Chapter 255 Zhao Mo is destroyed! Quyuanli is born! [Fourth update, please customize]

After Sanmo entered Qin, half a month has passed in a blink of an eye. Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi both settled down at the Daqin Academy of Sciences. They are very satisfied with their current lives.

Unprecedented comfort!

Not only will I not be scorned by others, but I can also engage in the research work I love with peace of mind. This is the happiest period of my life.

Their disciples naturally came to Qin from various places, and under the instruction of Yingzheng, they all entered the Daqin Academy of Sciences.

At the same time, Zhao Guo set off a bloody storm.

Covering the sun, Xuan Jian, chaos, and bringing some masters from the Tiger Howling Army, and the snare killer arranged by Zhao Gao, thoroughly cleared Zhao Mo’s line!

The entire Zhao Mo was cut to death, and no one escaped!

Baoyang County Office, in the study room of Yingzheng.

“My son, Zhao Mo’s line has been cleared! Hengri and the others have gone back to the fief. This is the puppet design they let Luo Wang bring back.” Xiao Zhao Gao presented a stack of thick sheepskin artwork with both hands.

Yingzheng nodded and took the puppet design.

There are many contents on the sheepskin and it is very complicated. There are no less than 08 forty-nine types of fighting puppets alone! Humanoids, animal-like ones, and all kinds of weird ones.

These puppets have one thing in common, and that is one-for battle!

“Zhao Mo’s line really has something. The functions and characteristics of these puppets are worth learning. However, the design of these puppets does not seem to be made by Mozi, but should be the product of the Mohist school after the separation of the civil and military schools.” Yingzheng saw the origin of the fighting puppets at a glance.

“Young Master Mingjian! There are relevant records in the classics of Zhao Mo’s line, and they are indeed researched later! And most of them are from Yan Ping’s hands!” Zhao Gao has more detailed information.

After a few more glances, Yingzheng did not continue to look at it, and roughly understood the principles and characteristics of fighting puppets.

“Fortunately, Yan Ping threatened Da Qin with this kind of thing! All the puppets must use innate true energy to be activated, and the cost is high, and it is impossible to appear in large numbers!”

Obtaining these design drawings can be regarded as solving a little doubt about winning the government.

He has been wondering, without electricity and oil, what exactly are these puppets driven by? It turns out that it is still relying on innate qi.

The function of an ordinary puppet is nothing more than an alternative armor, far inferior to the puppet left by Mozi.

“Keep it! But, it’s not very useful. In the end, the power system still needs to be improved!” Ying Zheng casually threw the sheepskin design to Zhao Gao.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the study.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

“Come in!” Ying Zheng replied lightly.

Then, a young and beautiful figure walked into the study with a gentle twist.

“My son, Xia Kui Zhu’s house is here!” Tian Mi crouched and bowed, smiling.

Recently, she almost always finds some opportunities to get close to winning politics, and every time she dresses up very enchanting in front of winning politics, and after going out, she will change into ordinary clothes to cover her body strictly.

This kind of action, naturally, can’t hide from winning politics, Tian Mi’s mind doesn’t have to deliberately think about it, it is very obvious!

For a girl of sixteen or seventeen, what else can she do for such a performance?

However, Yingzheng hasn’t thought about these for the time being, although he will be twelve years old soon, and his body is very strong.

“Why is the Zhu family here? Did something happen in Xianyang?” Yingzheng asked suspiciously.

“Go back to the son, everything is well in Xianyang~” Tian Mi said, “Zhu family and Zheng Guo are old acquaintances. In the early years, they entrusted Zheng Guo to improve something called Zhiyuan Li. He heard that Zheng Guo was in Baoyang. , So I ran over.”

“Oh? Zhiyuan plough? Haha, the Zhu family is interested!” Yingzheng nodded approvingly.

In a farm in Baoyang County, the Zhu family, Zheng Guo, and Tian Xiangzi all gathered around a strange-looking thing.

“Brother Zhu, this is my improved curved wheel plow! The operation is more convenient. The plow body can swing and the plow handle can change direction.”

“The ploughshares have also been adjusted! This arrow-shaped ploughshare saves effort when plowing the land, and the soil turned out will be automatically stacked on both sides, and the depth and width of the soil can be adjusted manually.”

Zheng Guo pointed to the various parts of the Quyuan Plow and introduced them one by one.

On the other hand, the Zhu family listened seriously, nodding their heads frequently, and the joy on their faces grew stronger and stronger.

“It seems that my brother had a good vision back then! Only you can make this kind of change of design! It’s just a bit too long, hehe!” The Zhu family teased.

“There is no way. If you want to improve, you must personally understand and participate in the actual work. After constant adjustments, you can combine various advantages and disadvantages and finally get a perfect design.” Zheng Guo explained a little bit.

“No matter how nice it is, it is useless. The key is to see the specific effect! The cattle are here, so you might as well try it on the spot!” Tian Xiangzi suggested.

“It’s just what I want, haha!” The Zhu family laughed and hurried to get ready to go.

In short time, the new version of Quyuanli appeared in the field, and the Zhu family personally drove it behind.

The feeling of just starting is very different! There is no longer the rigidity of a straight-wheel plow. To grasp the direction, you only need to adjust the angle of the handle 380, and you don’t need to spend much effort at all.

Moreover, the footsteps of the cattle walking in the front are obviously much lighter, and the speed of the terrain is greatly improved!

What makes the Zhu family most gratified is that the height of the handle can be adjusted at will, even for a small man like him, it is not difficult to use.

Zhu’s plowing is a bit addictive, it can’t stop, the more you use it, the easier it gets.

I only heard a chuckle from a distance:

“Hehe, Xia Kui came to Baoyang, so he came here to plow the ground, so comforting!

The sound was not so loud, but it spread clearly into everyone’s ears.

Naturally, the prince won the power!

“The Zhu family has seen His Royal Highness!”

“I have seen His Royal Highness!”

“I have seen His Royal Highness!”

The three of them saluted in the direction of winning the government.

“Okay, you don’t have to be polite! Zheng Guo, you have a design of Quyuanli, why didn’t you take it out that day?” Yingzheng laughed.

“Back to Your Highness, Quyuanli is just an improvement of the subordinates, not original! Therefore, don’t dare to be greedy!” Zheng Guodao.

This answer made Yingzheng look up to Zheng Guo.

It turned out to be a straight boy!

“Quyuanli, not bad! Go back to the immigration office to find some craftsmen, this kind of thing can be made in large quantities! It is your first errand!”.

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