Chapter 273 Crazy, crazy, all crazy!! [Fourth update, please customize]

After the deal is negotiated, the rest is naturally to collect the pre-ordered vegetables. The merchants have to stay for some time and cannot leave for the time being.

In fact, they still have more ideas now!

They brought a lot of money and were ready to be slaughtered, but the actual transaction price was much lower than expected, and they could buy more vegetables.

The carriage is a problem.

More than a dozen people packed a large shed for a day’s output, and their carriages were full. Even if I wanted to buy it again, the carriage couldn’t fit, which was annoying.

At this moment, a large row of standard carriages in Baoyang County drove by the side of the road. It looked like that, loaded with a lot of vegetables, it seemed that they were going to Xianyang.

This standard carriage is the same as the carriage delivered by Sichuan-Chongqing hot pot restaurants, the same style! With the scale of a hot pot restaurant, you shouldn’t transport so many vegetables at once!

All the merchants thought about this problem, and they used the spacious carriages to move their brains.

Baoyang County, it seems that there is no shortage of carriages?

Ying Zheng made a round and checked the growth of the vegetables. Then he went out of the greenhouse, and happened to see the merchants staring at the carriage.

“You are short of carriages?” Ying Zheng asked with a frown.

When the merchants heard the voice of winning the government, they immediately turned their heads and bowed to salute, with a bitter face, and said:

“His Majesty Mingjian! I was too rushed when I was leaving. I only had such a carriage with me. In the current situation, seeing that I have not bought enough vegetables, I still have money in my hand, which is a lack of transportation capacity!’

“Oh, it turned out to be like this! Didn’t you see a notice there when you came out of the toll booth? Baoyang County provides transportation services. As long as you pay for the hire, there are many Baoyang-standard carriages available here!” Faintly.

Notice? Transportation business? Everyone was stunned.

I was so anxious in my heart that I didn’t notice any notice at all.

Otherwise, I would contact you long ago!

“Hehe, it seems that you don’t know about this, it’s okay! Baoyang’s affairs are complicated, and Lu Xiang sent his housekeeper to help. He is responsible for all the standard carriages. You can also find him for the purchase of vegetables!” Zheng was talking, and pointed his finger at a man who looked like a housekeeper in the distance.

The butler of Xiangguo Mansion, picture first!

Everyone looked in the direction of Yingzheng’s fingers. Sure enough, there was a middle-aged man with a beard, pointing at various places. It was Tuxian.

The local wealthy businessmen in Xianyang basically recognize this chief butler of the Xiangfu!

I met acquaintances in Baoyang, which made the merchants overjoyed. They thanked Ying Zheng and hurriedly surrounded Tuxian.

Ying Zheng saw all this in his eyes, but he laughed secretly in his heart:

What is zaishu? Master acquaintances!

Tuxian and Yingzheng are also old acquaintances. When he returned to Xianyang from Handan, it was met halfway by Tuxian. This person can be regarded as a counselor of Lu Buwei, especially good at doing things.

There are many things that are not convenient to talk about directly, but it is just right to hand it over to Tuxian!

More than a dozen people surrounded the picture with a hula.

“Brother Tuxian, I don’t think I can meet you in Baoyang!”

“Picture housekeeper, don’t come here unharmed! The old man is a layman all year round, and it’s been a long time since I had a drink together!”

“Great, brother! With you in charge here, we can be counted as relying on Baoyang, haha!”

When Tuxian was in Xianyang, as the housekeeper of the Xiangfu, he had a very wide social relationship. He knew a dozen merchants, all of whom were old acquaintances.

Everyone had a conversation first, and then turned directly to the topic.

“Brother, brother, I came in a hurry, the big guys are almost like this! I bought a cart of vegetables, but I want to buy it again, but the capacity is limited! Baoyang’s standard carriage, can I borrow it?” One of them said. Out of purpose.

“Of course it’s okay! They are all friends! But, everyone does not know! This standard carriage is part of the Baoyang Transportation Brigade, which specializes in transporting people for people! If you want to use it, you can, but you need to pay. Certain remuneration.” Tu said with a smile first.

“Baoyang Transportation Brigade? That’s how it is! The transportation from Baoyang to Xianyang is a long distance, so it is natural to collect payment! What’s the price?” The businessmen began to hear that Yingzheng said that they paid for employment, and they were already prepared.

“You have all seen the style of the carriage. There are a lot of vegetables that can be loaded! From Baoyang to Xianyang, the one-way price is 500 Wen, the weight is limited to 20 Shi. How about it, the price is fair?” Tu Xian looked at him. Of course.

This price was heard in the ears of a group of businessmen, but everyone took a breath of air-conditioning.

It’s too expensive!

How much can a wagon of goods cost? Five hundred yuan for the freight alone?

The price is a bit difficult to pick up

The elder merchant groaned slightly and said softly:

“Brother, is your price a bit more expensive? If we transport it by ourselves, the cost will definitely be reduced a lot!’

The picture first heard the words and was stunned!

It seems that I have heard some incredible things!

“Is this price expensive? Brother, you don’t know what you think! His Royal Highness said that the Baoyang transportation team is doing express business! And it is still full-time trusteeship. The price of five hundred words is absolutely equivalent. It’s 390 cheaper!”

“First of all, how much time did it take for you to come here from Xianyang? It takes at least six hours! That is still an empty car! Baoyang Express is loaded with vegetables to Xianyang, and it takes five hours!

“Secondly, the whole process of hosting is more value for money! You don’t need to come over, let alone send someone over, as long as you pay according to the fixed price, explain the type and quantity of vegetables you need, and you don’t need to do the rest. No matter what! Just wait for the vegetables to arrive at home!”

“Think about it. You don’t need to worry about the price of five hundred words and the quality of vegetables. The delivery time is shorter, and tolls are not considered at all. The whole journey is worry-free! Is this price expensive?”

Everyone glanced at each other and thought for a moment.According to Tuxian’s statement, it seems that it is really not expensive!

Time is saved, manpower is also saved, the most important thing is to save worry!

“To be honest, everyone! In fact, this express business is promoted by His Royal Highness, and the credibility is absolutely guaranteed! Think about it, this can be regarded as an opportunity to meet His Royal Highness!” Tuxian bewitched.

Upon hearing this, the merchants did not hesitate!

If you can get involved with your Royal Highness, what can you do if you spend a little more on shipping? The big deal is that you can earn it back with a price increase, and you will definitely not lose money.

“This express business, take it!”,

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