Chapter 266 Sichuan-Chongqing Hotpot Restaurant! Xianyang shakes! [First update, please customize]

The business of the Qin State has indeed recovered to a large extent, which is related to the victory of the King of Qin on Zi Chu, the victory of the Saint Prince, and even the state of Lu Buwei.

To be precise, this is a change in basic national policy!

The output of land has increased, the lives of the people are prosperous, and the conditions for the development of commerce are already in place. Zichu accepted Yingzheng’s analysis and ideas on business, and appropriately relaxed the control.

Lu Buwei has also made huge profits from previous transactions, and doing business is his old line of business, and he has spared no effort to promote business.

Those rich and powerful are naturally open to business-also extremely welcome.

If you have money, you have to have a place to spend it~

Under the tide, Qin’s commerce has recovered.

The first to bear the brunt is Xianyangyang, the capital of the Qin State, where countless shops and merchants appear in the spring after the rain.

A shop that has been reorganized for a long time, today finally put out a plaque one-

Sichuan-Chongqing Hot Pot Restaurant!

The location of the restaurant is good, it is located in the most prosperous commercial area of ​​Xianyang City, with many shops on the streets and alleys.

You can see it here. The most numerous are the restaurants and restaurants of all sizes.

Ordinary people are very curious about the newly opened hot pot restaurant.

Chuanyu, this should be a person’s name or a place name, but what is hot pot? What does hot pot restaurant do?

Never heard of it at all!

Although it hasn’t officially opened yet, the signs have been played out, and many people are constantly walking towards the interior of the restaurant under the drive of curiosity.

The decor is okay, but it is not top-notch, and not so magnificent. The most special thing is that it looks very clean, far more than other restaurants.

The environment is not bad!

At least, if you eat here, you will feel good.


The price is too expensive!

Ordinary people want to come here for a meal, it is estimated that it will be painful for a while.

The names of the various dishes on the recipe are also very puzzling.

Mandarin duck pot, clear soup pot, sweet potato powder, potato powder, hot and sour lamb pot, tomato pot

What is all this? Can anyone explain?

The restaurant is open for business! Since some people are puzzled, they will naturally ask those clerk.

I got the answer, but I still have a little knowledge.

I know that Yuanyang pot is a kind of pot bottom, but I don’t know what the pot bottom is; I know that chili is a kind of vegetable and condiment, but I have never seen it before.

It’s another restaurant with a mystery!

There are many places, and some unknowingly named dishes are used to fool the diners. Some people will spend money because of the unknown name of the dish, and the result will naturally be disappointed.

It’s nothing more than a small restaurant, after all, the price is not particularly expensive, but the price of a hot pot restaurant, ordinary people are not willing to spend so much money to try!

Qin Guo became rich, but he didn’t go to the point of picking up money all over the street. Especially in Xianyang, where there are so many powerful and powerful people, you have to be cautious and behave in everything you do. It is not easy to make money.

All in all, ordinary people just watch the excitement, can’t afford to consume, and are reluctant to consume.

As for those rich and powerful, many people have heard the name of hot pot, and even bought some copper pots and chili peppers from Baoyang County.

I have to say, that taste

How can it be a “cool” word!

The dignitaries knew hot pot, but they did not approve of hot pot restaurants.

It’s nothing more than relying on the reputation of hot pot to make high prices. If you want to eat hot pot, you can eat it at your own home. Why bother to come to your restaurant?

Moreover, the level of your restaurant is completely inferior to those famous restaurants. Wouldn’t it mean that you lost your identity when you eat here?

Those rich and powerful simply disdain such low-end hot pot restaurants.

What kind of shit “Chuanyu Hotpot Restaurant”? I don’t know a nice name!

On the third day of the official opening, the hot pot restaurant still has no diners to dine, but there are more people watching the excitement.

“The price of this hot pot restaurant is too high, but its own grade is not enough! If you continue like this, it is estimated that it will not be far from bankruptcy?”

“Maybe you are crazy about money! I don’t know any foreigner who thinks that there are many rich people in Xianyang and want to get a hand here, hehe! How can it be so easy to make money in Xianyang?”

“It’s been three days! I’ve seen it carefully, and there is no one to eat! This boss is also a fool. If the price is lowered, maybe someone will try it!”

“It’s late! No one went there when it opened. Now that the price is reduced, why did you do it early?”

0…………Look for flowers…

“By the way, this restaurant should have invested a lot! It’s probably going to lose everything. Poor guys, it’s not certain whether they can get their wages or not.

“Look at these guys, they don’t look like Xianyang locals! Otherwise, who can stay here? Doing anything is better than staying in a restaurant with no business!”

No one is optimistic about the prospects of the hot pot restaurant, and they are all waiting to see when it will go bankrupt.

But at noon on the third day, in front of the hot pot restaurant, suddenly a large but delicate carriage arrived.

Two high-headed horses, pulling a seemingly heavy carriage, steadily stopped in front of the restaurant.

The rituals of carriages and horses are all linked to the identity of the person who rides in the carriage. They are quite particular, and it is not that anyone can choose a carriage to sit in.

But at this time, those who watched the excitement didn’t care whether the specifications of the carriage exceeded the rules. What they care about is which one of the people who is taking advantage of it wants to be the first customer of the hot pot restaurant!

The people in the shops on the street and the pedestrians passing by, many people are watching the carriage, wanting to see what dignitaries are inside.

But there was no movement in the carriage.

Time is short, the guys from the Sichuan-Chongqing Hotpot Restaurant, one by one, walked out of the restaurant, opened the door of the car, and opened the curtain.

Immediately afterwards, what came out of the carriage was not a high-ranking official, but


Through the door of the carriage, many people saw the scene inside the carriage.

No one, all kinds of vegetables, a lot of fresh vegetables!

Moreover, there are some varieties, although they seem to be vegetables, but they don’t know them~

That kind of green, long strip, what? Why is it so green?

How can it be so fresh in the winter?

There is also something that is red and round, what is this? It looks very attractive!

In addition to the unknown vegetables, those who know the vegetables are even more shocking.

Most of the leafy greens, even if they can be preserved in winter, the color becomes a lot darker, and it is impossible to have that tender green color.

On the contrary, each of the vegetables in this carriage is very fresh, green and verdant, and red and bright.

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