Chapter 276 Spring carriage! Baoyang glass travels all over the world! [third update, please customize]

Most of the reputation of Daqin Steelmaking Plant is based on Baoyang Shidao, but because of the shortage of some of the raw materials or ore, the production of war swords has been left behind.

Due to the limitation of seasons and transportation conditions, the necessary ore was not in place in a short period of time, so the time for Baoyang Shidao to equip the whole army had to be slightly extended.

However, the operation of the entire factory did not stop.

Most of the raw materials are sufficient, and can produce copper hot pot, steel and stainless steel products, and high-strength springs are also within the production range.

Ying Zheng and Bai Huagan finalized a cooperation plan, and then took him to the headquarters of the Baoyang transportation team.

The layout of the headquarters is very simple, the front is a wide courtyard, the innermost is a row of houses facing south, and neat walls are erected on all sides.

Well-prepared ordinary house.

But the moment the door opened, Bai Huagan was shocked by the sight in front of him.

Densely packed carriages!

On the west side of the compound, there are no fewer than hundreds of brand-new carriages neatly stacked, all of the Baoyang standard carriage; on the east side is a row of super spacious stables, hundreds of strong mules and horses stay quietly inside.

There were many people in the yard, most of them were coachmen in the transport team, some were cleaning the horses, and some were beating around the carriage.

Seeing that the visitor was His Royal Highness, the coachmen quickly stopped their work and bowed in salute.

“Why did your Highness come here personally?” Shen Lang was actually here, and after giving the ceremony, he asked suspiciously.

“Haha! When did you come back? There is no problem at the toll booth?” Ying Zheng laughed.

“I came back with the convoy last night! At the toll station, most people understand the rules and there is no need to stay there. The subordinates came here to deliver the springs this morning, and they just produced them this morning.” Shen Lang raised his hands. Something gestured.

“You’re a coincidence!” Yingzheng pointed to the carriage parked at the door by Baihuagan, “Add two springs, make a simple modification, and try the effect.”

Shen Lang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he noticed the lavishly dressed white painter, his thoughts turned slightly, and he immediately understood the generality.

These carriages of the transportation team are not only used for transportation, but also sold!

Seeing that His Royal Highness leads a man who looks like a wealthy businessman, what else is hard to guess?

With a casual greeting, Shen Lang took a few young people and started to move.

Bai Huagan’s gaze stayed on the iron ring in Shen Lang’s hand, extremely curious!

Through the conversation just now, he has understood that this kind of thing is called a spring, and what those coachmen are doing is to install the spring on his own carriage.

There are some differences in the original structure of the carriage, and it is more troublesome to refit, but Shen Lang personally makes all the troubles disappear.

This guy’s hands-on ability is quite strong!

The driving horse was taken off the noose, Shen Lang directly lifted the carriage with one arm and steadily overturned it. The roof of the car landed on the ground and the chassis was suspended.

Three times five times two, the wheels and axles are removed again

After a lot of tossing, two huge high-strength springs were mounted on the white-painted carriage, and after a few simple tidying, the carriage returned to its original shape and the horses returned to their original positions.

From the outside, nothing has changed.

“Director Shen has worked hard! Haha” Ying Zheng laughed.

“His Royal Highness, please don’t say that, Zhe Sha is subordinate!” Shen Lang quickly shook his head and waved his hands. This little thing is nothing. I can help His Royal Highness. I can’t ask for it~

“Boss Bai, take the car and take a round, and feel the difference!” Ying Zheng raised his hand and gestured.

Bai Huagan was also irritated at this time, and was thinking of trying it. The good one just now made his curiosity even stronger.

“His Royal Highness stay less, Xiaomin will experience how the spring carriage is different!” Bai Hua arched his hands dry, and walked towards the carriage with excitement.

After a while.

The carriage that had turned a long circle returned to the gate of the headquarters of the transportation team.

I saw Bai Huagan with a deep smile on his face, walked out of the carriage excitedly, and shouted:

“It’s amazing! Your Majesty, this spring carriage is incredible! After adding two springs, most of the shaking disappeared, and there is no more bumpy feeling!”

Naturally, winning the government would not feel strange. He had already anticipated his reaction to Bai Huagan.

0……Look for flowers…

“You are in a modified car, and it doesn’t fit the springs as a whole! The carriages of the transportation team are all custom-made, and the compatibility between the carriages and the springs is the best, and the driving is even more stable.” Faintly.

“Thanks for your highness! No wonder your Highness suggested that Xiaomin buy this kind of carriage. It is really different! With this kind of carriage to transport glass, it will inevitably reduce a lot of losses!” Bai Huagan gave a deep salute again.

“The spring carriage can ensure that the glass will not break to the maximum extent. If it is transported in a short distance, it should not be a big problem! You want to do glass business, and you need it!” Ying Zheng raised his finger to the large number of carriages behind him.

“It’s not just a short distance? With a spring carriage, as long as you send a human escort, it will not be too much loss even if it is sold to the six countries! Your Highness, can you sell more of your carriage to Xiaomin?” Bai Huagan Asked.


“As long as you can accept the loss yourself and you can sell it wherever you want, the prince doesn’t care about this! As for the spring carriage, you can also give priority to it! You can talk about it first if you look for a picture. For the time being, he is in charge of the team.”

After finishing the dialogue, Ying Zheng turned around and said to Shen Lang:

“The white boss plans to do the glass greenhouse business. The brackets and glass must be mass-produced! The specific production plan will be handed over to you and Tian Xiangzi! In addition, let the cement factory make a batch of matching plaster. .”

The specific business is the communication between Bai Huaqian and several factory directors, and Yingzheng no longer participates.

He only needs to receive the glass greenhouse money delivered by Baihuagan in full, and that is enough~

Glass is a rare thing, and it is still monopolized by the winning government. The price to be paid for the white painting is naturally very large. It is almost a big piece of meat.

Winning has received a huge sum of money!

If the wool comes out of the sheep, of course it won’t be a disadvantage if it’s done for nothing.

The Bai’s business covers seven countries, and there are countless channels, even more extensive than Lu Buwei’s level! As long as you can deliver the glass in place, sell it at a high price or directly build a glass greenhouse, you will not lose money. .

Now with the help of the spring carriage, it can be foreseen:

Baoyang Glass is about to spread all over the world! Factory.

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