Chapter 252 Waterwheel and glass, people, make the best use of their talents! Things, make the best use of them! [First update, please customize]

Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi, Yingzheng still has some impression of them. Especially Zheng Guo, the famous Zheng Guoqu, was constructed by the hydraulic engineer Zheng Guo in the later period.

The current situation is a little different. Zheng Guo has become a giant of Han Mo and came to Qin many years in advance.

In Baoyang County, the conversation continues.

“This prince is very clear about your intentions, so you don’t have to hide it! Daqin is willing to accept all the wise men Liangyou, Mohist, Confucian, Legalist, and peasant family, all can come to my Daqin for development. However, if you want to be reused, you still have to have it. Really learn!” Yingzheng picked it up directly.

This time, it is indeed said that the two people’s minds are in the mind, they are here to vote and win the government!

After receiving the letter from the giant Wei Mo, the two people were almost immediately moved. They are both giants, but Han Mo and Chu Mo are far different in strength than the other veins, and are eager to find a backer.

“His Royal Highness Ming Jian! The two of me are indeed here to join His Highness!” Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi said in unison.

“Yes! This prince, welcome! So, tell me what you all have!” Yingzheng’s question was relatively straightforward, and there was no detour at all.

Baoyang County is in the period of great development and urgently needs talents! Mohist 377 technical talents are even more needed.

Just talking about this matter, Zheng Guohetian Saizi was a bit hesitant to speak, cowering, hesitating, and his expression was extremely contorted.

After a brief struggle, Zheng Guo gritted his teeth and took out an exquisite “gadget” from his arms!

“His Royal Highness, please see, this is my Han Mo’s water wheel mechanism technique!” Zheng Guo’s voice was not loud, and he seemed to be lacking in confidence.

Ying Zheng looked closely and saw that what Zheng Guo was holding was a wheel-shaped object with a shaft in the middle and a seat at the bottom. Two circular wooden boards sandwiched grooves.

Waterwheel model? Didn’t the waterwheel exist from the Eastern Han Dynasty? Yingzheng recognized it at a glance!

“The water wheel mechanism is powered by the river, driving the wheel to rotate, and then it can irrigate the lower river water to the higher fields.”

“In addition, I have special gears in Han Mo’s vein, which are used to twist and drive, and use the power of running water to drive the grinding disc, grinding a flour or something, it’s not a problem.”

While talking, Zheng Guo glanced at Yingzheng’s face (aibd) again. The interest on Yingzheng’s face was very strong. He saw the value of this technology, but he also had a little doubt.

“Do you Han Mo rely on this kind of thing to gain a foothold in Han country?” Ying Zheng asked playfully.

“Ehhan country’s water conservancy technology is very powerful, and I can’t use my water wheel mechanics at all.” Zheng Guo replied with some embarrassment.

“In other words, the government and the opposition of the Han country did not reuse you Han Mo at all, did you? That’s why you came to take refuge in this prince? Forget it, it doesn’t matter! Your technology is still very valuable, but Han country I don’t know how to use it.”

Whether it is hydraulic irrigation or hydraulically driven millstones, this represents a kind of power system! The use of technical means to obtain power is already a great progress, and it can be said to be ahead of the entire era of knowledge.

“Tian Xiangzi, what are your Chu Mo skills?” Yingzheng didn’t want to embarrass Zheng Guo too much, and turned to ask Tian Xiangzi.

“My Chu Mo created a brand new material, which is also the result of my life’s research!” Tian Xiangzi hesitated and took out a long object from the package behind him.

“This kind of thing is transparent and strong, and it never rusts, and the fracture can be extremely sharp! Not only that, the ornaments and utensils made from this thing are extremely delicate, far better than pottery and bronze.”

“This kind of material was invented by me and named it colorless giant colored glaze!” After these words, Tian Xiangzi’s face turned red slightly.

Not flushing with excitement, but flushing with shame!

Strictly speaking, this kind of giant colored glaze is not as good as metal as a weapon, not as good as ceramics as a utensil, and even less as jewelry as jewelry. Why do you want it?

But in the eyes of Yingzheng, Ju Liuli is a treasure, and it has its unique purpose.

Because this kind of colorless giant colored glaze, replaced by later generations, is glass!

Different from metals, ceramics and jewelry, glass has its own exclusive and wide range of uses.

Han Mo’s waterwheel, Chu Mo’s glass, these two things made Yingzheng ponder for a long time, and he was silent. He was thinking about the reasons why Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi could become giants.

The division of the Mohist school into six is ​​actually the split between the six-finger black man and the five commanders.

Wei, Han, and Chu, the three Mos for writing; Yan, Qi, Zhao, and the Three Mos for Wu.

Wumo is a full-time force and becomes a Moxia; Wenmo is a scholar of research and exploration, and is for the Mozi. Wei Mo is responsible for the improvement of traditional technology, Chu Mo is responsible for the innovation of new materials, and Han Mo is responsible for the application of the power system!

The final result is that, compared with a separate Wenmo, Wumo alone has too many victories in force, and the status of each other is very different.

Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi began to beat the drums in their hearts after winning the government without speaking, uneasy and embarrassed.

They don’t have the slightest confidence in the technologies they have mastered!

Even, where these things can really be used, whether they are useful or not, they themselves are uncertain.

The circumstances of Han Mo and Chu Mo are basically the same. In Han country and Chu country, they can’t get along.

Relying on the skills that they two mastered, it was more than enough to confuse those who had never seen the world before. When they were in front of the powers of the princes, they were always scorned.

Relying on this kind of thing to take refuge in winning the government, they naturally have no bottom in their hearts!

But besides these, where are there other things that can be easily obtained?

When the two were thinking about it, Ying Zheng suddenly spoke, and his face was still happy:

“Water wheel mechanism technique, pure color giant colored glaze, um, not bad! This prince is very satisfied with these two things! However, the name is too long, so I can change it to water wheel and glass!

The affirmation of winning the government is no less than the sound of heaven for both Zheng Tian! It means that you have been hired and you have a job.

What does it mean to change the name of an organ technique? As long as the prince likes it, it doesn’t matter if you change their own name!

Just listen to Ying Zheng to continue:

“Waterwheel and glass are both very meaningful things! But with the minds of the monarchs of the six countries, they can’t imagine the benefits of them at all! You have no ambitions in Han and Chu, that is normal.”

“With this prince, you can rest assured! People make the best use of their talents, and everything is used to the best of their ability!”.

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