Chapter 257 Seed germination! Tian Xiangzi’s excitement! [Second update, please customize]

In an official farm in Baoyang, a large group of people are working in full swing in the bleak autumn breeze.

Here is a pepper garden. After the growing season, the peppers gradually turn from green to red, and the plants begin to wither and turn yellow due to the weather.

Some people are responsible for plucking all the peppers, some are responsible for plucking the plants out of the soil, and the other two groups are the most strange.

One group of people is using a curved plough, plowing the ground, and then planting seeds; the other group is digging holes and burying some steel pipes made by steel mills into the pit, seemingly to build a frame.

Most of the people who harvest peppers are locals in Baoyang.

Cultivation officials have farms that are a good deal, and they can guarantee income from droughts and floods! They earn a lot, but their workload is much smaller than that of the workers in the factory. The only fly in the ointment is that in winter, I have to rest because I cannot cultivate.

If you want to make more money, you can only go to the factory to do temporary work.

Nearly one morning, the peppers were harvested and the plants were processed. It should have been time to eat, but these people still stayed where they were.

They are curious!

Those who form the land and plant the seeds are peasant disciples; those who build the frame are workers in the glass factory.

Taking the lead is the farmer’s hero Zhu’s family, and the Chu Mo giant Tian Xiangzi.

380 will enter winter for a while. What are Xia Kui and Giants doing? It is ploughing and sowing. After a winter, these seeds will not all freeze to death?

However, Xia Kui and Giants have a high status, and their identities are not hidden. Most of them recognize them. Moreover, in the farms owned by officials, all these things must be approved by His Royal Highness!

Even if he didn’t understand what Zhu’s family and Tian Xiangzi were doing, His Royal Highness still couldn’t doubt it.

Later, seeing the peasant disciples and the workers in the glass factory were busy, everyone joined in and began to help.

In the afternoon, a large quantity of glass was shipped from the glass factory, and everyone hurriedly began to install it.

The local people in Baoyang are very interested in this kind of transparent things. While helping carefully, they started talking with the workers in the glass factory.

“Big brother, what are we doing now? This kind of glass is interesting, what can we do?”

“What are you doing? Tell you, brother! This kind of glass is amazing! His Royal Highness asked Mr. Giant to make it out. It can grow vegetables in winter, isn’t it great?” The glass factory worker said proudly.

The local brother stared blankly, looked at the glass in his hand blankly, and stopped.

“Grow vegetables in winter? Brother, are you mistaken? How could this be possible! If I can grow vegetables in winter, I won’t have to contact temporary workers, brother.”

It’s not that he doesn’t believe in His Royal Highness, but because, no matter how powerful His Royal Highness is, he is only a human being, not a god! Growing vegetables in winter is absolutely impossible in Baoyang’s climatic conditions!

Just listen to the glass factory worker again:

“What lie to you? But, my brother, I also listened to the giants. I don’t know what is really going on. Who knows! Let me do whatever I want, anyway I have money to get it~”

It turned out that the giant Chu Mo said it, so it’s not necessarily reliable! The local brother thought to himself in his heart.

At the same time, he cast his gaze to Tian Xiangzi not far away, with puzzlement in his eyes.

Is this true or false? His Royal Highness doesn’t speak, should I contact him about temporary workers?

Tian Xiangzi and Zhu’s family are just when they can work hard.

His Royal Highness’s design drawings included special steel pipes with grooves, which were easy to install. There were also arrangements on the cement plant side. They produced a special plaster to fill the gap between glass and steel pipes.

Basically, all the details were arranged in advance by Yingzheng, and Tian Xiangzi and Zhu’s confidence in the glass greenhouse was slightly increased.

However, Tian Xiangzi still (aibd) felt those skeptical gazes around him. Not only the locals in the farm are questioning, but the workers in the glass factory are also very suspicious.

The dignified Chu Mo giant, the director of the Daqin Glass Factory, did not study production in the factory, and went to the farm to do it?

Even many people are very suspicious of glass and Tian Xiangzi itself!

The cost of building a factory is not small, and the various production materials and workers’ wages are also not a small sum.

A Chu countryman suddenly ran to Daqin and made this kind of useless glass. Wouldn’t it be a special trip to pit our prince?

Tian Xiangzi, who has suffered all kinds of white eyes for a long time, is familiar with this look of scrutiny and questioning. Because of the glass, he ate and slept in many places.

After a long period of time, he has adapted to it instead of taking it seriously.

What’s more, those people around are just curious and questioning, and there is no cynicism or misdemeanor. This is already extremely favorable treatment.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth!

Time is a long wait to prove success or failure.

After the most tormented and most questioned days, Tian Xiangzi and Zhu’s family ushered in a moment of joy:

The seeds germinated and broke through the soil!

Fearing that this was an accident, Tian Xiangzi and Zhu’s family had to endure their excitement and continued to wait for a few days.

One after another, one after another, the young green shoots rushed out of the soil. Until this time, Tian Xiangzi and Zhu’s family were truly relieved.

You can go to confess your good wishes with His Royal Highness, and finally live up to your entrustment!

When the two were excited to see the victory, Zheng Guo of Han Mo and Shen Lang of Wei Mo were also there, discussing road construction.

“His Royal Highness, it has sprouted! All have sprouted!” Tian Xiangzi completely ignored the existence of Zheng Guo and Shen Lang, and his heart was full of excitement and ecstasy.

Everything is expected to win the government.

Growing vegetables in a glass greenhouse is a matter of course. If you sprout a small sprout, what’s worth all the fuss about?

However, Tian Xiangzi’s mood can still be understood, and he chuckled softly:

“Congratulations! The hard work of the giant Chu Mo was not in vain! Congratulations!”

Zheng Guo and Shen Lang are totally unknown.

They knew that His Royal Highness had given Tian Xiangzi a task, but they didn’t know the specifics, and they all had things busy, and they didn’t have time to inquire.

What does germination mean? Excited like this?

Just listen to Ying Zheng laughed and continued:

“Now that the results have been achieved, the prince will go and have a look! Let’s go together and see our giant’s feat! Haha! Let’s go!

Everyone rushed to the farm with Tian Xiangzi. .

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