Chapter 251 Zhao Mo’s vein is extinct! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

Yan Ping, who was half lying on the ground, had no ability to resist. When Ying Zheng shook him out of the puppet, he was seriously injured.

“No! No! You can’t kill me! Are you trying to bring disaster to Qin State? My Zhao Mo’s battle puppet is invested in Six Nations, and you have no ability to resist!” Yan Ping roared.

Zhao Gao’s eyes were extremely cold, without any expression.

“Giant Zhao Mo? Do you dare to threaten my entire Daqin? Or in front of His Royal Highness? Speaking of the ability to find death, you are also very outstanding! Your Highness gave you a death, you should be grateful for Dade, don’t continue to make noise! “Speaking, Zhao Gao mentioned the Baoyang Shidao in his hand.

“Wait! This lord, I know it is wrong! I am willing to lead Zhao Mo to submit to the State of Qin, to submit to His Royal Highness! You can’t kill me!” Yan Ping was finally scared, begging for mercy, and put down his dignity in the face of life and death. .

But Zhao Gao ignored his begging for mercy.

The son’s command is “If his sins are not forgiven, give death”, then Yan Ping can only die, no change!

Hand up, knife down!

A big head tumbling a few times on the ground, and finally stopped.

The whole world was quiet, only Yan Ping’s eyes, with extremely horrified and unbelievable, still kept working hard and did not close.

Within the county government, Ying Zheng was the main seat, and Tian Yan stood behind him. Zhao Gao, with a panic-faced Sanmo giant, stood not far in front of Ying Zheng.

Yingzheng executed Yan Ping and Sanmo was grateful, but the three of them did not dare to imagine the consequences.

“His Royal Highness, Yan Ping is dead, the body has been disposed of, and the broken puppet was brought back by his subordinates.” Zhao Gao respectfully reported.

He is still very careful in doing things. The puppet is a good thing at first glance. Although it has been dismantled by the son a lot, it can be kept, at least it can be studied.

Ying Zheng nodded slightly and said calmly:

“Since the giant Zhao Mo dared to threaten my Da Qin, there is no need for Zhao Mo to exist! Xiao Gao, do you understand what I mean? Go ahead and do it now. 々!”

Zhao Gao immediately understood him, bowed his head, and left the room.

The dialogue between the master and servant is extremely simple, but the content is not simple! The meaning contained therein shocked the giant Sanmo.

Zhao Mo’s foundation and location are naturally in the country of Zhao.Nowadays, the word of winning the government is to completely eliminate the people of Zhao Mo’s line!

Is it really that easy? Such an understatement?

The Sanmo giants, including Shen Lang, are far from the core members of Yingzheng, and they naturally don’t know what kind of momentum Yingzheng holds!

“There is no need to exist anymore”, then all the people in Zhao Mo’s line, the final result they face can only be completely cut to death, and there is no possibility of being spared at all.

Kindness also depends on objects.

As long as any one of Zhao Mo escapes, then Zhao Mo’s puppet manufacturing technology may be introduced into the six countries. As soon as the fighting puppet emerges, Qin is not afraid, but it is also very likely to cause a large number of casualties.

Killing is heavier!

“His Royal Highness, do you really want to wipe out Zhao Mo’s line?” Shen Lang hesitated, but still asked.

“This is natural! Yan Ping is able to say that kind of emboldened words, at least it shows that Zhao Mo does have some power. Although Da Qin is not afraid, but meaningless casualties, there is no need to happen.” Ying Zheng said with a calm expression. .

After receiving a positive answer, Shen Lang, Zheng Guo, and Tian Lizi were all shocked, and they had begun to silently mourn for the disciples of Zhao Mo’s line.

In fact, there is not much sympathy for Yan Ping, Zhao Mo, and Sanmo.

Liu Mo belonged to the Mo family, but the internal struggle never stopped, it was already like this before the split. For example, Yan Ping had always been arrogant to the Three Mo giants before the split, and was above all else.

The strength is not as good as people, they can only bear it!

Have to endure, and be extremely obedient, and dare not disobey, otherwise,

Even if it is a little bit of rebellion against Yan Ping, or makes him unhappy, it is very likely that he will be slaughtered directly by Yan Ping! Yan Ping’s behavior is like this, and the disciples under him are not much better. The same is true of Zhang Ba start!

Wei Mo’s Shen Lang is more or less stronger, Han Mo, Chu Mo, that is not enough to be an outsider, it is too humiliating!

Thinking of these past events, the giant Sanmo began to vent his emotions.

“His Royal Highness is very true! All the people in Zhao Mo’s line are going to die, cutting grass and roots, not one can stay! And Zhao Mo’s disciples, to be honest, there is no good thing at all! Relying on the strength of the battle puppet, it has long been dead. Keep the Mohist family’s door rules in your eyes!”

“Indeed, most of Zhao Mo’s disciples are of the same virtue as Yan Ping. They are self-righteous and extremely exquisite! In the Mo family before, they always bullied other disciples, and even the Six-Finger Black Xia had nothing to do.

*”They are deemed worthy of their sins. Moreover, His Royal Highness personally sent someone to deal with them. They are also considered to have accumulated virtues in the previous life to have this kind of honor!”

“Even if they have any complaints, it is no wonder that His Royal Highness! Yan Ping threatened Da Qin over his own power, and his sin is unforgivable! His death alone is not enough to atone for his sins! Zhao Mo’s line can be regarded as an atonement for Yan Ping. !”

“These Zhao Mo disciples were mostly protected by Yan Ping in the past, bullying others, and now they deserve it! Besides, since they elected Yan Ping as a giant, they can only blame them for lacking a wink. ”

The three of them were you who spoke to me, spitting Yan Ping and Zhao Mo to their heart’s content, and seemed to have a posture of opening a long story.

The look on Yingzheng’s face showed a trace of impatience, and he gently raised an arm. The three people “filled with righteous indignation” instantly stopped speaking and quieted down.

“This prince personally acted to save you two. It is not for you (good Zhao Zhao) to come and flatter you. These words have no meaning! The prince’s order does not require you to comment on it.” Ying Zheng said indifferently. .

Shen Lang smiled confusingly, and left Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi’s side, silently standing beside Ying Zheng.

Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi were more embarrassed, and they were at a loss.

The two of them didn’t mean that they were born with only flattery, and they themselves were unwilling to scare.

But under various oppression and threats for a long time, seeing the wind and flattery, almost turned into instinct, and habitually blurted out.

If they don’t do this, they won’t be able to gain a foothold within the Mo Family!

If the weak want to survive, they can only choose to rely on the strong.

When the two of them were at a loss, they just listened to Ying Zheng and continued to speak:

“To do things with this prince, as long as you have real talents, this prince will naturally reuse you!”.

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