Chapter 248 You commit suicide and apologize! [First update, please customize]

Ying Zheng and Yan Ping, or puppets with innate limits, first played against each other, and settled the verdict!

In the dangerous situation just now, the speed of the puppet was too fast, and Shen Lang had subconsciously closed his eyes and waited for death. He didn’t expect that after a loud noise, he himself was unharmed.

When he opened his eyes, he saw at first sight the winning government standing in front of him, holding his hand in hand, extremely relaxed and freehand, and his demeanor was as usual.

Looking at the puppet on the opposite side, the green body is still majestic, but the metal arm just now seems to be a little damaged, especially in the hand hall, where the silky texture on the surface has disappeared~ a large area.

In the palm just now, Ying Zheng used the technique of bone-breaking and chaotic fist. The domineering innate true essence crazily invaded the puppet’s arm, causing huge damage to the puppet.

That is, the puppet, its internal structure is different from the warrior, and the material is also very outstanding. If it is replaced by other warriors, it is really “-broken and chaotic.”

Zheng Guo, Tian Xiangzi, and Shen Lang all saw the scene in front of them. They were surprised and even beyond their cognition.

The human body can actually compete with the innate limit of the puppets? It seems that they still occupy the top? It’s incredible! Even the person involved Yan Ping didn’t believe what had happened just now, and was stunned.

The emperor’s confession of the gods is always a secret, and Yingzheng has never leaked his skills. No one can imagine it at all, what he cultivates is the Heavenly Grade Cultivation Technique!

The first level of the sun and the moon is the same glory, becoming more and more profound, reaching the third small level, which makes the root and understanding of winning the government stronger; the second level of the same life, it is pure body training, and it is refined to the greatest extent. , Will become an immortal existence.

Divine power protects the body, how can a mere puppet hurt the victory?

The scene fell into a weird and quiet, Ying Zheng did not pursue, and Yan Ping was silly on the spot.

Shen Lang, who had escaped from the dead, was the first to react. With the victory of the government occupying the summit, his waist was finally strong and could be straight!

“Bold and Yan Ping! His Royal Highness, before driving, didn’t immediately kneel down! I don’t know how to live or die, but I dare to be fierce in front of His Highness? Quickly kneel down and admit your mistakes! His Royal Highness treats others generously, if you can sincerely regret it, maybe I can leave you a whole body!”

I saw Shen Lang with one hand on his hips, while the other hand kept pointing at Yan Ping, constantly yelling.

Tian Xiangzi and Zheng Guo on the opposite side heard Shen Lang’s words, and they were quite speechless:

Sincerely regret it, that is, leave a whole body, then regret it?

This kind of arrogance is nothing short of arrogance! There is the support of winning politics behind, so Shen Lang dares to speak such arrogant words.

Yan Ping, who was stupid in place, suffered such insults and woke up from shock. His heart burst into endless anger, his teeth creaked.

“Fart! Shen Lang, you villain! If anything, we two will fight each other! What can be proud of hiding behind others?” Yan Ping angrily rebuked.

“Ming stubborn!” Shen Lang glanced contemptuously, and then said awe-inspiringly:

“Yan Ping, you, as a giant Zhao Mo, are so good that you don’t understand the truth! Stay on the land of Da Qin and bathe in the brilliance of Da Qin. Everything must be controlled by King Qin and His Royal Highness! How can you do whatever you want? ?”

“I don’t kneel when I see your Royal Highness. Maybe your Highness doesn’t care about ants like you, but you are violent. Is this something that people can say? Dogs can’t spit out ivory! They can’t speak wildly! Yan Ping , You deserve to die!”

“No, maybe you don’t even know how to write the word’death’? It’s really the greatest shame of Shen Lang in my life to join you as a giant of the Mo family! You should commit suicide and apologize, don’t let the Mo family grandpa continue to be deceived because of you Shame!”

Commit suicide right

This is obviously only Yanping Gang said, and as it is now SHEN your money back!

One kind of hearty, waving feel comfortable with wine, Chen Lang waves in the heart.

Tian Xiang Zi and Zheng finally to recognize the current situation, taking advantage of the Yan Ping do not pay attention, cast legs legs, quickly ran to the side of Chen Lang, two people learn the same way SHEN, Yan Ping on point finger and said:

“Yan Ping, all kinds of evil you have not qualified to continue as people! Relied on ancestral leave puppet, rogue! I always keep two part, even by your stress, is simply shameless!”

“I just held hostage by the duo also fills, but the two I brought to the land of Daqin, even dare to implement Zhang! Now that foot on the land of Daqin that bathed the King of Qin Hui and His Royal Highness Prince of God, how you can blaspheming? etiquette knowledge, have learned the dog stomach yet? ”

0……Look for flowers…

“It is shameless to the extreme! To the extreme! I have two Zenken cahoots with you? Zhao ink giant, oh! You such a person can become a giant, really Mohists shame!”

Following Chen Lang, two men in front of Yan Ping is a stream of abuse.

Wei ink, ink Han, Chu ink, they could have been three relatively weak, far less than the other three, so they are among the three giant faint there has been a relationship of alliance, personal relationship is quite good.

The process of scolding Yan Ping, the two also points to some of the simple reason, Chen Lang will understand probably, three united again with steam enemy!

After suffering such a scolding, Yan Ping hidden in the puppet’s face, already purple with rage, whole body trembling, he had never been subjected to such humiliation.

And humiliate his people, or three general waste stuff!

This is how people can accept?

“Chen Lang, Zheng Tian Xiang Zi, the three of you Gouzhangrenshi thing! Now this giant took your pathetic life! Satisfied life!” Yan Ping roaring sound, fit towards the trio fury.

Three of the courage it touches on a number of strong, already have at least the courage to resist, and they are not weak, everyone is a congenital master.

Face of the raging Yan Ping, the three together, Yingkang blow.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three consecutive loud noise!

Puppet innate limits, they can not fully compete, three gorgeous inverted back ~

Yan Ping heart hate high, especially for Tian Xiang Zi and Zheng, the chicken defection of villain, if necessary, kill then fast! A dodge, Yan Ping in the direction of recovery of the past two inverted.

This two people are not stupid, completely understand the terrorist puppet, definitely not they be able to compete! Ying Zheng then just see easily, it is people’s strength is strong enough, not who can Yingkang.

A split, the two broke out terror desire to survive, hiss shouted their only hope:

“His Royal Highness Prince St., help!”

“His Royal Highness Prince St., help!”

In unison plant,

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