Chapter 254 Thousands of horses are often present, but Bole is not often present! [Third more, please customize]

A horse who has a thousand miles, eats or eats a millet and a stone.

Horse eaters do not know that they can eat thousands of miles.

It is a horse, although it has a thousand miles of energy, it is not enough to eat and lack of energy, but it is not external, and its desire and normal horses are not available, so it can be thousands of miles?-“Horse Talk”

The artificial canal mentioned by Yingzheng is naturally Zheng Guoqu. However, the background and principals of the construction are very different from those of Zheng Guoqu in history.

Qin’s national strength is no longer afraid of consumption; Zheng’s deacon’s sincerity has no sinister intentions.

As for the technical problems, it is naturally left to Zheng Guo and other specialists to solve them. Winning the government is impossible to worry about everything.

The Daqin Glass Factory handed over to Tian Xiangzi, this is something that Yingzheng has been preparing for long ago.

He is preparing to build a glass greenhouse!

The cost of plastic greenhouses is lower and more convenient, but the conditions are not allowed. Plastics are still not available for the time being, and they can only be made of glass.

In fact, the construction work of the glass factory has already started, and now it is almost finished. The most urgent task is to find a reliable principal.

Ying Zheng found Tian Xiangzi, and Tian Xiangzi also met the noble man in his life.

“Tian Xiangzi, you think of glass too simple! Judging from the shape of the glass in your hand, you should just use it as a vessel or decoration, and you haven’t considered more uses.” Yingzheng began to give pointers.

Tian Xiangzi’s expression was startled, and he looked towards the winning government in amazement.

Although he had known through Shen Lang a long time ago that His Royal Highness was a master in smelting, does he understand glass?

Just listen to Ying Zheng continued to say:

“There are so many impurities in colored glaze that it is far inferior to glass in terms of purity. It is precisely because of this purity and transparency that glass can be used in many places!”

“First of all, we have to make use of its light-transmitting and air-impermeable characteristics! The glass does not need to be made into a spherical or cylindrical shape, but a sheet, a thin piece!”

A solid cylinder or sphere, this is what Tian Xiangzi has always done. It can make the texture of the glass stronger and stronger. If it is a thin piece, it will be quite fragile.

“His Royal Highness, there is one thing that my subordinates need to explain. Uh, don’t look at the glass is harder, but if it is made into thin slices, it is very fragile!”

Tian Xiangzi was embarrassed and embarrassed to say it, but he had to say it. Originally, this kind of thing he researched was relatively rubbish, and if it didn’t even have a strong characteristic, it was really not worth mentioning.

But if it breaks the important matter of His Royal Highness, it will be even more disturbing!

Ying Zheng chuckled and waved his hand, calmly said:

“The characteristics and applications of glass have been studied by the prince! Daqin glass factory has been built. How can you say that the prince does not understand? You will run the technology and production specifications according to the prince. of!”

At this time, Tian Yan, who had just walked out, returned to Yingzheng’s side, with an extra book in his hand–

“Glass Processing and Application”!

Naturally, Yingzheng was prepared in advance.

After taking it casually, Ying Zheng threw the book into Tian Xiangzi’s arms, and the latter reacted…

All in all, there is not much difference from when Shen Lang first saw the “Steelmaking Guide”.

Zheng Guo witnessed all this and saw Tian Xiangzi’s excited expression in his eyes, and his understanding of winning politics deepened.

The Prince’s victory in politics, in addition to force, benevolence, and knowledge, even the technical attainments far surpass everyone!

Arranged for the giant Chu Mo, Ying Zheng set his sights on Zheng Guo. This giant Han Mo is not simple.

“The Mohist institution art is unparalleled in the world. The prince also respects Patriarch Mo Zhai very much. Your waterwheel should be just the most basic application? According to the judgment of the Mohist prince, the various fighting puppets and institution construction of the Mohist school are all the driving force. You should be able to use the teleportation method freely!”

Now it was Zheng Guo’s turn to be shocked.

He can be sure that he has never revealed this to the outside world, and Shen Lang has not talked about it!

“Don’t be surprised, these things are easy to understand. Even if the Mo family is split, with a small waterwheel, how can you become a giant? What you have should be a complete set of power transmission system! But this prince is very curious. , Why don’t you expose some of these technologies?”

The implication of winning the government is that Zheng Guo has spread a small part of these technologies, and it will not be so downhearted, at least the Han country should respect him!

Zheng Guo smiled bitterly and said:

“Master Patriarch left the rules, and the disciples of the Momen are all adhering to the concept of universal love and non-attack! In today’s world, if subordinates spread these technologies out, I am afraid they can only be used in war! Therefore, subordinates do not dare!”

This truth

make sense!

Wenmo has its weaknesses and strengths, but Zheng Guo, who always adheres to the bottom line, does not give up even if it is difficult to survive for this, very few!

This kind of person is a rare species in any era.

In terms of integrity, he is no different from the flattering Zheng Guo before.

“You have a principle! Very good, this prince appreciates this very much and will not force you! War, this prince does not need to rely on anyone!”

Winning the government needs talents who are beneficial to the national economy and the people’s livelihood. In terms of military affairs, he has long since put the Six Nations in his eyes!

Therefore, for people like Zheng Guo, his skills and ideas do not conflict at all in winning politics, and there is no need to force him to do anything.

“Your technology can be applied to many aspects of the national economy and people’s livelihood to benefit the people. This is also the wish of your Patriarch Mo Zhai!”

Zheng Guo’s heart and eyes were full of gratitude.

If you were to be the monarch of another vassal kingdom, knowing that Zheng has such a terrifying technology, he will definitely do everything possible to plot, and finally apply it to the battlefield!

Only the Saint Prince, 1.3 is actually thinking about applying these technologies to the national economy and the people’s livelihood?

The holy prince is worthy of the name! Fang today, there is no second holy prince!

In fact

Winning politics is also making his own calculations~

In this era, people like Zheng Guo are undoubtedly the top scientific and technological people! Many things that ordinary people cannot understand, Zheng Guo will proceed from a rational point of view to demonstrate and experiment. This is a way of looking at things. Attitude issues.

Without this attitude, Zheng Guo would not be able to master those organ techniques!

Winning government holds innumerable technical theories, and the only thing that is lacking is talents who can transform theories into reality. Zheng Guo is one of these talents.

For example, if you want to get things like steam engines, Zheng Guo is the best candidate!

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