Chapter 250 Threaten Daqin? Give death! [Third update, please customize]

According to Yan Ping’s estimation, after a long period of fighting, the innate qi for winning politics should have been exhausted, but the final outbreak of winning politics has no meaning at all.

“What kind of exercises are you practicing? How could there be so much true energy! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!” Yan Ping said in anger.

Winning the government is not in the mood to talk about it anymore. Does this prince have to tell you about the cultivation of the emperor’s consummation technique?

The puppet of the Innate Limit is maimed, and even if Yan Ping is not dead, he will not be able to raise the slightest storm! His own cultivation base is about the first and second grade of Innate. What’s the deal?

There is no need to win the government and send out a few of them. Yan Ping can’t parry.

The giant Sanmo hiding in the distance saw Yan Ping fall to the ground as he won the government. Their hanging hearts finally let go and came to Yan Ping together.

“Yan Ping, do you now know the majesty of His Royal Highness? With your strength, relying on a puppet to want to compete with His Royal Highness in 08 is really overwhelming! Firefly dare to compete with Haoyue?”

“His Royal Highness Prince Daqin, how could he be like a mortal like me? You are so arrogant and arrogant, you are already doomed to fail! Patriarch’s proud works are all implicated by you!”

“His Royal Highness the Prince is adhering to the general trend of the world and came to the world, with supreme fortune! Following the virtues of heaven and being favored by the heavens, how could it be defeated by you, such an overpowering madman? What a shame!”

Three Mo giants, you said and I said, to Yan Ping was a big curse, and he almost fainted with the anger and anger of the four sons of Zhao Qi, who had high self-esteem.

However, Yan Ping knew that he couldn’t faint at this time, and he had not yet reached the end of his life!

Forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, looked angrily at the three Mo giants who had only promised him on weekdays, and listened to their endless mockery of himself.

All this made Yan Ping’s eyes split apart, and he couldn’t wait to kill all three of them immediately!

But now he doesn’t have this ability anymore, and Yan Ping sets his sights on the winner:

“Unexpectedly, my famous name, Yan Ping I, fell in the field like this, and was bullied by a few flattering villains! But, win the government, don’t be proud of it! Don’t think that the puppet who destroys the innate limit can sit back and relax! How can it be compared with Zhao Mo of this giant?”

Sanmo was scolded by Yan Ping, and naturally he would not show weakness!

“Oh! When did you have a fame? It’s just relying on a puppet! Without a puppet, what are you? Is there anything else Zhao Mo can handle?” Tian Xiangzi’s words are full Forgetting contempt and disdain, Yan Ping and Zhao Mo are no longer in sight.

“Yan Ping, don’t bluff in front of me! Zhao Mo is no big deal! We all know each other well, if you have something that you can grasp, why do you need the steelmaking method of Kaijian this giant?” Shen Lang is also a ruthless mockery.

Zheng Guo then made another knife:

“Zhao Mo is no longer qualified to be a puppet without innate limits! And, Yan Ping, do you think you can live and leave today?”

Sanmo sprayed wildly again, but Yan Ping had a little immunity, and his mentality was no longer so irritable, besides, he still held a life-saving trump card in his hand.

“Yes! I, Zhao Mo, didn’t have a puppet, and indeed I was nothing! This is also normal. Zhao Mo inherited the technique of making puppets! Do not rely on puppets, do you have to rely on iron?” Yan Ping retorted faintly. After that, he looked at winning politics without saying a word.

“Winning politics, do you think that this giant came to Baoqin without making any preparations? You are wrong! My Zhao Mo’s technique of making puppets is unparalleled in the world! This giant has worked hard over the years and created countless kinds of battles for Zhao Mo’s research. puppet!”

“Huh! Don’t think that this giant is the kind of farmer Kui Tianguang! You can kill Tian Guang because of the farmer’s sect. They are not good at fighting, they are just crops!”

“Once this giant has any accident in Qin, I, Zhao Mo, will inevitably put all kinds of powerful puppets into the six nations. With the financial resources of the six nations, countless fighting puppets will appear, even if they can’t be reached. It is still possible to reach the innate realm to the limit of innateness!”

“At that time, the kingdom of Qin will face the calamity of extinction! The anger of the six kingdoms will completely tear up the kingdom of Qin! Completely divide it!

“How about? Win the government, you dare not kill this giant! If you don’t want the Qin country to be destroyed, kill these three grassy rubbish now, immediately, and immediately! Then give the steelmaking method to this giant, this way Come, this giant can only consider whether to let Qin State go!”

As soon as Yan Ping’s words came out, Sanmo’s face turned pale.

Zhao Mo’s strength is indeed to create a variety of powerful puppets, which is unmatched by the other five inks. If these puppet manufacturing technologies are really put into the six countries, the consequences will be disastrous!

Thinking of this, the three of them turned their heads and looked at Winning Government with some fear, for fear that Winning Government really agreed to Yan Ping’s request. what.

The expression on Yingzheng’s face has not changed at all. He is completely dismissive of Yan Ping’s threatening words, and even has no interest in continuing to talk with Yan Ping. 377

Ignoring the three people who looked terrified, Ying Zheng didn’t even look at Yan Ping again. Instead, he turned around and walked straight in the direction of the county government.

There is only a faint word floating in the air:

“Xiao Gao, this person dared to threaten Da Qin, his sins are not forgiven, and he will die!”

During the speech, the pace of winning the government did not stop at all, and walked into the county office step by step.

Zhao Gao has always been hiding not far away, and he is not able to participate in the innate limit of the battle.

At this moment, having received the order to win the government, Zhao Gao walked out of the shadows and walked to Yan Ping without expression.

The panic-stricken Sanmo giant now opened his eyes wide in disbelief, looking back at Yingzheng’s departure, recalling the words just now.

Give death!

The three of them were almost moved to tears.

His Royal Highness took great risks and still chose to save the three of them! This kindness far exceeds their own value!

There was a life-saving grace before, and an act of benevolence afterwards. The giant Sanmo was so grateful for winning the government that it was indispensable! When encountering such a monarch, dare not to die?

Yan Ping, who was half lying on the ground, had a dead face at this time.

In a word from Yingzheng, he has already been sentenced to death.

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