Chapter 272 Incredible glass greenhouse! Merchants are shocked! [Third update, please customize]

Shen Lang’s entrance at Baoxian Road stimulated a large number of wealthy businessmen, but what he said is true. Many businessmen have already arrived in Baoyang County.

The road was unimpeded, and these merchants were deeply moved by Baoxian Road. This also makes the image of Baoyang County different from the past, which creates an inexplicable expectation.

They are very curious, what will it look like when they reach the end?

Especially the one-year covenant on the court, it is no longer a secret under the dissemination of interested people, even these merchants know it.

What is the so-called great change made by His Highness the Prince today?

All the answers are in Baoyang County!

At the exit of Baoxian Road, there is still a toll station, but this toll station does not charge a fee for the carriages, horses and personnel leaving Baoxian Road.

“Three Nine Zero”

A group of wealthy businessmen, riding in a carriage, formally arrived at the boundary of Baoyang.

The weather today is fine, the sky is clear, and the sun is rising high. The warm sun in winter is especially precious and makes people feel very comfortable.

But what are those dazzling things in the distance? It’s a bit like the reflection of a bronze mirror!

Continuing to drove for a certain distance, everyone saw the source of the reflections clearly, which was something transparent like water.

According to the description of those Baoyang people, this should be glass!

After getting out of the carriage, and getting closer, the scenery in front of you can be seen more realistically. At the same time, they were completely shocked by the scenery.

Oh my god!

When the whole world has turned yellow, behind the glass, there are actually green and vibrant scenes!

How can this be?

It’s too incredible.

Although they had obtained a lot of information when they were in Xianyang, they knew that there were indeed vegetables that could grow in winter.

But thinking and seeing are different after all. This kind of thing that goes against common sense can only be truly believed when you see it with your own eyes!

Driven by curiosity, a group of big businessmen came to the front of the glass greenhouse. This time they saw it more closely and clearly.

A variety of green leafy plants grow in the greenhouse, fresh and green, very attractive; each plant is growing well, and some plants are full of colorful fruits.

It is generally the same as the dishes in Chuanyu Hotpot Restaurant! Sure, it is produced here!

There are many people busy in the greenhouse. It is similar to the scene of serving vegetables in the spring and summer. Even the clothes are not very different. They are all wearing light clothes, and you can’t see the cold.

This makes people even more curious!

Finally, this group of businessmen who had seen the big world found a not very big entrance, and couldn’t wait to get into the greenhouse.

A heat wave with the breath of green vegetables, mixed with moisture, hit their faces head on.

It’s too warm!

It’s as warm as a few braziers in the room!

Most of the people were busy serving vegetables and did not notice the arrival of these businessmen, but one of the young people was keenly aware of the entry of outsiders.

He stood up, raised his head, and stared directly at a group of businessmen who rushed into the glass greenhouse.

“His Royal Highness!” Someone recognized the victory at a glance.

In the brick house next to the big shed, a dozen wealthy businessmen from Xianyang bowed respectfully to the prince to win the government.

They had never seen Yingzheng himself before, but the portraits of Yingzheng had been circulated a lot. That’s how they would recognize Yingzheng at a glance.

“Come from Xianyang? Look at your outfits, they should all be merchants, right?” Ying Zheng asked indifferently.

“Return to His Royal Highness, I am waiting for Xiaomin. It is indeed a merchant in Xianyang! Because I found fresh vegetables in the hot pot restaurant, and later thanks to Boss Yan for informing the source, I came to my Royal Highness.” A slightly older merchant said road.

Yingzheng nodded and asked again:

“That’s it! In this case, your purpose is to buy some fresh vegetables, right?”

“His Royal Highness! I am waiting, that is exactly what I meant. But I don’t know, Your Highness will reward me with this fresh vegetable.” The elderly merchant was a temporary speaker who came out publicly, and spoke very well.

“Haha! Don’t be so subtle! You want to buy, and you want to sell these vegetables in Baoyang County! This is a deal, just say it straight!”

In the face of winning politics, these business people naturally can’t hold their heads up, so how dare they directly talk about buying and selling?

“The vegetables in Baoyang County will be handled by the Prince for the time being! All vegetable transactions are fair and will not make you pay more! You can rest assured of this.”

After Ying Zheng said this, the merchants couldn’t help but be overjoyed!

I was already ready to be slaughtered, but I changed hands after a big deal, and sold it at a high price. Anyway, someone would buy it!

Now, the Prince’s Palace has made a statement, which means that Ming will not raise the price too high, and their profit will be greater.

“Xiao Gao! The specific price, it’s up to you to talk to them!” Ying Zheng called to Zhao Gao, and handed over a few pricing forms.

After all, Yingzheng walked into the greenhouse again.

All prices have been set in advance, and there is no need for him, the prince of Qin, to discuss the specific details.

Xiao Zhaogao accepted the order, took the merchants next to each other to set the price, and walked back and forth in the glass greenhouse a few times.

Peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, leeks, etc., in the whole greenhouse, the quality and yield of all vegetables are shown to the merchants.

Everyone feels that it is worth the money, and this Zhao Baoyang is indeed not in vain!

The price of Yingzheng is indeed not expensive, and it is even cheaper than the current price of vegetables in the market.

Of course, it must be 1.3 more expensive than summer and autumn vegetables!

The most popular ones are tomatoes and peppers.

These two kinds of vegetables are rare things. Few people have seen them outside of Baoyang. They have a unique taste and are relatively easier to store than other vegetables.

A group of merchants immediately placed a large order and almost contracted all the vegetables in the greenhouse!

Both buyers and sellers are very satisfied with each other~

It’s just a greenhouse, that’s nothing, there are thousands of glass greenhouses in Baoyang County!

Fresh vegetables will continue to be produced throughout the winter!

Those merchants are now only a small part of it, one after another, and more merchants will rush to Baoyang to contribute to Baoyang’s income generation~

For these, winning the government has full confidence, and preparations are also exceptionally sufficient.

Baoyang’s huge investment will gradually transform into greater returns!.

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