Chapter 267 Vegetables, fresh! Hot pot, cool! [Second more, please customize]

The pricing of the various dishes in the restaurant is based on the guidance of Yingzheng. The core idea is “Rare is more expensive”, and fresh vegetables are the first selling point!

Yan Chuanyu fully implemented this core idea and set the price high~

This directly led to the luxury of no one coming to eat two days before the opening, but he was not in a hurry, because the “core ideas” were still developing in the greenhouse.

Finally, the first batch of vegetables in the glass greenhouses were mature. The special carriage in Baoyang County transported a whole large cart of vegetables to Xianyang via Baoxian Road.

In front of the hot pot restaurant, there are many exquisite utensils. According to His Royal Highness, this square vessel is made of a kind of “stainless steel”, which is the product of Daqin Steelmaking Plant.

These utensils are very heavy, which is slightly lighter than those traditionally fired ceramic crock pots.

“Three eight seven” but the green and bright red vegetables are placed in the stainless steel “square basin”. The effect of contrast and set off is too obvious!

Vegetables appear fresher and more crystal clear.

Although it is just entering the winter and the weather has not been completely cool, there will never be fresh vegetables. If they can be stored, they will become dry and yellow.

On the whole street, only in front of the hot pot restaurant can still show this kind of vitality!

Such a scene attracted more and more people to stop and watch, pointing at the neatly arranged vegetables.

“What’s this? It’s red, it looks like a kind of fruit! Look at it, with a green rod, it should have just been picked!!

“Boy, this kind of green long strips are peppers, right? You told me last time! But vegetables cannot be planted in the winter season. This is common sense! Can peppers be planted in winter?”

“F*ck! This is Chinese cabbage?? How could it be possible! Who can grow Chinese cabbage at this time? It is His Royal Highness, who can produce sweet potatoes and potatoes, I am afraid I can’t let cabbage grow in winter, right?”

“Oh my god! What did I see? Leek? Now this season, they are already withered! How could there be tender leeks? It will be April next year at the earliest, right?”

All kinds of discussions, shocks, and constant spread, people simply can’t believe what they see before them.

In winter, the price of vegetables is extremely high, comparable to meat! But even so, most of the common ones are what you can buy and eat.

Turnips, cabbage, etc.

Only so few things can be preserved in winter, as for fresh vegetables

Don’t even think about it!

If you don’t put the radish well, it will be hollow~

But what are these things that I see before my eyes? Can’t dreams come true?

Everyone is very curious! Everyone has questions!

“These vegetables of yours are the dishes of hot pot restaurants?” a small noodle shop owner asked suspiciously.

He has been shocked for a long time, and he is salivating even more with these fresh vegetables. Thinking of my own noodle restaurant, as long as it can be paired with some green vegetables, it will immediately increase the appetite!

Yan Chuanyu was also busy with the boys, busy unloading the goods from the carriage. At this time, he heard the question from the noodle shop owner and said with a smile:

“This is natural! The dishes in our hot pot restaurant are inseparable from fresh vegetables! These are unique to our Baoyang County. The vegetables that have just matured are shipped over immediately!”

“From now on, a large number of fresh vegetables will be delivered from Baoyang! It’s just that it will take a while!”

The vegetables on the carriage were all unloaded and neatly placed in front of the restaurant. A large crowd of onlookers also gathered, looking at the fresh vegetables in shock and curiosity.

Seeing that the time had come, Yan Chuanyu immediately shouted:

“These are the unique dishes of our hot pot restaurant, and the quantity is limited! If you want to eat, then you must hurry! It is not easy to eat fresh vegetables in the winter!”

After that, Yan Chuanyu entered the hot pot restaurant with a smile on his face.

The face of the little noodle shop owner is uncertain and hesitant. Not only is he salivating for these vegetables, he is also very curious about hot pot!

Finally, gritted his teeth fiercely and thought to himself:

“It’s more expensive, we still have this economic strength!”

The little boss resolutely entered the hot pot restaurant and became the first guest.

The lads of the Sichuan-Chongqing Hot Pot Restaurant immediately became excited, quickly took out the recipes, prepared various dishes, and explained the characteristics of the hot pot restaurant in detail.

Outside the hot pot restaurant, there was still a flow of people, watching the fresh vegetables that made appetites; inside the restaurant, there was a burst of shouts from the little noodle shop owner.

“Enough! This chili is strong! Lamb and cabbage, with such a little sauce, plus the chili noodles, spray, cool! It’s really worth the price!

“Oh my God, eating this chili alone is really more enjoyable! Happy! Baoyang specialty, not bad! These few colored peppers are also very good, thick and full of taste!”

“What are you talking about? This sweet potato powder is made from sweet potatoes?”

“Well, it’s not time yet. When it’s winter, this steaming hot pot must be more enjoyable to eat! Haha!”

It’s either cool or happy. The voice of the little noodle shop owner creates a huge attraction for people outside! Especially when his seat is near the door, bursts of fragrance float out along the air.

Curious and greedy! This is the true feelings of most onlookers at present.

“Laozi can’t take it anymore! It’s so fragrant! If I’m just addicted today, I won’t be able to sleep well at night!”

“Brothers, let’s go! Save a game! Expensive is more expensive, after all, it is in this season. I can eat fresh vegetables and taste hot pot. We are also extravagant!”

“That’s right! Fresh vegetables, this is something that rich people can’t buy! Even those who are rich may be able to eat some carefully preserved green leafy vegetables in winter. If you want to eat this kind of fresh, you can’t buy it. !”

A large group of people, three or five together, walked into the Sichuan-Chongqing Hotpot Restaurant.

In the early winter, as the weather gradually turned cold, the hot pot restaurant began to get hotter.

Although the price is very expensive, but attracted by the hot pot and fresh vegetables, more people are willing to come to the Sichuan-Chongqing hot pot restaurant for extravagance!

It’s not before. Ordinary people in Xianyang also have a certain amount of spending power. They can still afford a hot pot once in a while.

The performance of hot pot restaurants has repeatedly hit new highs, and the reputation has become more and more popular, faintly surpassing those rich and luxurious restaurants.

The fact that hot pot restaurants have fresh vegetables spread in Xianyang at an astonishing rate. .

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