

Nothing is satisfactory~

She is not too old, and her character is relatively innocent, how could she like those extremely serious robes?

Zi Chu also loved Zhao Ji too much.

If you don’t like this set, replace it, if you don’t like it, then make it all over again!

It’s just that, changing and changing, there are still so few things

“Madam, there is actually no need to change it. Any one worn on Madam’s body is so beautiful! In the eyes of a widow, it is the same!” Zi Chu has a lot of experience on how to make his wife happy.


Hearing the sweet words, Zhao Ji’s pretty face became smiling again, but she was still a little entangled in her heart when she looked at the piles of robes in front of her.

It’s ninety-nine, and it won’t go until it’s down! But for all females, the love of beauty is extremely strong!

Many courtiers gathered here in Xianyang, the residence of Emperor Changping.

The forces of the Chu family, the forces of the Qing clan, Lord Changping, and Lord Chang Wen are all discussing the same thing:

What should I give for the Queen’s birthday?

“The last time the king’s birthday, I carefully prepared a peerless sword! As a result, Baoyang’s official sword blew and broke his hair!” Chang Ping Jun shook his head and sighed.

“The queen’s birthday is different from that of the king. It’s difficult to write anything! Besides giving away some gold and silver jewelry and jewels and jade, what else can I give away?”

“If there are those rare and precious treasures, you can offer them! The elixir of elixir is also the best choice!”

“Where are the rare and precious treasures in the face? The doctor’s magical methods and rare elixir may be more realistic, but the doctors don’t know where they are hidden, and they can’t find them!”

“Forget it! The queen has been involved in politics for several generations. If you offer a luxurious gift, the king might not be so happy!’

“It’s better to choose some regular gifts! Jewelry and the like, although vulgar, they can’t fault it!

“I’m really curious, what kind of birthday gift will the prince present this time?”

“Huh! His Royal Highness is too busy to carry out the imperial examinations! How can I prepare for a birthday gift? Whether he can come back or not is unknown!”

“The changes in the steel mills, glass greenhouses, hot pot restaurants, and Baoyang have been quite obvious! The old man is really worried! There are less than half a year left in the appointment. If at that time, the imperial examinations would really be fully implemented.”

“We can’t compete with the prince in these three aspects: force, power, and prestige! For the current plan, if the prince’s filial piety is at a loss, maybe we can do something about it!”

“Filial piety? Take advantage of the queen’s birthday? This is a good idea! The absence of the prince on the birthday or the inability to give a suitable birthday gift can indeed involve filial piety!”

“In that case, let’s wait and see!” Mr. Changping said solemnly.

Absent a birthday, this is of course impossible!

Yingzheng has returned to Xianyang, back to his fief.

When he came back this time, he planned to stay for a while, lest his mother Zhao Ji always miss him.

The construction and development of Baoyang County are on the right track. Tian Yan, Zhao Gao, Han Fei, Li Si, these people can also take their own roles. Even if they stay in Xianyang for a long time, they won’t be a big deal.

Many industries in Xianyang need to be personally understood to win politics, such as hot pot restaurants, glass greenhouses, and road construction teams.

Of course, the most important thing is to make mother happy!

In addition to the reunion of mother and child, Ying Zheng is also very confident in the special gifts he prepared.

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