Chapter 256 Growing vegetables in winter? Glass greenhouse plan! [First update, please customize]

Autumn is the harvest season, but it is a rare leisure time for the Zhu family. There is no need to arrange various agricultural production matters.

“You’re here just right! Originally I was thinking about asking Tian Mi to find some peasant disciples. Now I don’t have to trouble. I can leave it to you, hehe.” Ying Zheng smiled and looked at Zhu’s family.

“His Royal Highness has produced crops such as peppers and tomatoes in Baoyang. How can the subordinates not come?” Zhu’s family reported to Baoyang, except for the Quyuan Plow, it was about crops.

“Well, this is not in a hurry! It will be winter after a while. Even if you give you the seeds, there is no way to plant them now. This prince has another thing to leave to you!” Ying Zheng waved his hand and said again. :

“The time has not come yet, and you need to prepare. These days, you can stay in Baoyang! In addition to peppers and tomatoes, there are also many other crops. You need to understand first.”

From the beginning of summer to the end of autumn, from the imperial examination to Wenmo entering the Qin Dynasty, five months have passed. The ups and downs of Baoyang County have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Baoyang’s overall plan was naturally formulated by Yingzheng. Including the construction of urban areas and the development of industries, it is all controlled by him in the general direction.

Because of the immigration office, more than one million immigrants from six countries have moved to Baoyang, and their manpower has been adequately guaranteed. On this basis, the Yingzheng organization founded Daqin Steel Plant, Daqin Glass Plant, and Daqin Cement Plant.

With the establishment of various factories, as well as the construction of civilian and official houses, the demand for bricks and tiles is also extremely large, and Yingzheng has built a large Qin brick factory.

During these five months, construction is the main theme.

In addition to the original craftsmen among the immigrants, the office also specially organized various skills training. The team of craftsmen is constantly expanding. Although most of them are only apprentices, some basic operations are still fine.

A large number of immigrants broke away from agriculture and turned to the positions of workers and craftsmen. And after the autumn harvest, those farmers can also become temporary workers in various factories.

In these days, the Zhu family saw a scene of enthusiasm everywhere, and there were no idlers at all. This is really incredible in late autumn.

In Baoyang now, production and construction are everywhere, and there are opportunities to make money everywhere! However, for the moment, most of the money is still supported by Qin’s treasury, and Baoyang has not been able to recover the cost for the time being.

Daqin Glass Factory, the first batch of trial-produced glass has been freshly released, and the transparent glass still has a trace of residual heat.

“There are more impurities, and the craftsmanship can be improved, but these finished products will not affect the use! Generally speaking, it is a good job. 々!” Ying Zheng tapped the glass lightly with his fingers and gave a positive evaluation .

The nervous Tian Xiangzi breathed a sigh of relief, and finally did not disappoint His Royal Highness!

Time is too tight!

The craftsmanship of the people is not yet proficient, and there are still some areas in the technology that need to be run-in. It can be completed within the time required by His Highness, which is already the limit.

But after getting the affirmation of winning the government, Tian Xiangzi still had doubts in his mind!

“His Royal Highness, the first batch of glass is only trial-produced, and the output is not large! The subordinates are also making it according to your requirements, but what is the use of this kind of thin glass?” This is Tian Xiangzi who wants to break his head and does not want to understand. Things.

“You have been studying the production and processing of glass, and now you are able to produce glass of various specifications, then your mind must be thinking about how to use it!” Yingzheng said.

“Transparent and airtight, this is one of the characteristics of glass! Didn’t the book for you record glass greenhouses? The glass that is produced now is to apply the characteristics of glass to glass greenhouses.”

Hearing Ying Zheng’s explanation, Tian Xiangzi still couldn’t figure it out. What is recorded in the book is the production specifications of various glass, which applications are suitable for, including glass greenhouses.

But what the glass greenhouse does is not explained in the book.

Tian Xiangzi didn’t want to ask any more, it seemed troublesome, but the Zhu family on the side took the initiative to ask:

“His Royal Highness, what does this glass greenhouse do? It has something to do with your subordinates?”

Yingzheng smiled mysteriously and no longer sold it:

“It seems that with your insights, you can’t think of the use of glass anyway, haha! The glass greenhouse is used to grow various crops!

After speaking, Ying Zheng took out a large design drawing from his arms and handed it to Tian Xiangzi.

The Zhu family was there in a daze, and did not understand the meaning of winning the government.

What is the relationship between planting crops and glass greenhouses? All crops are planted in the soil, can it be planted on glass?

On the other side, Tian Yuzi, who got the design drawings, already understood the purpose of winning the government, but still frowned!

“”If the subordinates didn’t understand it wrong, does your Highness mean to plant crops in winter? This is really incredible!” Tian Xiangzi stammered and expressed his opinion.

Hearing this sentence, the Zhu family’s eyes lit up and remembered what Yingzheng said earlier:

Light and airtight!

Illumination does have a lot to do with planting.His Royal Highness is a master-level figure in agriculture, and he must have thought of an extremely mysterious method!

Yingzheng shook his head slightly, and sighed in his heart: It is really difficult to recognize new things! Even if people of the later generations have never seen something like a glass greenhouse, they will understand the truth with just one mouthful.

“The farmer has concluded the relationship between crops and light and temperature. The winter can’t be planted because of insufficient temperature.”

“Every winter, every family will seal the gaps between doors and windows to prevent cold outside air from entering the room, so as to achieve the purpose of keeping warm. (Good money)”

“The principle of a glass greenhouse is similar to this! The glass itself is not air-permeable, blocking the entry of cold wind; and its light permeability can not only ensure the growth of crops, but also allow the temperature to rise.

After Yingzheng’s words were said, Zhu Family and Tian Xiangzi both had a suddenly realized expression, and they kept nodding their heads in agreement.

But if you lean against the glass, the group

The Zhu family looked at the thin glass around him, still a little suspicious:

“His Royal Highness, is this kind of thing really feasible? If it fails, a lot of investment will be wasted, and it will inevitably be laughed at!!

“Try it, don’t you know? Farmer Xiakui and Mo family giants personally promote glass greenhouses, this prince still has confidence in you!” Yingzheng said with a smile on his face.

In a simple sentence, the Zhu family didn’t feel much, but Tian Xiangzi burst into tears.

This is almost the first time he has received such a degree of trust!

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