Chapter 249 Kill Yan Ping, the prince mighty! [Second update, please customize]

Yan Ping had been insulted by the Sanmo giant, and now he was anxious, and he was mercilessly attacking Tian Xiangzi and Zheng Guo.

Seeing that the two were defeated, at a critical juncture, the victory still blocked Yan Ping.

However, this time the shot left a bit of strength to win the government.

A puppet with an innate limit can be met but not sought, perhaps there is only one in front of you!

At the very least, Yingzheng wants to know more about it. If this kind of thing can be mass-produced, then Da Qin doesn’t even need to raise the army!

Taking advantage of the fighting between Ying Zheng and Yan Ping, the three of Shen Lang, Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi quickly slid into the distance. The two masters compete, even if it is the aftermath of the battle, it is not easy to bear.

“The strength of His Royal Highness Prince Prince is really too strong! It turned out that “37-7″ completely crushed the puppets!” Tian Xiangzi sighed.

“Yeah, if there is no such thing as His Royal Highness, I am afraid that the two of me would have died of Huangquan! At that moment, I still feel frightened when I think of it.” Zheng Guo’s face was still pale, he was obviously frightened, and he hadn’t slowed down. Come here.

“That’s natural! His Royal Highness the Prince is a strong figure born in the great fortune of heaven and earth, Tian Zongqi オ! How can Yan Ping be able to contend? The achievements of His Royal Highness will definitely not be under the Patriarch in the future!” Shen Lang’s expression is extremely Proud, it seems that the person who pressed and beat Yan Ping was like himself.

“However, you two, how come you and Yan Ping this evil star are walking together?” Shen Lang asked suspiciously.

“I’m ashamed!” Zheng Guo’s eyes filled with “mist”, and Tian Xiangzi looked at each other, Tian Xiangzi also looked like this.

“Let me talk about it!” Tian Xiangzi took the conversation, “Brother Shen, didn’t you send a letter to the two of me some time ago? The letter said that you were mixed up well before the Prince’s driving, and both of us were in my heart. Happy for you, so I thought about coming to see you.

“I set off from Chu State and arrived at Han State first, and then when the two of me were planning to come to Qin State together, Yan Ping’s evil star controlled the puppet and held us both!”

Shen Lang nodded and understood the ins and outs.

Zheng Guo next to him added:

“Yan Ping knows the relationship between the three of our brothers. He intends to use me and Tian Xiangzi to blackmail you! Fortunately, His Royal Highness has such a shocking cultivation level, otherwise, we will not be spared!”

After speaking, Zheng Guo’s expression became even more embarrassing, and tears flowed intermittently.

It seems to be telling a moving story of the brothers who have been separated for many years, after experiencing countless hardships and hardships, finally come together again.

Invisibly, the friendship between the three of them has been aggravated.

“His Royal Highness, the courtesy and corporal, there is absolutely nothing to say about talents!” Shen Lang was also extremely grateful for winning the government.

During the time when the three of them were talking, the battle between Ying Zheng and Yan Ping came to an end.


The strength to win the government weakened, and Yan Ping immediately sensed it, and was ecstatic in his heart.

He thought that the previous strategy was head-to-head, although on the surface it was not obvious that the winning government was injured, but in fact, it must have reduced the strength of the winning government a lot.

Perhaps in the first palm, what secret method was used to win the government is not necessarily true.

As a result, Yan Ping’s offensive became more fierce, and the puppet’s various powerful abilities were fully displayed. Even if the winning government cannot be defeated immediately, at least the internal strength of the winning government can be greatly damaged.

If you fight for consumption, no warrior can compare with the puppet!

Winning politics is the exception.

With the power of the emperor’s confinement technique, he is not afraid of any consumption at all, and he is full of vitality in one breath!

And in the process of fighting, the secrets of the puppets were completely exposed.

The Patriarch of the Mo Family is worthy of being a wizard of heaven, a puppet of innate limit, far more powerful than a warrior.

The best part is the material!

The material of the puppet is divided into two layers: the surface and the inside.

The filamentous material covered on the surface is similar to a spider web; the material inside is a kind of composite metal. In addition to the characteristics of the two materials, the commonality is more important.

They can fuse innate true essence!

For the martial artist below the innate, what remains in the dantian is internal force; the innate martial artist is true qi, and in fact it condenses into a liquid; the innate limit, this realm is equivalent to a half-step master, is a process of the transformation of zhenqi to true essence .

True essence is like liquid mercury, which is more advanced in level.

Ying Zheng has completely reached the level of True Essence, which can only be achieved by the great master, and Mo Zi is only at this level.

The reason why the puppet can reach the innate limit is because Mozi uses his own true essence to keep warm, so that the innate true essence is contained in the material of the puppet.

This process is likely to take decades or even longer!

Although it takes a long time, the benefits are also obvious.

The Innate True Essence integrated in the material will never dissipate, and it will always be closely integrated with the material itself, whether it is attack or defense, all have been upgraded to several levels!

The man who manipulates the puppet only needs to consume a very small amount of true qi to stimulate the puppet itself, which is enough to crush the strong innate limit.

Seeing through the essence of all this, there is no need to continue fighting with Yan Ping to win the government, and the real strength suddenly burst out!

The whole puppet was demolished by Ying Zheng with bare hands by one-third, and it was seriously damaged.

I originally thought that after cracking the secret of the puppet, I could create a batch of things of the same level, but this technology took too long!

It takes more than decades to warm up a puppet, what’s the use of it?

Really wait until decades later, not to mention that the Six Kingdoms will definitely be subdued by Da Qin, the Huns in the north, Baiyue in the south, the more distant Western Regions, and even the other side of the ocean are all likely to be brought under the rule of Da Qin!

Spending a lot of time on the puppet is really not worth the loss.


Yan Ping, who was hidden inside the puppet, was stunned out of it, vomiting blood, and fell to the ground.

“Why do you suddenly become so strong?” Yan Ping’s face was pale, and red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his expression was shocked and inexplicable.

I couldn’t believe this result, he never thought he would lose!

The extremely powerful puppet should have no rivals in this world. With this puppet, even a master like the six-finger black man had to give in and didn’t dare to make a mistake.

Otherwise, how could the Mohist tycoon allow internal divisions to happen?

How can it be lost in the hands of a young man?

“The prince has already said that with a puppet, it is not your turn to show off in front of the prince!” Ying Zheng said coldly. .

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