Chapter 274 The first round of pre-sale is on! The descendants of Shangzu visit! [First update, please customize]

The express business of Baoyang Transportation Team is indeed vigorously promoted by Winning Government. It is actually the e-commerce model of later generations to emulate. The purpose is to make it easier and more worry-free for those businessmen to spend money!

For some businessmen, if they buy a certain material in large quantities, the process is still more troublesome.

In the first transaction, you must go out in person and set all the matters down; then, you also need to select competent and reliable subordinates, so that you can gradually let go.

Such a process has greatly prolonged the cycle of commodity trading invisibly.

With the express business, merchants will have no such troubles.

When I was in Xianyang, I checked the type and quantity of the purchase through the price list, paid the same amount of money, and then I could lie at home and wait for the goods to arrive, which is extremely convenient.

The same is true for Baoyang, saving a lot of trouble.

There will not be so many merchants who come to pick and choose various vegetables and compare them back and forth, and there is no bargaining process. They only need to sell them at the price set by His Royal Highness.

The quality of the vegetables is guaranteed, and you don’t have to worry about the rest!

When a group of merchants and Tu were talking first, a large group of Baoyang-standard carriages passed by not far.

How many colleagues have come! Everyone was shocked.

At the same time, they began to worry about the supply of vegetables, for fear that they would not be able to buy them when they wanted to buy them next time.

I have personally experienced the magic of the glass greenhouse. It is estimated that fresh vegetables can be produced throughout the winter.

If one day in the future, someone else buys a cart of fresh vegetables and sells them back, but because they can’t grab the supply, they can only watch, how much money will they lose?

“Everyone, we are all old friends. I have a suggestion next. I don’t know if I should talk about it!” The picture was sold off first.

“Brother, if you have something to say, we are not outsiders?”

“Yes, yes, brother Tuxian, if you have any internal news, you might as well disclose some, 々!”

“Brother, don’t be out of sight, come to my restaurant another day to have fun!”

The picture first chuckled and sighed falsely:

“Hey! In fact, you all have seen that the vegetable business in Baoyang is really hot! It is still only a part of it, and more traders will come to Baoyang in the future! At that time, I want to buy a batch Fresh vegetables, it’s not as easy as it is now!”

This is exactly what everyone is worried about!

“I wonder what do you think, brother?” The merchants asked eagerly.

“Well, I can’t talk about good ideas, but I can still talk about it in the next. Vegetables can barely be the master. You also know that the output of vegetables is limited. The next suggestion is, you guys. It’s best to pre-order tomorrow’s vegetables together!”

Tuxian’s tone is extremely sincere, sincere, and it is entirely for the sake of these merchants~

“That’s the truth! Buy! I bought! I pre-order!”

“Tomorrow’s vegetables, bring me two more cars! Express, bring me directly to Xianyang!”

The merchants were almost red-eyed, rushing to buy and buy, lest they miss this opportunity to make money.

Some big merchants think more long-term and think more. Since tomorrow’s vegetables can be pre-ordered, what about the day after tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow?

“Brother, brother, can I pre-order until next year? To be honest, brother, I want to pre-order fresh vegetables throughout the winter!” The elderly merchant asked tentatively.

Tu first smiled and shook his head:

“Brother forgive me! I can’t do this kind of thing, my little brother! Especially because His Royal Highness has made it clear that he can allow me to pre-sell vegetables for up to one month in advance! I dare not violate it!”

When everyone heard the words, their eyes immediately brightened!

One month is enough! At least in this month, there is no need to worry about the supply of fresh vegetables!

After a month, you can talk about it again and pre-order for another month!

“I want to pre-order for one month! The payment and shipping cost, can be delivered directly!”

“One month! I also pre-order one month!”

“Me too!

No one will let go of the opportunity to make money! A dozen people decided to pre-purchase vegetables for one month on the spot.

Tuxian’s face looked helpless, but he had to agree to the demands of these old friends one by one.

On the other side, in the brick house next to the glass shed.

Xiao Zhao Gao walked in quietly and reported:

“My son, please see you from Xianyang’s white painting!”

“Bai Huagan? Why did he come?” Hearing this name, Ying Zheng was a little surprised. He rolled his eyes, thought about it, and said: “Let him come in!

Xiao Zhao Gao took his orders and immediately bowed and exited, summoning Bai Hua to go.

It’s nothing but money, and the name sounds interesting, like a joke! But the identity and financial resources of this person are not comparable to ordinary merchants.

He is a descendant of “”Shangzu” Bai Kyu!

Speaking of a generation of “good businessmen” Bai Gui, the means of doing business are indeed quite good, and later generations will call him “Shang Zu”, which is worthy of the name.

In his early years, Bai Gui served as Wang Hui’s minister, and he has a strong ability to govern, and his various achievements are also remarkable and praised.

But Wei Guochaotang was in chaos and Bai Gui was unwilling to continue in politics, so he took the initiative to retreat. After traveling to many countries, I found that they are all the same, and it is difficult to realize his political ideals!

As a result, Bai Gui officially joined the ranks of merchants, and when he came to Bai Huagan, he was already the fourth generation.

The ancestors were masters of business, and the younger generations also inherited many methods of business. Only four generations, the wealth of the Bai family has gathered countless, it can be said that it is a huge dick and rich!

Richer than Lu Buwei!

In terms of financial resources, no one would doubt the Bai family and Bai Huagan, but when Bai Huagan appeared in Baoyang, it was a bit unexpected to win the government.

The Bai family’s main business was grain trading, and rarely got involved in other industries.

Moreover, Bai Huagan was not from the Qin country. The purpose of going to Xianyang was probably to talk about the sweet potato and potato trade. It is said that he wanted to get some paper along the way.

The most important point: Except for Xianyang in the Qin State, even if you want to buy fresh vegetables from Baoyang, it is difficult to transport it! It is useless to buy it!

This is where the doubts about winning politics come from.

In short time, Xiao Zhaogao returned to the brick house, and behind him was a white-faced middle-aged man with a plump body and a ruddy complexion.

At first glance, it is a person who has been pampered for a long time!

This person’s temperament is good, gentle, and looks more like a scholar.

After giving a respectful and deep salute, the middle-aged man opened his mouth and said:

“Xiaomin, white painting is dry, I have seen His Royal Highness the Prince!”.

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