Chapter 275 Promote the glass greenhouse! White painting is shrewd! [Second more, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation]

In the face of Bai Huagan’s respect, Yingzheng was fairly satisfied, and he did not look down upon him because of his status as a merchant.

In particular, Bai Huagan’s expression was extremely indifferent, and he did not appear to be as cautious as ordinary people when they first saw the victory. This alone is enough to admire him.

“The Bai family has been in business for generations and has been known as a’good merchant’, and this prince has also been known for a long time! It’s just that the Bai family’s business is mainly the sale of food. Could it be said that it is impossible to say that it also wants to run vegetables now? “Ying Zheng asked curiously.

Bai Huagan hurriedly waved his hands and said with a smile:

“His Royal Highness is absurdly praised, he is called a good business man, and I dare not be the next! As His Highness said, the Bai family is indeed mainly dealing with food. Xiaomin does not come here for vegetables!”

“Oh? Not for the vegetables? Why did that come from?’

“If you return to your Highness, Xiaomin is here to make a special trip for the glass greenhouse!”

As soon as this remark came out, winning the government was all a little surprised.

The other merchants, large and small, just saw the business opportunity of fresh vegetables. This white picture is dry, and they can think of the glass greenhouse in the first time!

Such a pattern can match the reputation of the Bai family. It is worthy of being a descendant of “Shang Zu”, with a sharp vision!

Just listen to Bai Huagan and continue to say:

“His Royal Highness is rich! After hearing that Baoyang County can grow 390 vegetables in winter, Xiaomin was shocked and rushed to Baoyang without stopping, wanting to see the mystery!

“After much understanding, it turned out to be the handwriting of His Highness! The little man admires it! His Highness’s holy name is known throughout the world, and the little man has been worshipped for a long time. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Min boldly disturbed His Highness. Peace.”

These remarks were extremely polite and would praise the winning government very high, but they did not involve the important points.

Ying Zheng chuckled in response, and did not directly express his position. He was waiting for the following.

“His Royal Highness’s glass greenhouse, Xiaomin wants to carry out universal promotion within the scope of the Seven Kingdoms! Except for the money for buying glass and brackets, Xiaomin is willing to contribute 50% of the pure profit of all glass greenhouses to His Highness! ”

Bai Huagan did not continue to polite, but directly stated his ultimate goal.

“A great deal! Good calculation!” Ying Zheng admired.

It is indeed generous.

After other people do business and have paid huge financial costs, how can they distribute their own profits to outsiders? This is unreasonable!

But Bai Huagan did just that!

He was very clear in his heart that, except for some southern regions where the seasons are like spring, the glass greenhouses will be a profitable business, and there is almost no risk at all.

But if you want to get promotion, you want to get glass, you can only win the government! Only Daqin Glass Factory can produce such strange things, there is no semicolon!

Therefore, in this steady profitable business, all the initiative is held in the hands of winning politics, and outsiders have no bargaining power at all.

Others want to get involved in the glass greenhouse, and want to make a big head, it is absolutely impossible!

Only like Bai Huagan, turning in the pure profit, may be able to impress His Royal Highness.

In addition, Bai Huagan’s calculations do not stop there.

Turning in 50% of the profit also represents another thing:

He will reach a cooperative relationship with His Royal Highness! It is equivalent to let Yingzheng become his backer!

With this relationship, the business outside of the glass greenhouse will be more like a fish in the water, and the benefits are unimaginable!

On the surface, the investment is huge, but the actual income is even greater.

With the mind of winning the government, I thought about all this thoroughly in an instant, so I praised it face to face.

There is nothing wrong with the merchant’s pursuit of profit!

After pondering for a moment, Ying Zheng spoke again:

“You want to promote glass greenhouses. This is a good idea, and the prince can agree to it! However, if you agree to it, you can only build glass greenhouses in Qin at present!”

Bai Hua frowned slightly, very puzzled.

The glass greenhouse is a dead thing, and it can even be regarded as a luxury. It is purely for (aibd) to make money, and it is completely incompatible with strategic resources. His Royal Highness should not refuse this opportunity to make Baoyang money!

Ying Zheng chuckled and explained:

“This prince is actually for your own good, haha! You don’t know much about glass! Although glass has its uniqueness, it is extremely fragile. With the current transportation conditions, it is impossible to ship to the six countries!

“Even in Qin, if you want to promote glass greenhouses, except for Xianyang, other places can only open a branch of the Daqin Glass Factory and then transport it nearby. This can be done!”

Bai Hua suddenly realized it, and finally understood the reason.

“Fortunately, your Royal Highness’s suggestion! The Xiaomin is really too urgent in his heart, and he has overlooked such an important thing!” Bai Huagan thanked him.

“If you want to extend the glass greenhouse to the other six countries, it is not impossible to open a branch factory! But the prince does not want to leak the technology of glass manufacturing, it is cheap for the six countries!” road.

“This is natural, and Xiaomin knows this truth! The branch factory is located outside of Qin and it is difficult to control!” Bai Huagan is not a person who knows how to make an inch.

In addition, don’t look at His Royal Highness’s amiable appearance now, the aura that always lingers around the body is shocking, and there is no resistance or disobedience at all.

Yingzheng is quite satisfied with Bai Huagan’s attitude. He admires this kind of people who know how to measure.

“That’s good, this prince will select some areas suitable for the promotion of glass greenhouses, and successively open branches of Daqin Glass Factory. Within five years, we will give you priority to supply!” Ying Zheng said indifferently.

Bai Huagan was overjoyed, and he knew clearly:

His Royal Highness has agreed to cooperate! He also has a super backer!

Thanks immediately:

“Everything but with His Royal Highness as the master, Xiaomin dare not refuse!”

“Haha! Building a factory nearby is one aspect, but this prince advises you that you have to buy another item to be safe!” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

“Another thing? Your Highness, please express it!” Bai Huagan was a little confused.

If the factory is built on site, the problem of glass transportation has been solved.In addition, what else can be linked to the glass greenhouse?

Needless to say the bracket, this one must be customized, but what else can there be?

“Building a factory on site actually only shortens the transportation distance, and does not really change the transportation conditions! The prince recommends that you buy some spring carriages to transport glass, and the safety will be greatly enhanced!” Throw out a new thing.

“Spring carriage? What is that?” Bai Huagan asked unconsciously. .

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