Chapter 270 The prince of Daqin, the panic of merchants! Can’t afford to offend! [First update, please customize]

Hearing the words “Baoyang” and “His Royal Highness”, the big businessmen almost immediately thought of winning the government!

His Royal Highness, isn’t it just that he is conducting a trial of imperial examinations in Baoyang County?

Apart from this, who deserves a “His Royal Highness”, who else?

Everyone sucked in air-conditioning, the expressions on their faces were extremely shocked and terrified!

The businessman in the lead couldn’t help but want to confirm it, hesitated and said:

“Boss Yan, the highness you mentioned is my Royal Highness of Daqin?”

As soon as this statement was made, everyone focused their attention on Yan Chuanyu’s face, waiting for his answer.

Yan Chuanyu’s expression became extremely respectful in an instant, and with faint pride and pride, he said in a deep voice:

“It’s my Royal Highness the Prince of Great Qin!”


The scene was weirdly quiet, but everyone’s brains were rumbling, and they almost collapsed, and their faces turned pale in an instant.

I thought that the hot pot restaurant was behind a certain high-level official of the State of Qin, and this is incredible! Who can think of it, who can dare to think?

It is actually the property of His Royal Highness the Prince 387! !!

The holy prince, the meaning of these three words, in Qin State, from the eighty-year-old to the three or two-year-old urchin, no one knows, no one knows!

Needless to say, the high position and power need not be said.

Just talking about the battlefield, in the first battle at Hangu Pass, one hundred thousand Han soldiers were killed in the Shangdang, and half of the captives were not left; the bloody battle of Yiqu, the single man broke the city, slaughtered the royal family of Yiqu, and wiped out the roots.

This is the ultimate killing star!

Rende, that is a good citizen of Anshan and abiding by the law.

If someone uses improper means to deal with hot pot restaurants, you don’t have to think too much about the end, and dare not think too much about it.

Another point is that they, as businessmen, have a better understanding of the commercial means of winning politics.

Food and paper, these two transactions, almost made the Six Nations lose their blood! I gritted my teeth and swallowed this breath abruptly, completely helpless!

Everyone’s foreheads gradually ooze cold sweat, and they are frightened, and they can’t help but feel lucky:

“Fortunately, I didn’t do anything secretly! Otherwise, who can bear the anger of His Royal Highness? It’s too much to stuff people’s teeth!”

Seeing these big businessmen in front of him, when he heard (aibd) the name of His Royal Highness the Prince, his hair changed immediately, and Yan Chuanyu probably guessed something.

He is also a human being! His mind is exquisite!

Otherwise, how could it be elected by the winning politics?

It’s just that since these guys didn’t make any stupid actions, and the prince didn’t have any orders to pass, then

It’s still a guest! It’s still a door-to-door sale!

Thinking of this, Yan Chuanyu chuckled lightly, as if he hadn’t noticed the changes in everyone’s expressions at all, and said lightly:

“His Royal Highness has built a glass greenhouse in Baoyang to grow vegetables in winter. All the dishes in our restaurant are supplied by Baoyang. Presumably, there should be some leftovers! If you go to Baoyang, His Royal Highness should be happy to meet you.

The big businessman in panic suddenly regained his spirit!

Big businessmen are always very shrewd, otherwise they can’t grow their business, and they still have the ability to listen.

From Yan Chuanyu’s mouth, it can be said that “His Royal Highness should be willing to receive”, then there is only one possibility: That’s what the Royal Highness ordered!

Could it be said that the hot pot restaurant is also for selling vegetables? Because the fresh vegetables in Baoyang cannot be digested, such a hot pot restaurant opened in Xianyang?


That being said, it is a great opportunity.

Reselling fresh vegetables is bound to make a fortune. In addition to making money, you can also use this opportunity to build a relationship with His Royal Highness.

“Boss Yan, since you have shown us a clear road, it is inconvenient for us to bother! This is my goodbye, and I hope that His Royal Highness will not turn me away! Haha!” The leading businessman immediately prepared to leave.

The rest of them were not fools, they didn’t want to stay for a while, they left their seats one after another, and wanted to leave as soon as they said goodbye.

Yan Chuanyu laughed inwardly:

Your Royal Highness is really clever, and it’s not a business to take a pole! Let these people rush to Baoyang for thousands of miles. At that time, how to set the price, and the initiative is not all in the hands of His Highness?

However, Yan Chuanyu still reminded:

“Everyone, stay! There is one more thing to remind you of next!”

Following his utterance, the businessmen “crunched” and braked sharply. They turned their heads and looked back at Yan Chuanyu, waiting for the following.

“Between Baoyang and Xianyang, the road is far away! If it is transported by the previous roads, it will probably take a lot of time, the road is extremely bumpy, and the loss greatly increases.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words!

Wipe! This is the truth!

The distance between Baoyang and Xianyang is not for fun. It is not an exaggeration to call it a high mountain and a long road.

Originally thought that the vegetables from the hot pot restaurant could be delivered, so that means that the distance is not a problem, but Boss Yan said that, is there any trick in it?

Yan Chuanyu continued:

“It’s true that the vegetables in our hot pot restaurant are delivered through Baoxian Road. Vegetables are collected in the afternoon and delivered at night. You can receive fresh vegetables every morning!”

Baoham Road?

A few businessmen, look at me, and I look at you, completely unknown.

Suddenly someone seemed to be thinking of something, and asked uncertainly:

“The Baoxian Road mentioned by Boss Yan is the newly built road near Xianyang South Gate? It has been completed now? The road there has not been very good, so I seldom pass there.”

“Yes, what I’m referring to below is the big road, which has been completed some time ago! It is the fastest road from Xianyang to Baoyang, and the whole journey is extremely flat, without any bumps.” Yan Chuanyu Nodded.

There is such a thing? No wonder the vegetables in the hot pot restaurant are so fresh, and the feelings are from Baoyang to Xianyang overnight!

Everyone was overjoyed, and immediately thanked Yan Chuanyu, and left the restaurant hurriedly without staying.

A dozen or so luxuriously decorated carriages galloped out from the south gate of Xianyang City, and then ran straight to the east along the official road.

The earlier official roads stretched out for about three miles after leaving the city, and the roads began to narrow and become bumpy, but recently it seems that after some rest and recuperation, the road conditions have been much better.

When they were three miles away, a flat road that was wider than the official road appeared in front of everyone.

The road that is ten feet wide is simply unprecedented!

In addition, the blue-gray road is too flat, right?

What’s the matter with the railing in the middle of the road?

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