Chapter 253 Daqin Glass Factory, what is Corporal Lixian? [Second update, please customize]

The remarks about winning the government can be said to have a very high evaluation of Han Mo and Chumo, which exceeded their own imagination.

Wei Mo’s Shen Lang has been with Yingzheng for a long time, and he is familiar with Yingzheng, but he is not sure whether his words are true or false.

Could it be said that His Royal Highness is playing Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi? No, His Royal Highness is not such a person!

Or, that kind of evaluation is just an excuse! What His Royal Highness really valued is just the status of the two giants to express their determination to recruit talents!

Thinking of this, Shen Lang coughed lightly and said:

“The things they two studied should still be of some use, and I hope that His Royal Highness will take them in! Shen Lang also appreciates His Highness’s kindness!”

After that, Shen Lang respectfully bowed his face to the ground and his body was bent ninety degrees.

In fact, Shen Lang is pretending to be calm, but in fact he is a panic group, with a very guilty conscience! Is there a use for waterwheels and glass? If it is useful, Han Mo and Chu Mo may not come to Qin!

Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi, who have also seen the monarchs of the princes in the past, are more familiar with the rituals of monarchs and ministers. After so much glaring and contempt, how can it be ~ unfamiliar?

Seeing that Shen Lang was begging for the two of them to say good things, they also immediately followed Shen Lang with a ninety-degree bow, hoping to win the government can-truly accept them.

After all, they are not very acquainted with Yingzheng. Seeing Shen Lang begging for mercy, they are not sure of the true meaning of the previous words about Yingzheng.

“Three people, don’t have to be polite!” Ying Zheng chuckled lightly, waved three real qi, and flicked the three of them up.

“This prince never plays tricks on his own people. What I said just now is the truth. You can rest assured!

After getting an affirmative answer, the three of them can be considered relieved. Indeed, the magnificent Daqin Prince Prince was unreasonably wasting time to play with them deliberately.


What is the purpose of the waterwheel and glass that His Royal Highness said “to make the best use of their talents and everything”? The monarchs of the Six Kingdoms do not know how to use them, so how should His Royal Highness use them?

To say that these “technical talents” are really doing too much scientific research, and there is very little divergent thinking in other areas.

The most basic waterwheel should also be implemented in a larger and more capable place than Han country?

Where is the small country like Han that is basically on the verge of extinction, where to use the waterwheel?

“If this prince is not bad, Zheng Guo, since you can build a waterwheel, you must be proficient in water conservancy, right?” Ying Zheng asked Zheng Guo.

“Your Highness Mingjian! His subordinates are doing some research on the water conservancy journey!” Zheng Guo immediately changed his name, calling himself “subordinate”, and completely plunged into Da Qin’s embrace.

“Well, very good! Daqin’s water conservancy construction must have a time for you to use it!” Yingzheng made a slight face, and then turned to Tian Xiangzi.

“Tian Xiangzi, your pure color giant colored glaze should be born out of bronze smelting? The fine colored glaze with impurities has been specially studied, isn’t it?”

“Subordinates dare not conceal it, it is true! The by-products of bronze smelting are often colored glaze with mixed textures. This is a completely new material! Subordinates have studied for more than ten years and finally mastered the manufacture of colored glaze. Technology.”

Chu Mo’s Tian Xiangzi is also very sensible, and also follows Zheng Guo’s appearance and claims to be a subordinate.

“Haha! Very good, this at least proves that you are not wasting your time!” Yingzheng praised and continued:

“Other princes treat you as useless because they don’t know how to discover the value of new technology! Like many wise men, rushing to the past, but not being reused, this is the same reason.”

“As far as the two of you are concerned, maybe even you yourself don’t know how important the technology you have is!

“Tell you, you don’t need to devalue yourself! The research results of the two of you are enough to prove that you are the talents of the world! This statement is not excessive at all.”

The talent of the world?

Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi were as stupid as they were. They were stuck there, wondering if they had heard it wrong. Even if they will not be arrogant, but the evaluation of winning the government is really embarrassing.

Can’t afford it!

Ying Zheng shook his head and sighed:

“Oh! It seems that you two have been suppressed for too long, and you don’t even believe in yourself! It doesn’t matter! This prince has already said that with me, people will inevitably make the best use of their talents and materials!”

“This newly built Baoyang county government has a separate Daqin Academy of Sciences inside, which has been vacant for a long time! Starting today, it will be your residence! In the future, it will also be the place where you do research. Talents should be treated as talents. !

0……Look for flowers…

Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi were shocked when he heard the words! Then they cried bitterly and couldn’t restrain themselves.

Although they don’t know about winning politics, and although they don’t know what the Daqin Academy of Sciences is for the time being, they can still hear the sincerity and appreciation in the words of winning politics.

How many years has it been?

They held the title of commander before the Mo School split, but who can look down on them?

After the Mo School split, they also chose to stand on their own and become giants, but how many eyes and contempt have they suffered?

The grievances and unwillingness that had been suppressed for a long time in my heart broke out completely at this moment!


“Zheng Guobucai, vowed to follow His Royal Highness all his life!”

“His Royal Highness, you are so kind to us, subordinates, subordinates

The two were choking, crying, and letting go.At this moment, they seemed to have regained their long-lost dignity!

What is corporal courtesy?

The guys like Meng Changjun and Chun Shenjun who have three thousand visitors are just asking for a pomp and a false name.

Only like Yingzheng, who can discover talents and reuse wise men, can they be regarded as corporal wise men!

This move to win the government is the same as Shang Yang’s reform of Shimu Lixin a hundred years ago.

Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi, who are not valued by others, can all have a great future in Qin. Wouldn’t those long-standing talents be more able to do it?

Of course, if there are only people with false names, then you can go as far as you can! Winning politics needs real talents!

Shen Lang calmed the two old friends who were emotionally exploded. After all, they were in front of His Royal Highness, so he couldn’t be ruled out.

Yingzheng can understand the mood of the two, and did not blame it. After their emotions stabilized, they spoke again:

“Zheng Guo, this prince plans to dig an artificial canal to open up Bashu, Hanzhong, and Guanzhong. This matter will be your responsibility, but not now! You can study it in advance and make preparations early.”

“Tian Xiangzi, Daqin Glass Factory, this prince will be handed over to you!”

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