Chapter 279 Daqin Weaving Factory! Started! [Second update, please customize]

The birthday of Queen Zhao Ji was set almost at the same time as the birthday of King Qin winning Zichu, and it was also because of the national funerals of the two generations of kings.

Logically speaking, this etiquette should fall on the Queen Mother.

But Zichu’s biological mother, Xia Ji, left too early, and the godmother, Mrs. Huayang, “followed” King Xiaowen underground, and the final candidate became the current queen Zhao Ji.

Yingzheng even struggled a little.

According to the records in the history books, his grandmother Xia Ji shouldn’t have died so early~

Xianyang, the inner hall of the palace.

“My lord, have you told Zheng’er? Did he reply?” Zhao Ji asked expectantly.

Zi Chu nodded with a smile, and said:

“Madam, don’t worry, Zheng’er is a filial child, how could he forget your birthday? He also prepared a big gift! Saying that you will be happy to see the gift!”

Zhao Ji’s mouth was flat, with a look of dissatisfaction:

“Huh! Where is he filial? It’s been a few months, and I don’t know to come back and see his mother! There is nothing missing in the palace, what do I want his gift for?”

“Hey, madam, don’t play tricks! Zheng’er is also dedicated to the country, and Baoyang’s affairs, where can he be missing? Besides, there is still a one-year agreement on Chaotang. Do you want Zheng’er? Was it ugly at that time?” Zi Chu persuaded.

“Okay!” Zhao Ji looked a little aggrieved, and then put on a “cruel” expression:

“If his gift is not good enough, hum”

Far away in Baoyang’s victory, sneezed inexplicably!

He is inspecting the Daqin Weaving Factory~

Although the site selection and construction of the factory have been completed, there are not too many equipment and personnel are temporarily not in place.

“His Royal Highness, the current integrated weaving machine has been modified according to your requirements! The size and specifications of the woolen sweater can be adjusted, and the finished garment does not need to be sewn by hand.” Zheng Guo introduced with a little pride.

“Well, not bad, 々!” Ying Zheng circled the machine a few times.

The new-style spinning machine looks more pleasing to the eye than before, especially with the addition of stainless steel components, which is full of grids.

In terms of motive power, because the rivers in winter have been frozen and hydraulic power is not expected, Zheng Guo simply designed the textile machine into two modes, which can be manpower or hydraulic power.

“Is there any problem with the dyeing process?” Yingzheng looked at the dyeing pond not far away.

“There is no problem with the process! The coloring technology and the formula of the dye provided by your Highness are really ingenious! The subordinates and the rest of Han Mo’s disciples have tried many times! But the stock of materials is somewhat short.” Zheng Guo Looks very distressed.

“It’s okay! These plant dyes are really difficult to collect in large quantities in the current season, and there is no problem with the craftsmanship!” Ying Zheng understands Zheng Guo’s difficulties.

The emergence of the integrated weaving machine was actually an accident. He got the idea of ​​the original textile machine from Zhao Mo. Therefore, Yingzheng is not planning in advance for the mass production of woolen sweaters, and preparations will not be so sufficient.

“If you use manpower, how efficient is the current integrated weaving machine?” Yingzheng refocused its attention on the machine.

“Hey!” Zheng Guo smiled triumphantly, then continued:

“The subordinates have personally tested it with people. From wool to ready-to-wear, to dyeing, compared with traditional fabric and ready-to-wear manufacturing, the efficiency of a single person can be increased by 20 times, and if multiple people work together, it can reach forty times! ”

“Okay! In that case, the prince thinks that Daqin Weaving Factory can officially start!” Ying Zheng looked at the hundreds of weaving machines in front of him, energetic.

In addition to slightly less dyes, a lot of wool and other related materials have been stocked. What is still lacking, only manpower is left.

Under the order of Yingzheng, many women in Baoyang County who were idle at home were summoned.

There are a few large factories that have higher requirements for strength in production, and the recruits are mainly men; there are many women in the glass greenhouses, but they can’t accept too many people.

Various engineering teams and transportation teams are even more unsuitable for women to join.

The emergence of weaving factories can also be regarded as a solution to a large number of idle labor in winter. Thousands of young women responded to the call of His Royal Highness and became a member of the Daqin Weaving Factory.

A large number of new employees enter the factory, and Han Mo’s disciple is responsible for teaching the actual operation, but their number is too small and a little too busy.

As a “master-level” figure in all walks of life, Ying Zheng has also personally become a “teacher”!

A large number of young women gathered next to a brand new integrated weaving machine, and Ying Zheng was introducing them to the use and specific operation of the machine.

“These are wool, you all recognize. We want to make these wools into clothes that can be worn, just like this one.” Ying Zheng held up a blue-gray sweater and showed it around.

*” So, wool needs to be checked! Wool that contains impurities must be handled properly or simply thrown away, so that they cannot enter the machine.

“This is the first step! The latter is also very simple. As long as you adjust these switches, you can set the size of the woolen sweater. Please pay attention to the lower middle position of the machine. This little stick, It can’t be touched easily, it’s dangerous!” Ying Zheng pointed to a stick-like switch.

There is a powerful spring device, which is used to adjust the depth of the spinning machine, and it has a strong expansion and contraction force.

“The device next to it is where the force is applied! The force required is not much, mainly to control the speed!” Ying Zheng turned the joystick demonstratively, and the spinning machine also idled a few times.

“Next, we will formally rehearse the sweater making process! Look at this weaving machine, how it turns wool into a sweater!”

Speaking of this, Ying Zheng (Honuo Hao) suddenly stopped his movements. He sensitively noticed something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

The eyes of these little girls don’t seem to be on the machine!

Most of them are fifteen or sixteen years old, because the conditions at home have improved, of course their parents would not let them go out to do heavy work.

Although the status of women at that time was not high, the parents in the family would not stop loving their daughters because of this.

When life is hard, there is nothing to say, or follow the work, or marry early.

Now that the family has become richer, parents naturally want more and more compensation.

If it were not for His Royal Highness’s promise that the weaving factory would not be tiring, they would not be willing to let their daughter out~

The result is conceivable!

A group of fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls who are in love

There are already a lot of bolder ones, and their eyes have begun to sweep around Yingzheng. .

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