Chapter 247 Giant Zhao Mo, you are so brave! [Fourth update, please customize]

The newly built government office in Baoyang County is magnificent and majestic, and ordinary people dare not make trouble here.

But today, it was Zhao Mo and Yan Ping who came to “kick the hall”.

“Shen Lang, you traitor, scum, shame of the Mo Family! Get out of here quickly!” An extremely loud voice came in from outside the county office.

“It’s Yan Ping’s voice! Zhao Mo’s people are here!” Shen Lang’s eyes were full of horror.

“It came very fast! Haha!” Ying Zheng sneered, “You will meet him first, and see what Zhao Mo’s giant means!

Shen Lang was just stunned

Should I go first? Will it be Yanping?

He instinctively wanted to refuse! But he didn’t dare to violate the order to win the government. After a little hesitation, Shen Lang still stepped out.

Based on his understanding of Yingzheng, he believes that His Royal Highness will not abandon himself easily!

Outside the palace gate of the county government, Shen Lang saw a humanoid puppet with a strong aura, as well as Han Mo giant Zheng Guo and Chu Mo giant Tian Xiangzi with two faces.

When Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi saw Shen Lang coming out, they immediately looked for help. They were pitiful, but they didn’t dare to move.

373 “Shen Lang, you have the courage! You really dare to face this giant!” The humanoid puppet made the voice of Zhao Mo giant Yan Ping, but his tone was extremely disdainful.

“For the sake of being a disciple of the Mo family, I kindly remind you, Yan Ping, you’d better not mess around here! This is the mansion of His Royal Highness the Prince, and no outsiders can be disturbed!” Yingzheng carried it out. It seemed that if he came this way, he would feel a little bit courageous in his heart.

“His Royal Prince? I’m a good dog! You are a really good dog! Abandoned the dignity of the disciple of the Mo family, and bowed in front of the prince of Violent Qin, even dare to speak insult to this giant?” Yan Ping mocked Shen Lang wantonly.

“Although you are now a running dog of Qin Qin, this giant can’t help but miss the friendship of the same family and hand over the steelmaking method. Then, you can commit suicide and apologize! Don’t let this giant take the action personally!” Yan Ping arrogantly road.

“Huh! Yan Ping, don’t speak so righteously! Your purpose is simply the steelmaking method! The Mo family has six points, you and I are both giants, whoever Wei Mo wants to join does not need your consent. “Shen Lang’s heart is straight, but his face is tough.

“In that case, you are not willing to do what this giant said? Could it be that you don’t know this puppet controlled by this giant? Or do you think you can contend with the innate limit? Huh?” Yan Ping said The words were high above, and Shen Lang didn’t put Shen Lang in his eyes at all.

This puppet is actually the first time Shen Lang has seen it.It is all green, and it wraps Yan Ping tightly from head to toe.It also has two sharp horns on the helmet, and the whole is very sturdy. The breath of fierceness.

In front of the puppet of the innate limit, Shen Lang did not have the confidence to speak.

The strength is not as good as that of human beings, how dare to be hard-hearted? With a cold snort, Shen Lang cast his sights on Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi.

“You two, what do you mean? Are you also in collusion with Yan Ping?”

Hearing Shen Lang’s inquiry, Zheng Guo and Tian Xiangzi immediately wanted to explain, but after Yan Ping’s glance swept over, the two of them were silent and afraid to speak.

“Huh! It’s useless to say more! Shen Lang, since you refuse to take the initiative to surrender the steelmaking method, then don’t blame this giant for being ruthless! All of this is your own humiliation!” To step forward, he intends to restrain Shen Lang before he asks about the steelmaking law.

At this moment, an endlessly majestic and cold voice came from within the county office:

“Who is making noise in my Baoyang County office? What a bold man!”

When Shen Lang heard this voice, his heart suddenly became calm, this is the voice of His Royal Highness!

Yan Ping, who was on the opposite side, also followed the voice and looked over, only to see that the door of the palace opened, and an extraordinary young man walked out of it.

It was the Great Qin Prince and Ding Tianjun who won the power!

The steps of winning the government are very calm, not hurried, but it feels like a big mountain is pressing against you, unable to resist or avoid.

Even Yan Ping, who was in the puppet, felt the same way.

“This kind of momentum is really shocking! The ability to kill Lianpo, who is 7-innate, is indeed a well-deserved reputation!” Yan Ping nodded secretly in his heart, and determined that Winning was a strong man with powerful strength.

However, the puppet of the innate limit is his greatest reliance! With this puppet, even if the winning government is stronger, even if the winning government can reach the realm of the innate limit, it is also not the opponent of the puppet!

Thinking of this, Yan Ping felt confident again.

“You are the Prince Qin who won the government? I advise you, don’t be nosy! This giant is here to clear the door today, and outsiders are not qualified to intervene!” Yan Ping’s tone remains the same as before, and it has not changed at all because of the emergence of the winning government.

“This prince thought it was a mad dog barking here! It turned out to be a puppet of Zhao Mo! Yan Ping, this is what you rely on? Do you think that by controlling this puppet, you can have the qualifications to be in front of the prince? Huh? Where does the confidence come from!”

A series of words were spoken from the mouth of Yingzheng, and Yan Ping was not in the slightest.

Standing next to Shen Lang also became hardened with the emergence of the victory, and agreed:

“Bold and Yanping! Who gave you the courage to call the Prince’s name directly! Have you rinsed your mouth? Have you burned incense and prayed? Have you bathed and changed your clothes? A stinky mouth, full of foul smell, and dare to be in front of His Royal Highness act wildly!”

Although Shen Lang is not sure about the specific martial arts training for winning politics, he has reached a fanatical worship of winning politics for so long, not only has inexplicable confidence in the strength of winning politics, but also does not allow outsiders. There is the slightest disrespect!

Yan Ping, who was on the opposite side, couldn’t bear this curse, and the little giant Wei Mo dared to speak bad words, he was really impatient!

Yan Ping, who was in a rage, did not hesitate anymore, manipulating the puppet, rushing toward Shen Lang like a thunder, raising his hand with a palm, and patted Shen Lang on the top of the head.

Up to now, he doesn’t care about the shit steelmaking method, the big deal is to directly ask the winning government, and he has the courage to refuse it if he wants to win the government!

At the moment when the puppet’s palm was about to slap Shen Lang’s head, even Yu Yan Ping had imagined a scene where his brain was cracked, and a white jade-like palm stood in the middle out of thin air.


The two palms collided and there was a loud noise.

The figure of the puppet retreated several steps in succession, Fang Yu steadied his figure; on the other hand, the owner of the palm was as stable as Mount Tai.

Don’t move, don’t shake!.

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