Chapter 265 Commercial power, the same cannot be less! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

Yan Chuanyu was panicked, but Ying Zheng motioned to him to get up. He did not dare to refuse, and immediately stood up cautiously, bowed his head, maintaining respect.

“You are clever, not bad! You can recognize this prince at a glance, indicating that you still have the ability to observe words and expressions!” Ying Zheng first praised.

“His Royal Highness is absurdly praise, Xiaomin dare not be ashamed!” Yan Chuanyu bowed again and bowed.

It was just a glance. When he first saw the victory, Yan Chuanyu had already confirmed the identity of the victory.

The young man sitting in the main seat, although he is not very old, feels like he has met the supreme supreme, the emperor of the world, and makes people automatically think of worship!

That kind of aura is obviously amiable, but when you see it in your eyes, you don’t feel angry or pretentious, and you don’t dare to go against it!

Yan Chuanyu has also seen “big men”. When he was in Feixue Pavilion, he was fortunate enough to meet Yan Chunjun, who was in power.

One word can make life and death! The aura of a superior person and the majesty of life and death are like the majesty of heaven to ordinary people, and Yan Chuanyu still can’t forget it.

But compared with the boy in front of Yan Chunjun

No, the two are not comparable at all! One is the light of fireflies and the other is the bright sun. How do they compare? How do they compare?

In the boundary of Baoyang County, a big man who can possess this kind of aura, 387 is only possible for the Saint Prince to win the government!

Ying Zheng chuckled and said:

“Relax a little, don’t be restrained, this prince is not a cannibal tiger! Haha! I am looking for you this time, this prince needs you to do something!

“It’s an honor for Xiaomin to be able to do things for Your Highness! Your Highness gives orders! Go through fire and water, and you will never hesitate!” Yan Chuanyu replied respectfully.

His Royal Highness asked him to do things, which made him feel flattered.

“Go through fire and water, it won’t happen! This prince asked you to do this thing, you should be better at it, it will not be difficult for you! Moreover, if you do it well, it will be good for you and me!” Ying Zheng’s heart is funny. Endlessly, I feel like I am looking for a dead man~

With this statement of winning the government, Yan Chuanyu’s excitement was calmer, but he was also extremely puzzled:

What is your Royal Highness that I, a little man, can help?

Just listen to Yingzheng then said:

“Do you know hot pot?”

“Hot pot is a cuisine created by His Royal Highness. Xiaomin is learning various cooking skills under the arrangement of the office, and he knows about hot pot.” Yan Chuanyu nodded in response.

“Well, very good! The prince wants you to go to Xianyang to open a hot pot restaurant there! You don’t have to worry about money, personnel, etc., Baoyang County can be fully responsible!”

“You only need to be responsible for the operation! Loss is nothing to do with you; if you make, 50% of the profit belongs to you!” Ying Zheng said his opinion with a smile.

Where can there be such a good thing in the world? But this is what His Royal Highness said personally! Based on the reputation and character of His Royal Highness

There will be absolutely no fakes! There is no need to deceive a petty man like him!

But this kind of pie in the sky, Yan Chuan Chuanyu is still a little unbelievable, the surprise came too suddenly.

“There is no need for this prince to conceal it. This prince knows everything about you in the country of Yan, and he sent someone to investigate in advance. Feixuege, you are doing well, which means that you have enough abilities.”

“As for later, for the handling of Feixue Pavilion, you can be regarded as conscientious and loyal! This prince admires your character very much! It is just that your final encounter is chilling!”

Ying Zheng refers to those family members of the boss of Feixue Pavilion.

Obtained a lot of wealth, didn’t know the gratitude at all, and completely ignored Yan Chuanyu’s life embarrassment, which made him come to Daqin under the hunger and cold.

Being secretly investigated by others, even ordinary people must be unhappy! But being investigated by the winning government is not unhappy, but an honor!

Investigate, that is, pay attention.

It is naturally an honor to be valued by His Royal Highness!

What’s more, because His Royal Highness wanted to reuse him, he would secretly investigate him, which is completely reasonable (aibd).

The doubts in Yan Chuanyu’s heart were gone, and he immediately realized:

This is his chance to get in touch with His Royal Highness! A chance to get ahead!

“His Royal Highness is able to hand over the hot pot restaurant to Xiaomin, this is the trust of Xiaomin, and it is the honor of Xiaomin! How can I delusionately get the profit? It is okay to be responsible for the operation, but the profit, Xiaomin will never accept it!” Yan Chuanyu Declined.

“How can you lose money by doing things for your prince? Besides, although your ancestor was a businessman and the last of the four people, he was a tycoon of that level.”

“Now that you are in such a field, don’t you want to restore the glory of your ancestors? This prince gives you this opportunity!” Ying Zheng directly saw through Yan Chuanyu’s inner thoughts.

But all people have certain pursuits. People with abilities will naturally pursue higher heights! For Yan Chuanyu, being able to restore his status as a wealthy businessman is the biggest pursuit in his life.

Pursuing is a good thing. Winning the government does not exclude it. On the contrary, his subordinates are lacking a business talent.

Sanmo, Nongjia, Han Fei, Li Si, and Fang Ping, as well as Luo Wang, Hei Bingtai, these people are all talents, but they are all in other fields.

In the past, such as the promotion of sweet potatoes and paper, Yingzheng was using Lu Buwei’s business network. Now, he also needs to build his own commercial power.

Yan Chuanyu is just a candidate worth training.

Ability, pursuit and know how to be grateful.


Speaking of restoring the glory of his ancestors, Yan Chuanyu was even more excited, recalling the glory of the past and the desolation in front of him, under the sorrow and joy, he unconsciously shed tears.

“Xiaomin He Dehe Neng, he was valued by His Highness!” Yan Chuanyu knelt to the ground again, banged his head “bang, bang”, sorted out his emotions, and stood up again:

“His Royal Highness, if you give me such an opportunity, Xiaomin won’t repay me! Moreover, 50% of the profit, Xiaomin dare not accept! 10% of the profit is enough, this is also the largest profit sharing in business.”

Winning the government saw Yan Chuanyu’s gratitude, as well as the kind of persistence and stubbornness~

“Forget it, let’s go one step further! I’ll give you 40%, don’t refuse any more, otherwise, the prince will be replaced!” Ying Zheng settled the matter with a sentence.

In fact, Yan Chuanyu’s proposal of 10% of the profit is already in fear.

Talk to the prince about the distribution of benefits?

I can’t even think about it! He doesn’t have the qualifications at all.

However, the sincerity of His Royal Highness was not pretended, and he also did not dare to refuse, so he made 10% proposal.

As a result, His Royal Highness still gave a high allocation of 40%!

“You must not let your Highness down!” Yan Chuanyu secretly made up his mind. .

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