Chapter 264 Baoyang’s strength! First showing its edge! [Third update, please customize]

The maintenance of concrete pavement takes a long time. It does not mean that it is finished after the cement has solidified, but it has to go through a process of “cement curing”.

Simply put, it is watering and keeping it moist, it takes at least seven days!

Yingzheng led several important local people in Baoyang and personally took charge of the supervision of the work. The entire process was strictly implemented in accordance with the established standards and was extremely rigorous.

Sanmo and others have witnessed the whole process of paving the road with their own eyes, and they have a certain number of comparisons between cement and rammed earth in their hearts.

If you think about it carefully, you have experienced too many incredible things in this day!

First, the glass greenhouse produced results, and growing vegetables in winter became a reality; then, it witnessed the emergence of woolen clothes and the change of clothing culture, which can be foreseen.

Finally, the magical cement, flat and wide concrete roads will soon connect Baoyang County and Xianyang closely.

The great changes in Baoyang County will finally come into everyone’s vision with the completion of this road.

With complete materials and personnel, and after confirming that there is no problem with the cement, the construction of the Baoyang-Xianyang section has entered the final stage.

Finally, before the frost, the expensive Bao Xian Road was officially completed!

At the same time, the follow-up plan of Yingzheng and the income generation of Baoyang County have also begun to enter the implementation stage.

Baoyang County Office, in the study room of the inner courtyard.

“Xiao Gao, look for a clever person to come over. It is best to know how to run restaurants!” Ying Zheng ordered.

“Is the son planning to open a hot pot restaurant?” Zhao Gao’s little head instantly reacted. He had heard the son mention it before.

Yingzheng: “Yes! Open a hot pot restaurant in Xianyang! Find someone who is reliable in ability and character, and Baoyang County will fully support it!”

Zhao Gao: “My son, please be honest! Why do you need to find someone else for this matter? With your prestige, you can send a subordinate to the past, let alone a hot pot restaurant. Any store will be booming and quickly become a business giant. 々!”

“Haha!” Ying Zheng chuckled and shook his head:

“What does this prince want money for? This time, the hot pot restaurant belongs to one of Baoyang County’s industries. It is to make Baoyang County famous! For the widespread implementation of the imperial examination system, pave the way in advance!”

The imperial examination system? Xiao Zhaogao has some doubts.

But he is also a very clever person. After a little thought, he figured out the meaning of winning politics. He was even more admired and shocked by the means to win politics.

Indeed, Baoyang County has undergone earth-shaking changes, but such changes are still limited to the interior. What we need to do now is to transform the achievements of Baoyang County’s reforms into real benefits and influence!

These can be counted as the contribution of the imperial examination system.

In this way, the opposition can be blocked at the court, and countless recognitions can be obtained among the people!

There is no reason to refuse the imperial examination system.

Suddenly, Xiao Zhaogao has figured out the truth.

“Subordinates understand! Let’s do it!”

After thousands of choices, Zhao Gao found a very suitable candidate in Baoyang.

Yan Chuanyu, immigrated from the country of Yan.

His ancestors were also considered to be a big businessman in the country of Yan. In the end, Yan Chuanyu can only operate business for others, which is equivalent to being a shopkeeper.

But in the business he ran, because the boss offended Yan Chunjun, everyone was implicated. In Yan State, he couldn’t get along anymore, and his life became more and more poor.

Catching up with the tide of immigration, Yan Chuanyu came to Qin with many people from Yan to seek development.

In fact, it is impossible for Zhao Gao to just find Yan Chuanyu alone. In addition to him, there are nine other people who are extremely suitable candidates.

However, when Zhao Gao handed over the list of personnel and their respective resumes to Yingzheng, Yingzheng almost fell in love with Yan Chuanyu at first sight.

This name and this resume are really tailor-made

Yingzheng made a decision to choose the owner of the hot pot restaurant, and personally summoned Yan Chuanyu.

“Your name is Yan Chuanyu? Have you ever worked in Feixue Pavilion?” Ying Zheng looked at the handsome young man in front of him with great interest.

The name dares to be called Chuanyu, isn’t that suitable for running this hot pot restaurant?

In addition, Feixue Pavilion is also impressive for winning politics.

The snow girl with silver hair and skin surpassing snow, plus a snow girl from Wu Qingcheng, is it not from Feixue Pavilion?

The original owner of Feixue Pavilion offended Yan Chunjun because it was completely unreasonable and was affected by cheap paper.

Under the anger, Yan Chunjun directly killed the boss, and Feixue Pavilion was suppressed because of this, and could not go on.

As the shopkeeper, Yan Chuanyu, for the sake of his previous boss’s benevolence and righteousness, cleverly found a buyer for Feixue Pavilion, not only allowed the descendants of that boss to get a lot of money, but also had a backing and personal safety. With protection.

However, Yan Chuanyu himself had no livelihood, and fell into disarray. No one thought of him anymore.

Yan Chuanyu felt that today was in a trance.

Originally, he was learning cooking under the arrangement of the office. This was also his own choice, and he was developing in the direction of a chef!

For some reason, a young man in luxurious clothes suddenly found him.

An ordinary immigrant will naturally not know Xiao Zhao Gao, but Xiao Zhao Gao has been in charge of the net for a long time, and he also carries a kind of upper-level aura or official prestige, Yan Chuanyu dare not neglect!

In addition, in Baoyang, the reputation of officials is very good, and they are very popular among the people.

It is for these reasons that Yan Chuanyu followed Zhao Gao to the county office in a daze.

Along the way, Zhao Gao once said to him with a smile:

*”This time you are lucky! There is green smoke from your family’s ancestral grave!”

An inexplicable sentence~ (Good Money Zhao)

Why did you take the Grand Canal? What kind of Grand Canal can still make the ancestral graves smoke?

He doesn’t think that he has any unique advantages that can be valued by big shots. The only thing that is better than others, can only be said to have seen some worlds in Feixue Pavilion, and he has a little business talent.

However, in Qin State, commerce is basically restricted. Although there has been some recovery in recent years, the general environment has not changed.

Until, he entered the county office with Zhao Gao, and saw a big man Yu who dare not even think about it!

Just a glance, without the need for Zhao Gao’s initiative to introduce, Yan Chuanyu has already determined the identity of this big man:

His Royal Highness the Prince!

Yan Chuanyu immediately bent his knees and bowed his head:

“Xiaomin Yan Chuanyu, met His Royal Highness the Prince!”

Yingzheng nodded slightly and said softly:

“Don’t be polite, get up and talk!”

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