Chapter 271 The road that the prince built, I want you to pay tolls! Is it hard to understand? [Second update, please customize]

The construction standard of Baoxian Road, Yingzheng was formulated according to the main roads of later generations. The width of ten feet is equivalent to more than 30 meters in width.

During the Warring States period, the width of the carriages was generally less than three meters, and it could accommodate ten carriages in parallel!

Among the merchants, someone had seen this road before, but it was still in tatters at that time, only the roadbed had no pavement, it was full of big stones, and it was hard to see why.

Now, the neat and level road completely highlights this shocking effect.

“Oh my god! Your Royal Highness, this is too extravagant, right? The road in front of the palace gates is not necessarily too much! Such a wide road is actually built in this barren countryside?”

“I have heard that His Highness has mobilized hundreds of thousands of immigrants and spent nearly half a year building roads. I thought it was a joke! What kind of road would have such a big move? It turns out that all this is true!”

“Great! If a small country wants to build this kind of road, I am afraid that if the road is not completed, the country will be destroyed directly, that is, His Royal Highness has this kind of strength!”

“Unbelievable! Compared to the cost of manpower and money, this road itself is even more unbelievable! It seems to be a road to the sky! It is so flat, there is no end in sight!”

“It seems that what Boss Yan said is true. If he is driving a carriage on this kind of road and never detours far, it is indeed possible to transport vegetables overnight!”

“Baoyang Road! Baoyang goes straight to Xianyang. Perhaps only His Royal Highness can have such courage to build such a road! Once the Six Kingdoms come and Baoyang falls, wouldn’t it be possible to move in overnight? Xianyang?”

“What are you kidding? Baoyang lost? The soldiers entered Xianyang? Do you think that among the six nations, who has the courage? His Royal Highness sits in Baoyang personally, then Baoyang is absolutely invincible!

“Don’t discuss this! The plan of His Royal Highness is not something we can describe! For us, as long as we can get fresh vegetables in Baoyang, we can have the opportunity to meet His Royal Highness, this is the whole purpose!”

In fact, these big businessmen can be considered to be the level of a big boss, and they have all seen the big world.

Qin’s policy of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business is the most intense. Under the extreme policy environment, they can still carry out commercial activities and continue to grow. The energy of these people can be seen.

However, the scale of Baoxian Road is too big, even if they have traveled all over China, there has never been a road comparable to Baoxian Road!

This level of road surface and distance are extremely shocking!

After sighing, they couldn’t really let the carriage go on this road. Several long railings blocked everyone from the road.

On the edge and in the middle of the road, there are a few small houses built separately, and it seems that there are living people living in it! This kind of land where birds do not shit!

Everyone got closer and saw the big characters written on the outside of the house:



A few large characters are carved on a wooden board, and there are a few lines of small characters below:

“Baoxian Road temporarily implements a toll system.

People who enter Baoxian Road need three cents per person; for cars entering Baoxian Road, five cents are empty and ten cents for trucks.

No bargaining!”

Several large businessmen looked at the handwriting on the wooden board, staring at each other silently.

You need to pay city gate tax to enter the city. This is understandable, but who has heard that which way to go will cost money?

Looking at the board again, there is a signature:

Win politics!

I was still praising His Royal Highness Prince Prince for his generous work, but as a result, are there any special charges for crossing the road??

Too stingy!

At this moment, two people walked out of the small house at the toll booth, a middle-aged man and a young man, with great momentum.

“What are you doing? Go to Baoyang?” the middle-aged man said arrogantly.

The merchants saw that this posture was full of authority! Don’t dare to offend!

“My lord, I’m all businessmen from Xianyang, and this trip is going to Baoyang. But I don’t know, does this Baoxian Road really need to be charged? Even if it charges, it should be collected after arriving in Baoyang County, right? “A big businessman asked respectfully.

“Receive, fee, stop! Just these three words, written here clearly, is it difficult to understand?” The middle-aged man has no fake colors and has no good face.

The young man seemed to have a good temper, so he took the initiative to stand up and made a round of rounds:

0……Look for flowers…

“Giant, why bother? It’s the first time toll booths appear. If you don’t understand it, it’s normal. Let’s explain it! If you are willing to pay, then you can pass; if you don’t want to pay, then you can change to another route. It’s not guilty to hurt your peace.”

“Director Fang, you are right! Hey! It’s really annoying to be asked these days. It’s all merchants! I went to Baoyang to sell fresh vegetables. Is it that I still have such a small amount of money? Three melons and two dates. , What is it? Besides, Baoxian Road has invested so much, so why makes people go for nothing?”

The two of them were Wei Mo tycoon Shen Lang and cement factory director Fang Ping. They were in charge of the construction of the road surface engineering in the later period.

Their task now is to follow the rules while charging! Set the tone, and it will be easier to implement in the future.


Originally, those businessmen were still a little dissatisfied with Shen Lang’s attitude, but after hearing the next few words, they can no longer care about their dissatisfaction.

They were all merchants, and they went to Baoyang to sell fresh vegetables.

This meaning couldn’t be more obvious, many people have already made the first step!

The current situation is that the vegetables in Baoyang County are grown there, and they will definitely be there; but if they are preempted by other merchants, will they still exist? That is not necessarily the case.

Thinking of this, the businessmen no longer care about whether the fees at the toll booths are reasonable, and immediately began to pay. The big thing is to rush to Baoyang as soon as possible. A few small amounts of money are really nothing.

As for the hard break, it is even more impossible! On the one hand, because tolls are not too much, on the other hand

The signature is engraved with the name of Yingzheng, who dares to break?

The tolls were paid violently, and these merchants rushed out without stopping in a carriage.

When Shen Lang and Fang Ping saw this scene, smiles appeared on their faces.

“His Royal Highness is indeed a magical calculation! It was predicted in advance that these merchants would rush to Baoyang in a swarm!

“Hehe, yeah! The hot pot restaurant is just the first step to attract the attention of the outside world! Baoyang’s reputation and influence have been expanded, and this will make Baoyang truly prosperous!”

“Yes! There are so many good things in Baoyang, so we should use these merchants to make them good publicity! Haha~”


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